Natural Hair Treatments Which You Can Find In Your Kitchen
Your hair is your crown. Many women feel nude without hair. Next to our skin our hair is what we take pride in. You don't have to spend a lot of money to achieve beautiful hair. Natural products from your kitchen can help you in that department. Look around the kitchen and garden for these products.
Achieving beautiful hair is easy and you can do this yourself. Basically the same rules for skin care will apply to hair care because the hair is a part of the skin.
Dry hair causes split ends and breakage. If you have dry skin it's most likely that you will have dry hair. Likewise oily skin brings greasy hair. Just like your skin your hair needs balance to be healthy.
I will give you a few tips on how to treat your hair from the kitchen and garden when money is short.

Good old olive oil
Steaming the hair
Dry hair?
Dry scalp?
Hair breakage?
Split ends?
What you will need:
- An electric steam cap
- A plastic shower cap
- Olive oil
What to do: Wet hair. Apply olive oil all over. Make sure the oil is not running. Cover with a plastic cap and place electric cap that has been plugged in and gauged to the correct temperature for steaming (this is up to you to determine which temperature is comfortable for you). Leave on for the duration of the steam. Most caps will have a timer on it. If you are using the older ones, leave on for 15 minutes.
If you don't have a steam cap you can use the plastic shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes while you go about your business. This will work fine in warmer temperatures. If you have a dryer station you can sit under it for between 8 to 10 minutes. Always use the plastic cap.
Note: you can substitute mayonnaise for olive oil.
Coconut oil
For generations the colored race have been using coconut oil to comb their hair and we used to believe that it was due to poverty. Little did we, the new generation, know that coconut was the best thing for kinky hair. That was then,but what about now?
Coconut oil is soothing, smells great and contains conditioners for hair, skin and nails. It helps to reduce protein loss in hair and makes your hair soft and smooth. Use on skin as moisturizer and watch your skin become supple and taut.
So, it's always good to have a bottle of natural coconut oil around. Use daily on hair and skin. The cold press oil is best. Also drop a bit in your warm bath and have a teaspoon daily to keep your digestive tract healthy.

All natural from kitchen and garden (or market if you don't have a garden)
General Conditioning - apply to hair after shampoo, leave in for 3 minutes then rinse with warm water.and
Deep Conditioning - Apply to hair after shampoo, cover with plastic cap or plastic wrap, leave for 15 minutes
One of the following:-
- Mayonnaise
- Aloe Vera (gelled)
- Avocado (mashed)
Replenishing/Treatment - Apply to hair before shampoo. Apply to wet hair, cover with plastic cap and leave on for 20 - 30 minutes.
One of the following:-
- Aloe Vera (gelled)
- Papaya (mashed)
- Egg yolks (beaten)
Dry itchy scalp - Apply to scalp after shampoo and conditioner.
One of the following:-
- Cucumber (grated or blended, strain and use water to final rinse hair)
- Aloe Vera (let Aloe Vera bleed in enough water to final rinse hair)
- Peppermint (bruise pepper mint leaves add water and make half cup solution. Apply to scalp do not rinse.)
Luster/Body - Use in place of, with or after conditioner
One of the following
- Aloe Vera (gelled)
- Honey (remember to rinse honey properly)
- Egg yolks (beaten)
- Buttermilk
Notes: You may combine ingredients from each category to get that extra treatment. Like adding the buttermilk to the mayonnaise for both conditioner and to add luster. Feel free to experiment. Remember these are natural products that wont cause a combustion! Don't worry about causing some lab