Fake vs Real Coach Products
Authentic Coach Handbag
Considering how much coach bags are sold and bought for and their high demand it's no question that there would be a lot of fakes out there. Most women I know can tell right off the bat whether or not a coach bag is fake or real but a lot of times it's the guy buying the bag. If you guys are like me you would get scammed in a heartbeat for your lack of purse buying knowledge so I did some research and found out the difference.
First of all there are distinct characteristics of a real coach handbag that are completely visible. For one thing the "C's" on the outside of the bag should go straight up and down. Second, the pattern will be centered on the front and back panel of the purse. Third, the seam will go straight through "C" or "CC pattern not cutting off letters. Lastly, look at a few photos online of the "C" pattern on the style of purse you are looking to purchase they should all be the same.
Another way to tell if a coach handbag is real is there is a leather label sewn into the inside of most coach bags with a serial number on it. Authentic coach bag serial numbers all start with "No". All though some of the smaller bags lack the label on the inside. The words on the label should also be in all capital letters. Give the leather a little feel also because usually you can just tell if the leather is cheaply made or not. After you look for a label, take a look at the stitching of the bag. If the stitching are not all the same size or there are threads coming out and it was just poorly put together it's 99% a fake. Oh and a really obvious sign that a bag is fake is instead of "C" pattern there is a "G" pattern... Don’t even think about buying that one. All in all the best advice I can give you is just stop buy a coach store and just look at the bags, pick them up and feel them. Just get used to holding them and seeing what real ones look and feel like and you will be able to spot a fake from a mile away.