3 Natural Ways to Be More Beautiful...
Natural beauty
First Item, Baking soda
Why is baking soda needed and how you are going to use it...
Baking soda is an inexpensive item that has many uses for healthcare purposes, you will primarily use if for cleansing, exfoliating, and bleaching.
- Sprinkle a dash in your hand and mix with water, until it is pasty. Rub this over your face at least once a day as if it was a cleaner. You will notice after the first use that your skin is refreshed, lightly exfoliated, and clean! Using this also helps reduce the appearance of large pores.
- 1-2 times a day, create a paste again and brush your teeth with it. You will notice whiter teeth by the third use. And who doesn't love a beautiful white smile? Do this a week on then take about 4-6 months off to avoid tooth damage.
- Use baking soda to remove chlorine from your hair after swimming in a pool. Create the paste again, apply like conditioner, leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse out.
- Use it as a mild exfoliater as you would on your face, just apply this same method to your legs, arms, elbows, knees and feet.
- Use it as a dry shampoo. Sprinkle dry powder into your roots, leave it on for a few minutes and brush out. The oil will be absorbed and removed leaving you with fresh clean locks.
- Scrub nails and toenails with it to clean, and whiten. Just apply to a scrub brush and gently scrub your nails. It also softens cuticles.
Coconut oil!
- Coconut Oil for health and body!
The beautiful people of the world know the true value of Coconut Oil. This stuff is liquid gold...there are so many uses for this fantastic natural oil, read on for all the ways to start using it!
Second Item, Organic Coconut Oil
There are just not enough good things to be said about Coconut Oil.
Before use, patch test your skin to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction.
Why this is needed and what you should do with it...
- Apply Coconut oil to your face every night smoothing evenly on both your face and neck. This a fantastic nourishing night cream. It also naturally contains SPF 4. Within a week you will notice a more radiant glowing complexion while reducing the signs of aging, wrinkles and lightening age spots.
- Use it on a cotton swab to remove heavy eye makeup in a flash and without tormenting your skin with heavy over-priced chemicals.
- Apply a heavy coat to your hair 1-2 times a week for an intensive hot oil treatment, leave on for 30 minutes then wash your hair as usual. You can warm it up if you like and pour it on your hair.
- Apply all over your body to soothe and soften dry skin, this is especially nice to rub into tired dry achy feet.
- Eat 2-3 tablespoons daily to improve metabolism, lose weight, and have more energy.
- Brush your teeth with it. This is called oil pulling. Coconut oil naturally contains anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents.
- Rub all over your skin for deep moisturizing.
- Use handmade 100% coconut oil soap to refresh and moisten your body.
Why exfoilate??
- The best way to exfoliate your skin
How can you effectively exfoliate your skin? What is the best method? Why is exfoliation important?
Full body exffoliator
Third Item, Something to exfoliate your entire body with
Naturally, the best thing(s) to exfoliate your skin with are sea salt, table salt, or sugar. All are abrasive enough to use daily, yet not harsh to the point of damaging your skin. Mix equal parts sugar or salt with coconut oil and use daily.
Or choose one of the options below and stick to it. This will include use on your face and entire body on a DAILY basis.
- A mesh body poof
- A home-made salt or sugar scrub
- A pumice stone for dry feet, elbows, and knees
- An item specifically designed to remove dead skin cells (such as Le'Edge)
Total cost
Total cost to get started? And be prepared to maximize your beauty routine for months! Visible improvements appear in 30 days! The cost is very inexpensive and these items work for all aged skin.
.69 -Baking powder
$8.00- Large jar of Organic Coconut Oil
$-$$- Exfoiliator...anywhere from $2.00-$20.00
=$28.69 give or take a few dollars
Natural beauty
Natural beauty doesn't have to be expensive, chemically heavy, or labor intensive. With the 3 items mentioned (baking soda, coconut oil, and salt/sugar), you can drastically improve the quality and appearance of your skin, naturally. Every person, man or woman should have these 3 items on hand and available for use on a daily basis.
© 2013 Rebecca