Disappearing Products: Where Can I Buy Pears Soap Anymore?
As far back as I can remember, the women in my family have used Pears Soap: my great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother, and now me. And now this soap is getting harder and harder to find in any stores.
CVS, Duane Reade, Target, and WalMart are a sampling of large retail chain stores that do not sell Pears Soap. So where can I buy Pears Soap anymore? It seems to be one of the disappearing products fading from America's store shelves.
Why Pears Soap is So Great
The main reason that I love Pears soap is because it is the only major brand of bar soap that does not inflame combination skin.
Add to that the fact that the soap costs about $1.50 a bar compared to $10 or more per bar for more expensive specialty bars devoted to combination skin issues. In fact, the gentleness of Pears is why their vintage posters often depict children using the soap.
Declining Availability
Into the late 1990s I remember the soap being available in most drug stores and then it slowly began fading out of existence.
It was a great purchase for me because I was a college student at the time and it was a very affordable way to cleanse my acne-prone skin.
I know I can't be the only person who was looking for it since then, and would have to go out of their way to track it down. I also know I can't be the only one wondering just why it stopped lining the store shelves in America.
I believe the answer as to why it isn't available in a lot of stores anymore is that most of the Pears Soap made now is sent to India. It has become very popular over there because of its natural properties.
Luckily, last year, I saw Pears soap on Amazon, and I bought about fifteen 3-packs of them.
The people at Amazon must think I am crazy to order so many, but I really need to keep the product on hand in my house.
I have not seen the soap in any stores I have visited. But now I can get my supply online.
If you like this soap as much as I do, your best bet is getting in in bulk at a discount with free shipping.