How To Handle Large Breasts
Having large breasts can be problematic, especially if your frame is not built to take the weight of them. There are also social consequences in the form of men addressing your chest exclusively, and women behaving with typical female passive aggression because your chest is a direct threat to their mating chances.
For some women, having large breasts can quickly become a heavy burden to bear in more ways than one. If you're a woman struggling with large breasts, use some of these tips to minimize the impact of your mammaries.
1. Invest in some good quality bras. Ideally your bra should remind you of a cloth version of a suspension bridge. It takes some serious engineering to create a bra capable of supporting DD breasts or larger. Forget about those pretty little bras with wispy straps that drift over the shoulders like gossamer. Your bra straps should be reminiscent of soviet tanks. It might be annoying to wear these kinds of bras, but the added support really is invaluable, and can save you a great deal of back pain.
2. V Necks Minimize, Round Necks Emphasize. It's one of those things that seems to make little sense. You don't want to display your breasts to the world, yet covering them up makes them seem somehow larger. Many women with large breasts buy clothing that covers the upper chest entirely, resulting in prominently displayed breasts. If you want to minimize the effect of large breasts, wearing a v neck style top will actually make them seem a little less large.
3. Wear jewelry high. Have your necklaces sitting at the height of your collar bone. There is no need to have sparkly shiny things nestled in your cleavage if you are trying to take attention away from your breasts.
4. When exercising, wear a sports bra. That ideally means something that requires three assistants and an astrophysicist to get into. The best kinds of sports bras tend to have cross over straps that create an X over the upper back.Stay away from sports bras designed for smaller women, they will not aid you and can lead to tearing and bruising during vigorous exercise.
5. Leverage your breasts for greater wealth and power.