One Man's Perspective of Beauty
Physical Outward Beauty
A blessing or a curse?
I like a beautiful woman. I like looking at a beautiful woman. I enjoy being around a beautiful long as she is also beautiful inside. The beautiful outward appearance draws me to her, making me want to see what she is made of inside. Outer beauty will not hold me to her if I find that the inner beauty is not there.
A woman that is the total package, beautiful on the inside and the outside is better than a woman that is only beautiful on the outside. The total package is also better than a woman that is beautiful on the inside and not on the outside. Her polar opposite, the ugly woman that is also hateful, is an example of what to avoid.
Beauty is more than flesh...
True, beauty can be the outward appearance of an inner glow. The joining of the glow of vitality with the building blocks of genetics. Some women can be plain and yet beautiful. Others are considered beautiful because of their symmetry, or the graceful flow of their form.
When I look at women, in a group, what stands out isn't how they are the same, it is how they are different. How they use that difference to their benefit is what draws my attention and what makes them unique. The ability to take what they are and build from that base is what makes a woman, a beautiful woman.
The many shades of beauty
Excluding birth defects or gross dis-figuration, all women start out at a similar place. They all have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, chin, ears, hair, skin and all women can be beautiful. The women that have a natural symmetry a natural flowing graceful line, find it easier to be sexually attractive. To be considered sexually beautiful. For these women to also be considered to possess inner beauty sometimes means apologizing for the outer beauty they have been blessed/cursed with to women that haven't been so blessed.
Why is that? I believe it is the belief by lots of women, that making someone else less, so they don't have to be more, is acceptable and fair. It is certainly a lot less physical work, and since the beautiful won't be quite so beautiful they magically become more beautiful. So by simply being beautiful you are somehow at fault for the choices that they have made? ...I say stop apologizing for being beautiful. If they were willing to do the work, they could be beautiful too. For my part, I will no longer apologize for my desire to be with a beautiful woman, it is in my nature... as it is in all of us.
Some people ask is a beautiful woman better than a normal looking woman? Is beautiful better than ugly? No one seeks out ugly panoramic views... we seek out beautiful vistas, no one wants an ugly house or an ugly car. No one works hard in an attempt to become ugly...because beautiful IS better.
Exercise the miracle cure
The choices people make and how those choices affect their appearance are what make women ugly or beautiful.
Balance and symmetry in our lives is what helps us to be beautiful. The balance of good foods and healthy eating helps a woman to be a beautiful woman. What goes into the body and how the woman treats her body ends up showing on the outside.
Going to the gym and working out helps make a woman have a beautiful exterior, and posterior. Working the body makes the body function better. Sweating removes toxins, the increased heart level clears arteries, helps even the distribution of blood flow.
Strengthening muscles improves tone and shape. The increased resistance of the stronger muscles increases bone strength.
Being ugly is a choice...
Not being willing to pay the price in exercise, for the pleasure that an indulgence brings is why women have become either fat or anorexic.
Sitting on her backside, being lazy and eating unhealthy foods, makes her ugly. Mental defects, like laziness, the lack of self control and the lack of self discipline also make her ugly in form.
Excuses like it is too hard, no fun, too tiring, no time are also mental defects. If outer beauty was important to her, then she would do these tiresome things that are the price for what is desired.
Sitting around doing nothing physical, while starving herself also makes her ugly.
This is another symptom of this inner mental defect. This defect manifests itself as a belief that she can compensate for not wanting and ultimately, for not doing the physical work that being beautiful requires, by simply not putting anything in the tank.
It is an example of over-doing self discipline while not being self-disciplined enough to do what is truly needed. Starving oneself because that is easier than working hard in the gym while eating healthy and good tasting foods. This complex mental defect ends up showing on the outside in an ugliness that the woman eventually cannot hide.
Another form of this mental defect is attempting to buy beauty. Purchasing the creams that are supposed to do what exercise does. Makeup designed to hide the signs of the neglect that the laziness has caused. Buying the powders, the girdles, the 'form enhancing' clothing, all in an attempt to get what exercise gives, without having to actually do the exercise.
The bottom line is there is no 'easy' way to get past the hard work of being beautiful.
The women that are beautiful, are beautiful on the outside because they have the drive and mental discipline on the inside, to do what is necessary, to be beautiful on the outside.
Why is it that women don't age as well as men do. In my humble opinion, it is because of the different lifestyles of men and women. At least how men and women's lifestyles use to be different.
Back in the day men worked hard, in the gym and on the job. The temporary fix ,that the powders and creams that women use, only mask the neglect for so long. I think women that don't rely so heavily on the 'make-up' and instead focus on the exercise, stay younger longer and stay beautiful longer as well.
Granted, some of the 'older' beautiful women are so because of the benefit of our plastic surgery technology, but that to me is another example of doing what it takes, to get what she desires. Plastic surgery can only do so much, it is not the miracle cure that exercise is. But it can enhance the benefits of a lifelong dedication to the care of ones good looks.
In our lifetimes, the outer beauty wanes, and we hope to have found the one for us prior to that time. I think I said it already but just in case I wasn't clear enough...
For me the outer beauty is what first attracts me to the form of a woman, but it is the inner beauty and the lack of mental defects, that will keep me with her. Including the mental defects of not doing what she can to be and remain a beautiful person on the outside.
Blondepoet has a great hub on this terrifying disease and I encourage everyone to take a look at it.
I 'borrowed' a couple of the pictures in this hub from that hub.
(I'll keep them as long as BP lets me).
The mental defects that I have talked about are on a starting level. Something akin to a person that drinks a little to much. The disease of anorexia is something more complex and obviously more devastating.
Once a person allows them self to get that far along, it becomes something akin to an alcoholic.
At that point exercise is usually in the form of over-training and that is also a bad thing. Once things have progressed to this level I think a doctor's care is the only thing that will lead to a cure.
I decided to include this last picture to stress a point of perceptual ambiguity. What someone sees in the mirror often isn't what is there. This too is a mental defect, and this mental defect leads or can lead a person to make decisions that will lead them to making themselves ugly.
The girl in the mirror can be a beautiful person and to some she probably already is. I don't think of her as a 'Fat' girl, but I would say she is in need of exercise. Because in my opinion, the lack of muscle tone that I see tells me that she doesn't exercise.
If she is happy with herself, then truly my opinion doesn't matter one bit. That is the true basis for inner acceptance and inner beauty. I however would be more attracted to her if she had better muscle tone. Truth, and honesty. If she and I had been together for many years and if when we met she had looked like Allison Stokke, then I would be questioning her drive or accepting the effects of aging. The choice to accept herself as beautiful enough, because the workout is not worth the muscle tone to her, is the choice I am writing about. The choices are what makes a person a beautiful person, or not. That is why I still believe being ugly is a choice, the decision to not do what you would have to do to be what you could be. I think we need to keep in mind though:
"There are no 'perfect' people... there are just people". Outer Beauty is only a part of the 'Total Package' that a person, a woman, is.
Storm Ryder...
The Inspiration of this piece was from a hub by Storm Ryder, who has since left Hubpages. I would like to send her a message of gratitude for the inspiration... and for being a beautiful woman.