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10 Ways To Keep Your Face Looking Young

Updated on April 21, 2019
Stephanie Billon profile image

Stephanie Billon is a writer, enjoys being a mother, health & fitness pro, a promotional model & brand ambassador, and estate sales planner

Skin is the Largest Organ in our Body

The skin is also the first place that signals imbalance in your body. When there are sudden noticeable changes somewhere on your skin, you then know something is changing or not quite right.

Because your skin is so important to most people, it is also something that makes us feel confident when we know it's appearing clear, radiant, and beautiful.

Here are 10 Key Principles to Keep your Skin Radiant

1. Cleanse well but don't be rough. Have you ever taken a baby wipe or face wipe and wiped your hands or face and seen what has been left on the wipe? Even when you don't even appear to look dirty and maybe you are not even wearing any makeup; there is such nasty dirtiness left on the wipe that grosses me out. Basically, wash your face every morning and every night. Wash it well but don't strip it of it's natural oils.

2. Always apply moisturizer when you are finished washing your face morning and night. Depending on what type of skin you have helps to determine what kind of moisturizer that you will use.

Know Your Skin Type: Take the Test

Cleanse your face and leave it bare for a couple of hour. Don't put anything on it; not even moisturizer.

You Have Dry Skin:

If your skin feels super tight and you are feeling desperate to use moisturizer.

You Have Sensitive Skin:

If touching your face leaves red marks that take a long time to go away. Sometimes your skin gets flushed when you apply a product.

You Have Oily Skin:

If your skin is really shiny.

You Have Normal Skin:

If your skin has a light sheen.

The Most Damaging of all

3. Apply UV protection all year round and not just on sunny days. Using a moisturizer with SPF every morning is a good way to start your day. UVA rays are the ones that penetrate deeper in your skin and can cause skin aging and skin cancer. UVA damage is not reversible and we must protect ourselves at all times of the year from these rays. Wearing sunscreen rated SPF 30 or greater is the #1 anti-wrinkle product you can use.

4. Take the Omega Oil supplement for a huge benefit to your skin. Omega oil strengthens cell membranes and helps to keep cells intact, plump, and looking radiant. It can also help to repair damage and rebuild it.

5. Water intake daily is one of the most important things that you can do to make yourself look better and look years younger. Take your weight and divide it in half. Whatever the number is, you need to drink that much water in ounces. It seems like a lot but every major organ in your body is made up of mostly water. We need to be drinking more water than we think we do. Hydration is the quickest way to help your skin look radiant and youthful.

Here is what Vitamin A does for your Skin

6. Use skincare products containing Vitamin A Whether you get it from your diet or in a topical cream. Vitamin A is almost a wonder vitamin due to the fact that it has several benefits and research keeps finding more.

  • It protects against UV damage
  • It slows signs of aging
  • It encourages healthy skin cell production
  • It protects against infection. Your skin is an important part of the immune system and the first defense against pollutants.
  • It smooths wrinkles.
  • It stimulates collagen production.
  • It clears up acne
  • It evens skin tone and gives you a glow.

Women should aim for 700 mcg of vitamin A daily, while men should get 900 mcg daily.

Healthy Skin from the inside Out

7. Everything that we put into our bodies have either an inflammatory effect or an anti-inflammatory effect. Too much inflammatory food can result in horrible skin conditions that you don't want to have to deal with. So many people today are dealing with the crisis of having too much of an inflammatory effect on their skin and fighting conditions such as eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and other ailments.

  • Acne is often made worse with sugar consumption and deficiencies in Zinc and Vitamin A.
  • Eczema is often associated with dairy products and is helped by taking probiotics.
  • Psoriasis shows there may be an overgrowth of yeast and problems with gluten.
  • Rosacia is due to a poor digestion system.

So what is good for the gut lining is nondairy probiotic bacteria; and what is bad for the gut lining is antibiotics, emotional stress, alcohol, and infections.

Good nutrition and beautiful skin go hand in hand. We need the right kind of nutrients and the right amount of water to function at it's best. We need our body able to cleanse it's system of waste products and able to process nutrients required at cellular level.

Don't Forget the Forgotten

8. Don't forget your eyelids and your neck. Your eyelids have to stretch over the eyeballs and as we get older, the skin loses it's elasticity, resulting in sagging eyes. Do the same cleansing routine that you do for your face to your neck also. People often forget to take care of their neck but it's just as important as your face and a true indicator of your age.

9. Hands are exposed all the time and all year long. Washing your hands is just as important as moisturizing your hands. Keep a tube of hand cream in your purse, on your desk, in your car, by your bed, and anywhere else you can think of. If you drive a lot, wear thin cotton gloves to protect from UV rays. Your hands are right up there by the windshield and UV rays can penetrate glass.

10. Take enough time out to apply some make-up. I'm not saying that you have to dress it up like it's the holidays; just accentuate your attributes. When you are really pressed for time, just focus on pefecting your skin. Good skin instantly makes you look younger and less tired. This will make a difference on how you feel for the rest of the day.

Treatments to Turn Back Time

Not everyone is the same and our skin is not the same. Your skin will change as you age, so how you treat it when you are in your forties and beyond will be different from when you were in your teens and twenties. There are many treatments and procedures available. Moderation is the key and do this only when you feel like you really need it.

  • Botox is a wrinkle-relaxing injection proven to reduce frown lines and crow's feet. It can also prevent new lines from forming.
  • Dermal fillers are injectable fillers effective in reducing facial lines and smoothing out pronounced wrinkles.
  • Chemical peel are varying concentrations that can be used to treat problems such as sun damage, hyperpigmentation, tired-looking skin caused by a build-up of dead cells, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • IPL is an intense pulsed light that is therapy that stimulates collagen production and improves elasticity.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Stephanie Billon


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