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Harry Potter Ties - Harry Potter Neckties and Gryffindor ties

Updated on June 7, 2011

Harry Potter Ties for Costumes and Formal Wear

Harry Potter Ties are not just for Halloween wear but they are certainly necessary to complete the perfect Harry Potter costume.

Harry Potter Ties come in the 4 very distinctive colors of the four houses of Hogwarts. One can purchase Harry Potter ties that feature the colors and emblems of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

The distinctive coloring and emblems are actually quite elegant and are a fun way to obliquely display your Harry Potter fandom whenever you wear formalwear or a blazer.

Most Harry Potter costumes will require the proper Hogwarts House tie, the majority of students one would care to dress as would come from the Gryffindor house, beware the child that chooses the Slytherin house!

But for adult costumes, the faculty of Hogwarts also wears the house colored tie and one can find a costume to fit the need for each tie and Hogwarts staff member.

Harry Potter Ties
Harry Potter Ties

Harry Potter Gryffindor Ties

The House of Godric Gryffindor

The Gryffindor Lion and the scarlet and gold colors emblazon this Hogwarts tie.

Harry Potter costumes requiring a Gryffindor Tie:


  • Harry Potter
  • Ron Weasley
  • Remus Lupin


  • Hermione Granger
  • Ginny Weasley
  • Professor McGonagall

Draco Malfoy Tie
Draco Malfoy Tie

Draco Malfoy Ties - Slytherin Ties

The House of Salazar Slytherin

The Slytherin House is repeatedly cast as the House of evil and future Death Eaters.

Perhaps if your child is a blond, he will have no other choice, otherwise, beware the child who asks to dress as Draco Malfoy or any of the other Slytherin!

But the Slytherin House tie is an elegant color combination of Green and Silver with the emblem of a serpent. It is an attractive tie best worn to show off your cunning.

Costumes that require a Slytherin Tie:

  • Draco Malfoy

Although, both Severus Snape and Horace Slughorn are from the Slytherin House , neither wear a traditional house tie, Slughorn wears a bowtie and Snape wears no tie at all.

Harry Potter Neckties - Hufflepuff Ties

The House of Helga HufflePuff

The House Tie of Hufflepuff is a blazing Yellow and Black featuring the Handsome Badger

Harry Potter Costumes requiring a HufflePuff Tie:

  • Cedric Diggory

Due to the Hufflepuff standard of accepting just about anyone into the house, there are few remarkable characters that one would choose to emulate. Cedric alone stands out.

But the tie is quite striking and can be paired with a traditional black suit or blue blazer with attractive results.

Ravenclaw Harry Potter Ties
Ravenclaw Harry Potter Ties

Harry Potter Ties - Ravenclaw Ties

The House of Rowena Ravenclaw

The Ravenclaw tie is bold blue and bronze combination featuring an eagle (no , its not a raven)

Costumes requiring a Ravenclaw tie:

  • Luna Lovegood
  • Cho Chang

Make Your own Harry Potter Costume

A great plus of the Harry Potter school outfit costume is the ability to use normal Blazers and slacks for the underlying outfit - a simple removable iron patch can transform any Blazer into a Hogswarts Blazer.

Who says Muggle Moms cant do magic!

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