Authentic Fendi Handbags What To Look For
Authentic Fendi Handbags
Designer handbags just like many other name brand items are constantly being reproduced and sold to unsuspecting customers. Brands like Fendi, Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton and others demand high prices for their bags. This means big business to people trying to sell fakes as authentic since women can spend thousands of dollars on just one handbag.Hopefully you can use the things I write here to help you identify a true Fendi from a fake.
The tips written here only apply to Fendi. The only 100% way to know if what you are buying is authentic or not is to buy from an authorized retailer.
Well first off, if it looks to good to be true it usually is! You can not purchase a true Fendi bag for $100. The saying is get what you pay for.
Know your seller. You seller should be more than happy to prove to you his or her bags are real. If you are ever in a shop looking at bags and checking them out unzipping the zipper or unbuckling the buckles and the seller gets uneasy or irritated that should be your red flag. They should have nothing to hide.
Authentic Fendi bags have serial numbers printed inside the bag. Each Fendi will have its own unique number. If you are looking at bags in a store and see that all the so called Fendi bags have the same serial number you will know they are fake. The serial number will be printed on the leather inside of the bag and will consist of numbers only.
True Fendi handbags will have leather straps or handles. No vinyl.
The stitching on a true Fendi will be perfectly even and straight with the thread matching the leather exactly. So much so that it blends in and is hard to see.
The buckles will be perfectly square as well as the overall appearance of the purse. It will be totally uniform with no uneven sides or loose sloppy stitching. Fake Fendi bags will have an overall messy appearance. Where true Fendi bags are made with great attention to details. Even the zipper will be perfectly straight and aligned.
The Fendi logo will be expertly engraved into the leather. You can feel it when you run your fingers over it. Fake ones will have the logo printed on.
The other hardware along with the buckles will have the Fendi name carefully engraved on the sides. Also the hardware will have a cover on it that is only removed when you buy it. This protects is from any scuffs or scratches. Hardware will also have a nice new look.
Authentic Fendi bags are sold with a leather authenticity card. If you do not see one do not buy it.
Look for the special hologram sticker that only true Fendi bags will have. These stickers are encoded and can only be viewed with a special magnifying device.
The inside of the bag will smell of leather not plastic and will also feel like good quality leather.