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Aloe Vera for Skin Care

Updated on June 6, 2021
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Hi, I'm Sam. I enjoy writing about nutrition and health-related topics, especially alternative and plant-based remedies.

Growing up in the desert, you learn about aloe vera from a very young age. The desert can be an unforgiving place, and when you live in a rural area, both parents and teachers teach children necessary survival skills to make sure that, just in case they ever needed to, they could use the plants around them to survive while help was on the way.

Aloe vera is high on that list of useful plants. First, it is introduced as a good way to soothe the sting of a sunburn. Then, children are taught how to use it to ease the pain of cactus spines. They are even taught that, in a pinch, the gel inside can be drank like water.

Aloe vera, like most desert plants, is good at two things—collecting water on the rare occasion that it does rain and then storing that water for very long periods of time. Aloe vera does thing by collecting water in as it runs down its long, wax leaves, and then storing it inside those leaves, which are difficult for animals to eat or damage.

This makes the gel that is stored inside of the leaves very moisturizing and exceptionally nutrient-rich, which is why aloe vera is perfect for skin care. There is perhaps nothing better than aloe vera for skin care. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why:

Aloe Vera reduces inflammation

It reduces the inflammation that comes along with burns. Whether it is a sun burn or a burn sustained from cooking or coming in contact with something else very hot, aloe vera is the first thing that many people reach for when the sting becomes too painful to bear. Why aloe vera? First, for the sensation that it produces.

Aloe vera actually has a cooling effect, even if the gel itself is room temperature. This may be because the skin is producing its own excess heat, but also simply because aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory and is actually easing the inflammation caused by the burn.

It promotes healing

There are all sorts of damage that the skin sustains on a daily basis. Sunburn is the most common, yes, but pollution can also damage the skin, as can dryness and heat. We may actively hurt the skin, too, by popping zits, worrying blemishes, or picking at dry, flaky patches. All of this damage can leave lasting marks on skin, some of which are very obvious, and some of which lurk underneath the upper layers of skin and become prominent only as we age.

Aloe vera, because it contains high levels of nutrients, can help the skin heal itself better, so that there is less lasting damage that later manifests itself as the signs of aging.

It is an effective moisturizer

Perhaps the most significant reasons to use aloe vera for skincare is because of its ability to effectively moisturize the skin. Those with oily and dry skin alike will love the clean, efficient moisture that aloe vera delivers directly into the skin. It doesn’t just moisturize the skin, it also trains the skin to hold on to moisture longer.

Many people struggle with the fact that they often have to moisturize in the morning, and then again in the middle of the day, and then again before bed. Using aloe vera can make this much less necessary, as skin will actually hold on to the moisture that it is given for a longer amount of time.

It can fight acne

We were all told, as teenagers, that we would only have acne during those teenage years. By the time that we became adults, it was supposed to go away. Most people find that that is not necessarily true. But aloe vera can come to the rescue.

In addition to the beneficial hormones that promote skin healing, proper moisture, and reduce inflammation in the skin (meaning that blemishes will be less red and therefore less noticeable), aloe vera also has antimicrobial and detoxifying properties. Using aloe vera gel for skin means that your skin will not just be better moisturized, resulting in less oil production, but also cleaner, which means fewer clogged pores. It really does not get more comprehensive than that.

It provides the right nutrients to the skin

The skin needs the right nutrients in order to properly deal with the pollution and contaminants that attack it on a daily basis. These nutrients make the skin strong and resilient. Most of the moisturizers and chemicals that we put on our faces today do not contain the right levels of these nutrients, if any nutrients at all.

Aloe vera, on the other hand, is packed with nutrients that the skin needs in order to build strong layers that are unaffected by wind, heat, sun, and pollution. Because it is also a moisturizer, aloe vera is a very effective delivery system for these nutrients.

Aloe vera can combat the signs of aging

Fine lines and wrinkles are the most common signs of aging and they usually crop up around they eyes and mouth. They can start forming as young as age twenty, so starting a regimen early to help stave them off can prevent skin from looking very tired and worn by the time someone is thirty years old. With aloe vera, this is very easy.

Every person needs to moisturize their skin, and using aloe vera to do just that can also provide you with protection against the signs of aging. If they have already started to appear in your skin, aloe vera can still help. Properly moisturizing your face will keep skin from becoming too brittle and too sunken, keeping you looking young.

Aloe vera also helps to soothe sensitive skin

If you have sensitive skin, you probably already know exactly how frustrating it can be to try to find products that do not irritate or inflame it. Aloe vera provides all of these benefits to sensitive skin, while also banishing redness and reducing swelling and inflammation that other products would actually cause.

The cooling effect that we have all observed with aloe vera when it is placed on a burn, can also help with rosacea, natural redness, or redness caused by blemishes and pimples.

Aloe vera is widely known as a remedy for burns, but its effects for skin care go far beyond just helping to cool off and heal burns. Using it on a daily basis is a great way to help promote healing and luminosity in all types of skin. Its unique benefits are as effective for those with oily skin as they are for those with dry skin. Anyone who has struggled to find a skin care product that can actually solve a range of problems, without the nasty chemicals dumped into most products, should try aloe vera for skin care.

Have You Tried Aloe Vera Cream?

Aloe Vera has many interesting benefits and skin care is possibly one of its best. Let's look at Aloe Vera Creams.

Aloe vera has a huge number of uses, the most common of which being for the treatment of sunburns. Even those who are not interested in holistic and natural skin care know that aloe vera gel is great for treating any kind of burn, but especially for treating sunburn, because of its cooling and soothing powers. But aloe vera can be used for far more than just helping the skin repair itself after being burned. It is so multi-faceted, in fact, that the Egyptians dubbed it the “plant of immortality.”

It has been used for centuries not just for its healing powers, but for its restorative and anti-inflammatory powers, too. But what is aloe vera? And why should you bother buying aloe vera cream? Here is everything you need to know about aloe vera cream:

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is actually a cactus. It is indigenous to Africa and some parts of India but has since been transplanted to just about every other continent. Like all cacti, it is designed to store its own water and nutrients and to be able to withstand long periods of drought, without succumbing to the lack of water. It is resistant to both extreme cold and extreme heat and many cultures across the world have found uses for this plant.

Unlike many other natural ingredients that need to be combined with other ingredients or refined in order to be functional, aloe vera can be utilized simply by breaking off a leaf and applying the gel that oozes out of the leaves to the affected area. When made into a cream or a lotion, however, it can be even more effective. Aloe vera cream, for example, highlights the moisturizing powers of aloe vera, without doing away with the healing and restorative powers for which aloe vera is known.

Aloe vera is widely recognized as a treatment for burns and can be used to moisturize the skin. It is also believed to be an effective treatment for ulcers, dandruff, eczema, and even skin conditions like psoriasis.

Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Cream

Why use aloe vera cream as a part of your daily beauty routine? Here are just a few of the reasons you should consider incorporating aloe vera cream into your life:

Great for treating sun damage

Even if you apply sunscreen or makeup that contains sunscreen before you leave the house, you might still be subjecting yourself to powerful UV rays. Even if you are not severely burnt, your skin might still be damaged by the sun. If this is the case, you will want to incorporate aloe vera cream into your daily routine.

If you did get a little bit too much sun and you are a little bit burnt, aloe vera cream will treat that burn and ensure that your skin heals as quickly as possible. It will create a protective layer and provide your skin with the moisture and nutrients it needs to rebuild.

It is a great moisturizer

If you are looking for a clean, natural moisturizer for your skin, aloe vera cream is the perfect choice. Unlike other types of moisturizers that can feel greasy after you apply them, aloe vera cream will just feel smooth and clean. This makes it a great choice for people who have oily skin.

It will provide the moisture your skin needs to prevent it from producing its own oil, and will not contribute to the natural oiliness. It is idea for use under makeup, as it almost acts like a primer, and can also help to heal the skin from any small nicks or scratches that might occur while shaving.

It can fight acne

There is nothing worse than starting a new moisturizing routine, only to discover that it clogs your pores and leaves you with breakouts. Now you have to treat those breakouts and find a different moisturize to keep your skin looking great. On top of its ability to moisturize your skin, aloe vera cream can actually help to fight acne. This is because the gel that aloe vera cream is made out of contains the hormones Gibberellins and Auxin, both of which are great for the skin. They are both anti-inflammatory and promote wound healing. And because aloe vera does not clog your pores, it will help to reduce the appearance and duration of current breakouts and will prevent them from happening.

It can combat the signs of aging

One of the biggest ways that aloe vera cream fights aging is by helping to heal the skin after sun damage, which is the underlying cause of those fine lines and wrinkles that appear on your face as you grow older. It is also full of nutrients that your skin needs to increase cell turnover and to maintain your stores of collagen and elastin, which keep your skin looking tight and firm.

It can help to make stretch marks less visible

ust about every person has stretch marks. They are a result of a pregnancy or of rapid weight loss or muscle building. When the skin stretches and then contracts, it is not always elastic enough to do so without leaving behind those stretch marks. These are a result of small tears in the skin, due to the stretching caused by the weight loss, gain, or pregnancy. Aloe vera gel can help to restore the elasticity your skin needs and help to lessen the appearance of those stretch marks by helping to heal those tiny wounds.

It is high in nutrients

Your skin needs to be nourished, just like the rest of your body needs to be nourished. While it will get many of the vitamins and minerals it needs from the foods that you eat, you can boost the nourishment by applying aloe vera cream to your skin. This cream will carry with it all of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are naturally found in aloe vera and deliver them right into the skin, so they can be quickly utilized. This will keep your skin firm, smooth, and radiant.

Helps to fight inflammation

If you have had a particularly angry and red pimple, you have had a taste of what inflammation can do to your skin. But there are many skin conditions caused by inflammation, like psoriasis and eczema, that are far more serious than just acne. If you have one of these skin conditions, you might be looking for a moisturizer that claims to be able to soothe these conditions. If you want to fight inflammation in your skin, you should use aloe vera cream.

Aloe vera cream has a wide variety of uses and can help just about every single person, no matter what type of skin they have or what their skin concerns are.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2017 Sam Shepards


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