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What is the right fragrance for you? Learn how to pick the right perfume for your body chemistry

Updated on August 6, 2012
- How to pick the right fragrance or perfume for you, by Rosie2010 on Hubpages -
- How to pick the right fragrance or perfume for you, by Rosie2010 on Hubpages -

How do you pick the right fragrance for your body chemistry?

Why do most men and women stick to the same fragrance year after year? Well, the obvious reason is people hate changes. You like the fragrance you are wearing so why change. Besides, do you really want to go through the hassle of going to the fragrance section of your favourite department store and get assaulted by those trigger-happy fragrance sample ladies? Just the thought of choosing the right fragrance out of over twenty thousand different fragrances in the market today, is extremely and downright overwhelming. Completely understandable.

But did you know that the fragrance you have been wearing the past decade may not be the right fragrance for you now? Your body chemistry has a lot to do with it.

Stress is the number source of anxiety which can change your body chemistry.
Stress is the number source of anxiety which can change your body chemistry.
Diet can change body chemistry, specially garlic and onions.
Diet can change body chemistry, specially garlic and onions.
Age can change your skin's chemistry. Image via Ageless Fantasy
Age can change your skin's chemistry. Image via Ageless Fantasy
Pregnancy changes your body chemistry.
Pregnancy changes your body chemistry.
Medications can alter your body chemistry.
Medications can alter your body chemistry.

Body Chemistry affects fragrance

Every individual has their own unique body chemistry. Each fragrance reacts differently with every person's body chemistry. That is why the fragrance that smells so good on your friend, does not smell as good on you. In fact, it stinks. Your body chemistry can even change now and again and the changes are not always apparent. When these body changes occur, your fragrance may go from smelling wonderful on you, to not being a very pleasant smell at all.

Here are some reasons that can contribute to or cause your body chemistry to change.

  • Stress - The number one reason you body chemistry changes is stress. Anxiety will often effect your heart rate and cause your hands to become clammy and you might start to sweat. This will change your body chemistry and result in your fragrance smelling different.
  • Diet - What you eat is very closely related to how a fragrance may smell on you. A change in diet can play a role in a change to your body chemistry. If you happen to change to a diet that is higher in fat or higher in the consumption of spices, this change can trigger how your fragrance reacts with your skin. In this case your fragrance can be intensified and smell much stronger than you normally expect. Too much garlic consumption can cause a slight aroma of garlic to permeate from your skin when you sweat and this aroma may not mix well with your fragrance. Onions as well as other foods that can bring about gas can also alter the aroma of your fragrance.
  • Age - Age is something else that can factor into your body chemistry. This is because there are a number of significant hormonal changes for men and women. The first change is the shift from child to teen. Puberty can be a hard time on a teenager’s body and skin. Menopause can bring on changes to your hormones and effect your body chemistry. During this time, your skin can become thinner and drier. Also, testosterone and estrogen levels fluctuate and night sweats often occur.  This triggers changes in body chemistry.
  • Pregnancy - Pregnancy is another event that can cause a major hormonal upheaval. Pregnancy hormones can cause your fragrance to smell different to you; a fragrance you liked before may be something you do not like when expecting.
  • Medications - There are also certain medications and even medical conditions that can play a role in how a fragrance will be altered by your body chemistry. People with diabetes for example have a tougher time finding an appropriate perfume or fragrance. Because their blood sugar levels fluctuate daily, so would their body chemistry and the scent of a fragrance on you.
  • People's skin - Some people's skins has a certain attraction to various essential oils. Your skin may absorb one kind of essential oil from a fragrance while another dissipates very quickly. It can take a lot of trial and error to determine which essential oils work best for your body chemistry.

 How to pick the right fragrance for your body chemistry -  Test fragrance on your pulse points.
How to pick the right fragrance for your body chemistry - Test fragrance on your pulse points.

How To Pick The Right Fragrance For Your Body Chemistry

When you are searching for a new fragrance, always ask yourself if it will smell as good on you as it does in the bottle. The only way you will know is for you to experiment with a variety of fragrances, one fragrance at a time. It is the long-term impression that a fragrance gives you that really counts, not what you think of it at first. Everyone's body chemistry is different and that is why one fragrance last longer on some people's skin than others.

The best way to test which fragrance will work best with your body chemistry, is to apply the fragrance to your pulse points. Pulse points are where the blood vessels are closest to the skin's surface and therefore give off more warmth. This is why you should never test more than two scents at once.  One fragrance at a time is best.

Then off and on throughout the day, smell the fragrance you are trying and even apply more on the same pulse point but on a different day for comparison. If the fragrance has a scent that you enjoy each time you test it, you may have just found the right fragrance for your body chemistry. 

Does anyone really go through this process? Definitely not everyone. But according to experts, it is certainly well worth the effort.

Camille Goutal spraying herself perfume.
Camille Goutal spraying herself perfume.

Three Basic Groups of Fragrances

"Perfume is the most intense form of memory." Is a quote from well-known perfumer Jean Guerlain.

A fragrance is so much more than just an aroma, it speaks of emotion, romance, energy, intimacy and empowerment. And the first step when deciding which fragrance is best for you is to determine what particular mood you want to create.

There are three basic groups fragrances: the classic, the delicate and the sensual.

The Classic

The classic scent is your best choice if you are seeking a fragrance and are unsure of exactly what you are looking for. A classic scent is dependable although it may be considered plain or boring.

A great classic fragrance would be a wonderful addition to any woman’s perfume collection. Classic perfumes go with any outfit and are perfect for any occasion or event all year long.

Chanel No. 5 is one of the most classic fragrances ever created. This perfume, a delightful blend of Ming, rose and jasmine is much loved by women all over the world. Chanel No. 5 is a stylish, chic choice for women looking for a classic scent.

Another timeless fragrance that is always worth taking into consideration is Oscar. This fragrance composes a unique blend of Bulgarian rose, amber, jasmine and mirth. This is a sophisticated fragrance perfect for formal events.

No 5 Chanel ad starring Nicole Kidman
No 5 Chanel ad starring Nicole Kidman
Nina Ricci L'air du temps
Nina Ricci L'air du temps
Nina Ricci Premier Jour
Nina Ricci Premier Jour

The Delicate

The delicate scents are gentle, feminine and completely irresistible.

Two of the most popular delicate fragrances in production today are L'Air Du Temps and Premier Jour.

L'Air Du Temps first appeared in 1948 and its developer Nina Ricci created a delicate scent that is composed of carnation and gardenia with slight but significant amounts of jasmine, rose and sandalwood. This fragrance is often depicted as being a "garden of delights."

Another popular fragrance of Nina Ricci's is called Premier Jour. This contemporary fragrance of the 21st century is founded on a note of sugared almond and is a delight to the senses.

Opium by Yves Saint Laurent
Opium by Yves Saint Laurent
Chance by Chanel
Chance by Chanel

The Sensual

The sensual is daring, self-assured and fervent. When one thinks of the sensual group, two fragrances are often called to mind, Opium and Chance by Chanel.

Opium first became available in 1977 and has been a well loved fragrance ever since its debut. This perfume is a sultry and mysterious combination of carnation, jasmine, lily of the valley, mandarin, amber and vanilla.

One of Chanel’s newest fragrances, Chance, is feisty, and evokes a sense of passion and confidence. This fragrance is sure to entice any woman with its sensual delight. This fragrance is composed of citrus notes, jasmine, pink pepper and white musk.

What is your fragrance personality

Everyone has his or her own unique fragrance personality. Your fragrance personality describes why you enjoy perfumes that are fruity, or why you prefer florals, musks or oriental aromas.

  • Individuals who enjoy classical music, who vacation in rural settings and who favor the color pink, are often found to love the feminine aroma of floral scents.
  • People who are very outgoing and optimistic typically enjoy fragrances that are fruity. People who love rock music and the color yellow and who will pamper themselves with activities such as a day at the spa are often found to like a fruity type of fragrance.
  • R & B music fans that like the color green and who’s ideal get away would be something like a lakeside resort, lean towards fragrances that derive from the natural oils in the stem of plants and leaves.
  • People that listen to jazz as their music of choice and vacation in exotic locations and pick purple as their favorite color often opt for scents that are oriental. The fragrances these individuals pick are composed of ingredients containing heavy flowers, musk and vanilla. Oriental scents also referred to, as ambers are sexy, passionate, and powerful.
  • People who enjoy a day at the beach, sushi, and a love of the color blue is often found in those who enjoy the clean, refreshing aroma of an ocean scent.
  • People who are stylish jetsetters at heart, who love intense spicy foods and long passionate nights. These people will be found reaching for a fragrance that has a deep woody aroma.
  • People who are sporty will often choose fragrances that are fresh light and clean. These perfumes allow the individual a delicate scent without being too heavy or overbearing.
  • While sensual personalities will lead to sensual scents that make a confident statement about who they are. These individuals opt for musky perfumes that have a long-lasting effect, especially on members of the opposite sex.


What is your fragrance personality based on your favourite colour?

See results
This book has long been an essential reference for all scientists working on the smell and olfaction.
This book has long been an essential reference for all scientists working on the smell and olfaction.

According to R.W. Moncrieff, a perfume expert, the personality traits of an individual were very closely related to the fragrances they chose. He believed that people who were introverted had a greater response to smells than extroverted people did. This caused the introverted individuals to lean toward oriental fragrances instead of a fruity or floral perfume.

While scientists Mensing and Beck thought that an individual favorite fragrance choice was related closely to their favorite color. They stated that people who predominantly liked bright colors such as pink, orange and yellow would be more apt to lean towards fruity or floral scents while people who preferred darker, richer colors such as red, green or purple would be more liable to be attracted to warm, oriental fragrances.

The right fragrance for you

This brings us to the final question--which fragrance is right for you.

People wear fragrances for a number of reasons such as: to be attractive, seductive, to improve their mood, to feel refreshed and to improve self-confidence. The most important rule to follow should be to pick a personal fragrance that meets your individual needs. Your fragrance should always completely compliment everything about you--from your looks, to your personality, to your lifestyle.

Your body chemistry plays a leading role in how your perfume will smell on you. The exact same fragrance sprayed onto two different people will not smell the same because body chemistry is uniquely individual. Therefore, it is important that you determine your fragrance based on how it smells on your skin, not on someone else

Your choice of fragrance is an expression of your individuality.

So, is your fragrance the right one for you? Or shall we go shopping?

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