How to look good naked? Tips to look great and feel confident when you take your clothes off
Want to impress your boyfriend with your sensual curves? Want to look better naked for your wife in the bedroom? Do you want your hubby to go gaga when you take your clothes off? Want to show off your buff body when you take your clothes off in front of your girlfriend? Forget the TV shows and all other ambiguous tips on how to look good naked. This post looks at practical advice that will instantly change the way you feel and how you look when you are not wearing any clothes.
Note: In line with the practical and direct approach of this post, tips like working out, eating healthy and building higher overall confidence levels have been omitted. However they play a substantial role in improving body language, attitude and personality in the long run.
How to look good naked: Tips for guys and men
1) Remove excess body hair
Women like body hair on men but only in moderation. Excessive body hair can be a major turn off. Even strange hair removal patterns can look weird. So be armed with a good quality body hair trimmer and trim away all the excess body hair on your chest, back, shoulder and legs.
Guys, don't forget to keep you tiger line if you want to look good naked. And most importantly, don't go about trimming your body hair haphazardly. For example, a finely trimmed torso and uber hair legs could be a sore sight. Whatever you do, keep it balanced. So the to key words we are looking for here are – Moderation and Balance.
2) Trim hair on your privates
There are two reasons why you need to trim your privates. One, because a bushy crotch could leave your girl searching for your package in a tiny jungle between your legs. And jokes apart, the second and most important reason is the fact that trimmed privates look hygienic and appealing.
Once you trim the hair off, you will feel a spike in confidence levels yourself. You will feel less shy in front of your girl and in fact, may even proudly show off your manscaping skills.
3) Walk, stand and sit with your legs apart
Have you boys seen movies like 300? Note how all the men are wearing nothing but pieces of cloth covering their groins. While they are not entirely naked, you may have noticed how they stand with their legs apart.
Standing with legs wide apart is a display of confidence and when you are naked. Even when you sit with your legs apart, it is a confident display of your manhood. It is the way nature intended it to be. If you stand with your feet close to each other and fumble with your hands, you could risk looking less masculine that you actually are.
4) Don't stoop: A straight back symbolizes confidence and masculinity
This is possibly one of the most important tip to look good naked when it comes to posture. A hunch is a sign of very poor body language even when you are walking about fully clothed, let alone without them.
Carry a straight back and make sure you don't hunch when you are naked, whether you are standing or sitting on a chair or couch.
5) Tip for muscular guys: Relax your shoulders and keep your hands to your sides
You may like to show off the results of your hard work in the gym, but if you think that your gym poses are going to turn on your girlfriend, think again. Do you want to seduce her by looking good naked or are you trying to impress some judge at a body building competition?
This tip is specifically for muscular guys who have spent month after month in the gym buffing up for this very moment. Don't spoil it by giving awkward poses. Relax your shoulders and keep your hands by your sides. Don't try to flex those biceps unnecessarily. Your girl will immediately notice and be impressed by your calm and relaxed body language.
6) Don't try to hide your bulges
A classic scenario to illustrate this tip would be how a slightly overweight guy may try to suck in his stomach while he is standing stark naked in front of his girlfriend. While something like this may seem like the obvious thing to do, it may come off as very strange behavior.
Do you really think that you will be able to hide your paunch by pulling it in for a few seconds? That does not work, mister. So if you really want to really look like a happy naked camper, don't attempt to become a magician and hide your bulges. Rather, hit the gym and get rid of the flab forever.
How to look good naked: Tips for girls and women
1) Remove all body hair
Tabloids, women's magazines and blogs may speculate that some men like hairy women, but the fact is that most guys still prefer their girls to be entirely free of body hair. If you want to flaunt your curves and look good naked, make sure that you remove all your body hair.
Wax, epilate or do all it takes to impress your man with your flawlessly smooth skin. After all, the last thing you want is to leave your man with the memory of a hair strand at a particular spot on your body, don't you think?
2) Trim hair on your privates
Just like guys, girls are too expected to trim their privates. While a certain section of the male population may not mind a hairy bush down there, excuse the pun, it is generally considered appealing to trim or even shave.
If you have not shaved down there before, don't fret. Trim the hair on your privates with a small scissor or a trimmer. The whole idea is to give your privates a very appealing look rather than an unkempt and messy look. While the latter may have been popular in the 70st, 21 century demands for a cleaner approach.
3) Carry a straight back and wide shoulders
Keeping a straight back is another common tip for men and women who want to look good naked. As we mentioned earlier, a hunch is a sign of low confidence and is often a turn off. On the other hand, a straight back is a stark display of confidence even when you are naked.
If you are not in a habit of carrying a beautiful straight back all the time, this could turn out to be a mammoth task. When you are naked, remind yourself all the time to keep a straight back whether you are walking, standing, sitting or lying on your side.
4) Walk like a model even when you are not wearing any clothes
Yes, it sounds cliché. But one can't help overlook the fact that the media and popular culture has glorified the walk of a model and portrayed it as a sexy way to strut your stuff. So if you want to look good naked, practice your model walk and flaunt your curves as you walk towards your boyfriend.
A seductive walk is a sign of confidence and a strong sex appeal. If you want, you can practice in front of the mirror. And make sure you practice without wearing your clothes so you can get a feel of how you will look as you make every move.
5) Bust and bum: Push them out
There is a reason why covers of men's magazines are splashed with girls wearing cleavage revealing clothes or bikinis that don't seem to cover their bottoms at all. After knowing all the above tips, your curves are your greatest asset to look good naked.
It sounds sleazy, but the fact is that you can visually enhance your curves by learning how to pose when you are naked. Practice in front of the mirror and use your curves to add a sizzling touch to your appeal when you are naked.
6) Don't worry about your bulges
This is yet another unisex tip that applies equally to men and women. If you have some flab that you are not happy about, there's nothing much you can do about it immediately.
You could look at exercising it away in the long run, but for the moment, it's there and you have to accept it.
The bottom line that you need to understand is that when you are naked, you are completely stripped off all your clothes. On display is your body in its true form.
So whether it is your love handles, sides of your breasts, bottoms, things or any other part of your body, just let it be the way it is. Your beautiful smile and a sexy attitude should be more than enough to charm your guy in the bedroom.