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Yes My kid should be drafted to MLB

Updated on January 4, 2017

Major Leaguer in the Making

My son like any other kid started out at age 5 playing t-ball, he hated it and didnt want anything to do with hitting that ball off of the batting t, he wanted his dad to pitch it to him. He refused to swing at all when it was on the t so his coach (who wasnt very happy) had to pitch it to him every time! We of course knew that day that he was destined to be a major league baseball player!

Moving up

Fast-forward to major league (age 10-12 in little league) our son was the slugger on the team his first year he hit 7 home runs!!! So the following year he beat his own record and was the cutest little blonde headed left handed pitcher on the mound!! We knew then he was definitely headed to the big leagues!! So year 3 and everyone knew his name, other teams wanted to be able to strike him out or to be able to hit a home run off the lefty and if you could do that you were one of the best!! So his last year playing in the major league bracket he hit 13 home runs!! He was famous in a small town, mothers of the other kids hated him, coaches wanted their kids to be like him, we knew he was headed for great things!

Hes Getting there!

He played the next year in Junior league, he was the young guy on the team, the pressure was on, mean while down in majors the other kids were trying to break his homerun record! He only hit 6 home runs his first year in junior league and so we decided to move him up to senior league, by now he was in 8th grade and about to go in 9th that following year, so he needed to be challenged if he was going to mae the Varsity team his 9th grade year! So of course we pushed him and that summer he did really good ! The true test came the following March when it was time to try out for the high school team as we all know not many 9th graders get on the varsity baseball team unless they are good and even at out small high school it was no different, and of course even though our child had a reputation behind him he was just another small fish in a big sea! It was 3 days of tryouts and his dad and I were as nervous as the day he was born (we of course knew he could do it) so after the 3rd day as we watch every kid get his fate, we watched nervously as our baby boy, our all star,our next major league baseball player walked up to the coaches! We looked at his facial expressions as he received his fate, his face was just sullen looking until he got to the car and broke out with a big smile, he had done it, he our all star had made the Varsity team as a 9th grader!! We never doubted that he wouldn't make it of course he was destined to be an all star!!

He's almost made it!!

Our first true test was his first real high school game, he was on the team but was he going to just be a bench warmer, that was our next worry!! Not one game did our major league all star ever sit the bench!! So fast forward to 10th grade, same situation, same tryouts, same nerves because as our high school coach says "no one is guaranteed a spot" you had to earn it!! So he made it again this time a sophomore and of course we knew he would!! At the end of the year he made the bayside all star first team and was the only kid in 10 years who had received such an honor!! Yes we knew he was headed for the majors!! It wasnt easy because he still holds the record in little league and some of his older team mates were not very nice to him but he made it through unscathed because he knew he deserved it and that he has the love of the game!! So here we are today hes in 11th grade same tryouts, same scenario and we still beleive hes going to be a major league player one day, so stay tuned!!

Did he make it!

Well jr year tryouts are over, the suspense was killing me! This was the first year that we didn't have to wait in the car to hear the news, since he drives now, we had to wait at home for that long awaited text message!! I knew practice was over at 5 and the players would learn their fate, so at 5:30 still no text! Since the suspense was killing us, my hubby and I text him at the same time, no response!! Finally 30 minutes later he responded with, did you have any doubt?? Well no of course not, he is our all star, our major leaguer in the making! So he made Varsity one more time and we know he loves the game but we also worry about if the new kids are going to replace him in his position! Will this be the year he has to sit the bench some innings, I guess we will have to wait and see!! Of course, we as his parents know he will do great things because he is our little blonde haired lefty, our little slugger and of course our Major League player in the making!!

now hes a senior

Senior year is upon our mlb hopeful and guess what, he wants to be a Marine!! After many hours of emailing coaches he seems to not care anymore about playing baseball in college! My hubby and I are just dumbfounded!! I guess maybe there is still hope because he is still excited about playing Varsity baseball this year!We can only hope this year he does something really awesome and those college scouts will be watching or maybe he will be drafted right out of high school!! We can only dream!!

my lefty!
my lefty!
Who ME??
Who ME??
Ready for the big leagues!
Ready for the big leagues!

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