When to Throw Away Makeup Guideline (Organic and Non-Organic)
Although you may think that your mascara is good as long as it comes out of the tube, it probably isn't. When it comes out clumpy and flakes off its time to kick it to the curb.
It is best to toss out old makeup before it gives you an eye infection or makes you break out when it didn't a month ago. Below is a guideline for how long each item of makeup lasts.
Non Organic Makeup and Other Cosmetic Item Guidelines
From the first use/opening of makeup:
- Mascara should be kept no longer than 3 to 6 months. I replace mine every 4 - 6 weeks depending on which brand I am currently using. If it starts to flake, change odor, texture, or colour it is time to toss.
- Pencil Eyeliner is good for 12 months. It has gone bad when the texture, color, or odor has changed. Be sure to sharpen before every use to cut down on bacteria picked up from application. Immediately toss if the tip starts to ooze an oily substance or forms a white film.
- Liquid Eyeliner should be tossed after 3 to 6 months. The liquid is a hotbed for bacteria as it is exposed to the air and your eye.
- Oil-Free and Cream Foundations should be kept no longer than 12 months. When they start to thicken, change color or odor they have gone bad. Once the liquid starts to separate or the cream thickens it's time to toss.
- Powder Foundations and concealers should not be kept for longer than 12 months. When the texture changes when it is applied or the color changes it should go in the trash. They can also develop a rubbery smell when it goes bad.
- Pan or stick Concealer is good for 12 months. It is time to toss them when they change color or thicken. They will also start to separate, appear oily or smell rancid.
- Blush and bronzer are good for 12 to 24 months. They are powders that are not applied to your eyes. Toss once they change texture when applied, they dry out or the color is off. They can also go bad by crumbling, grows a white crust.
- Cream Blush is good for 12 months. When the texture, color and odor change it is time to toss. They go bad when they separate, ooze an oily substance or smell rancid.
- Eye shadow is good for 12 to 24 months. Toss once it becomes dry, doesn't apply as smoothly or the color changes, develops a white crust or cracks/crumbles.
- Lipstick/Lip Gloss is good for 8 months. Time for the trash when the taste, odor, or stickiness changes. You can tell it has gone bad when it smells rubbery, turns gooey or you can no longer apply it to your lips. Toss the moment lip products come in contact with cold sores or any other type of infection.
- Lipliner is good for 8 months. Sharped after each use. It should go in the bin once it changes colour, texture or odour or comes in contacts with a cold sore or infection.
- Nail Polish should be tossed after 12 months. It starts to change colour and separation is harder to mix back up.
- Perfume is usually good for 2 to 3 years if stored in a cool dry place, such as a dry basement. Time to toss them when the scent changes and goes off.
- Sunscreen is usually good until the expiration date on the bottle. The expiration date is for the SPF, when it expires the SPF is not guaranteed to work.
Organic Makeup Guidelines
If you use Organic cosmetics they expire sooner than non organic cosmetics due to not having preservatives in them. This is the only down side to organic makeup. You must be vigilant with expiration times.
From the first use of organic makeup:
- Mascara is good for 1 to 3 months or until it smells bad.
- Eyeliner and eye shadow should be tossed after 2 to 3 months.
- Eye liner pencils can be kept for 1 to 2 years if regularly sharpened to keep germs away that could of been picked up during application.
- Lipsticks can be kept up to a year or until it smells bad.
- Lipgloss and balms should be tossed out after 6 to 12 months. Being a liquid and applied to the lips creates a haven for germs and bacteria to breed.
- Liquid Foundation is good for 6 to 18 months depending on it is an open-top bottle and/or you are using your fingers to apply it.
- Cream foundation is good for 6 to 12 months. If you using you fingers to apply then it should be discarded sooner.
The Bottom Line
You don't want to be applying to your face something that has bacteria growing in it or is rancid. The last thing you want is to give yourself a terrible infection over a $22 eyeliner or mascara.
With the idea of bacteria living in my makeup, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea to change my makeup out more often. Plus then you get to try new things more often as well. You can extend the life of your makeup a short while if you change and clean your applicators and brushes often, daily clean with a weekly deep clean and sanitize. Also by keeping containers tightly shut when not being used, not sharing with others and to keep away from moisture, so storing your stash outside of the bathroom. These time periods are not set in stone but once they start to change texture, ordour or colour they are definately ready to be tossed.
Regardless of whether it’s organic or not, an expired cosmetic can contain many harmful bacteria that can cause you serious health problems. Conjunctivitis, or pink-eye, is one of the lesser conditions that can be caused by bacteria in expired makeup. The bacteria that cause perioral dermatitis (which is a burning, acne-like rash around the mouth, nose, and eyes, can also be found. Additionally, you could get a staph, yeast, or fungal infection.
Better safe than sorry!