Men and women clothed in modern apparel - A spiritual perspective
God has stated that we are made in his image and likeness. Male and female, he has created us. He made such a wonderful job out of his craftsmanship that he proclaims we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God’s image, epitomized in man, is awesome and beautiful to behold. Prophet Ezekiel vividly reveals how God looks like on his throne. God expects each individual to appreciate their individual form, appearance, masculinity or femininity. These are attributes of God. No one should desire to be like the other. If God seriously wanted us the way we are, why would we wish to resemble the opposite gender in form and even in attire?
Fashion Model
Modern apparel
In our rebellious stance, we are always looking for ways of pleasing ourselves, acquaintances and loved ones by the way we dress with total disregard of Godly advice. It is as if there is a compelling force that pressures us to be free from God’s dictates of decency. The trouser has become universal and acceptable to both genders without question. Skin tights have become more provocative by the day. Leggings that reveal more than pleases the eye have become common place. It is no wonder that God refined our differences with regard to what we ought to wear early in time to the nation of Israel. Why did he have to define our mode of dressing? Is our dressing important to God? Does our dressing please God? Do we glorify God in our attire? How does inappropriate attire affect a child of God with regard to holiness? Is there godliness in modern attire?
Many questions abound on this issue that beg for clarity considering the fact that it is not easy to distinguish between a boy and a girl, or a man and a woman. I have often seen a beautiful boy who just happens to be a girl. At times, the girl we are looking at turns out to be a boy. Such confusion is generated by violations of rules that specify garment types, gender and trending fashions that target our fleshly lusts.
A model
Our bodies have an allure that can easily lead any unwary mind astray if indecently exposed for public consumption. We have the power to attract and charm to foul play. Our bodies are tempting, appealing and inviting to an unwary observer. Our bodies are weapons that can dispose logical thought, entice an individual in an unsuspecting manner and incline their sober thoughts towards an unexpected end. Our bodies can be rudely amorous without intending to be so. Therefore, we need to cover up decently and also be well aware of the weapon we carry each day, lest we corrupt an innocent mind.
Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5 does not seem to exist in some Bibles. We most likely tore this verse out of our copies of the scriptures. I believe the later took place to cover our guilt stirred by its presence in scriptures. The big question still remains, “How should men and women dress each day?”
God’s view on apparel
In his profound wisdom, God admonishes both men and women to be different with regard to their physiological forms by urging them not to be alike. It is stated in Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 that “The woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God”. Abominations are things hateful to God. Rather, things that God does not like.
Feminine attire is designed to suit a woman’s body while masculine attire is meant for men. Despite such advice from God, designers keep fashioning feminine attire in line with masculine outlooks. We even have unisex attire that neutralizes the scripture stated above.
Model Laura
Abominations hated by God
God clearly states that this is an abomination to him. A few abominations are listed below:
Proverbs 6:16-19 says that “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren”. The end of all abominations is clearly stated in the word of God. God’s word will be fulfilled in its entirety because he does not back down on his word.
Modern times have seen a watering down of God’s word to suit our tastes. Things are done for our convenience by tradition, while brushing aside God’s feelings towards such issues. It is like we have thrown our cares to the wind without caring about sound spiritual guidance.
Sermons are being fashioned to please the audience instead of the leading of the Spirit of God. Do we imagine God accepting our modern traditional behavior while brushing aside his word?
Attire is often accompanied with many accessories that are meant to enhance our general outlook, some of which are listed below.
Model at work
God’s perspective on hair and accessories
In 1Timothy 2 verse 9-10 says “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becomes women professing Godliness) with good works”.
- God expects us to adorn ourselves in modest apparel. Modest refers to not being offensive in conduct or appearance. Humble or marked by simplicity. Free from pomp or affection. Moderate in stature and quality.
- God wants us to be shamefaced. This implies ashamed, modest, showing a sense of guilt, or shyness.
- God wants us to be sober in our dressing. This implies dignified in appearance, serious.
- God expects us not to have braided hair, plaited, twisted, coiffure, tresses.
- God expects no pearls on us. Pearls connote stature, brightness, preciousness, superiority, great wealth.
- God expects no costly jewels on us. Jewelry connote stature, brightness, preciousness, superiority, great wealth.
- God expects no gold on Godly people, gold connotes stature, brightness, preciousness, superiority, great wealth. The word is flaunting, flash, ostentation, show off or swank what we have before the needy.
All these rule out meekness of the spirit while emphasizing material tendencies in children of God whose value is above such adornments. They easily lure us into idolatry that highlights idol or Diva worship that seduces whoever wears such and those who gaze upon them. Attire exalts the human body triggering excessive unwarranted adoration. This stirs wicked lustful imaginations that lead to mischief while sowing discord among brethren and on lookers both intentionally and ignorantly, thereby fulfilling Proverbs 6:25 and Matthew 5:28.
A model at work
Man’s traditions
Our total confusion on types of cloths we ought to wear stems from our casting away Godly counsel not only from our lives but failing to illuminate divine wisdom upon our children. We tend to be too comfortable with our traditions to a point where we greatly uphold man’s traditions above Godly advice. In the book of Mark 7 verse 13, God says “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye”.
Our traditions have rendered the word of God useless to a point where we can no longer distinguish masculine from feminine attire. We have handed the same confusion down to our children. Therefore, in this regard, the word of God is of no effect to several generations downwards. People are feeling comfortable in tight revealing attire, meant for the opposite gender, in which they will soon find themselves before the Lord’s mercy seat.
Fashion Sketching 101- How to become a fashion designer
1 Peter 3: 3-4 says “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price”.
One question I need to ask myself before stepping out is; What image do I strike? How does the Holy Spirit in me feel when he is clad in the shameful attire on my body? Don’t I know that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?
If the Holy Spirit is our helper, do we bother to ask him to help us choose the day’s attire that will glorify God?
Show me one man who wears feminine apparel and by general consensus, you will be looking at a mad man. How about women who dress in masculine attire? Are we teaching our children proper spiritual doctrine? Is our God prone to confusion?
Let us therefore cast aside whatever legitimizes sin in our lives and hold onto those things that bring glory to God following to do that which God purposed in the beginning, lest we fall victim to unseen issues taken for granted despite being forewarned by God himself. I believe God takes his word seriously. Do we? Should we shun Godly doctrine and embrace our own instead? We have already repulsed any opposition to our choice of attire by tradition. Has our tradition made God’s Word to be of no effect?
Wherever in scripture we defy God saying “Do not” attracts a curse exposing us to exploitation by evil spirits and the accuser of brethren. Let us make a habit of asking the Holy Spirit what we ought to wear tomorrow that brings glory to God and catch our surprise of the day.