5 Spots You Might Not Want to Ignore
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is always better than cure. The skin, the largest organ in the body, deserves great attention and care. It is a fact that age is often revealed by the state of one's skin.
There are skin areas in your body which are often overlooked. These areas will more likely reveal aging if not cared for properly. Aging is a natural process but you can hasten its effect with special focus on these 5 spots.
1. Your neck
The neck is the area commonly exposed to the harsh elements of the sun and dust. The skin in the neck area is relatively thinner and has reduced protection hence, requiring special care as in the face. It is very important to take care of the skin in the neck area since it is one spot which can easily show the signs of premature aging.
Even with the availability of surgical procedures and other enhancements such as botox injections or facelift, there is yet a procedure to address sagging neck skin.
This skin spot is more susceptible to sunburn, dryness, wrinkling, pigmentation and lines. It is important that women should focus on its care by regularly applying moisturizer and sunscreen when necessary.
Treat the whole neck area (front and back) as an extension of your face. It also gets irritated easily since colognes and perfumes are often sprayed here. This often leads to to irritation and breakouts.
When applying your favoite moisturizing ceram, make it a habit to extend this TLC to the neck. Maintaining moisture will help retain suppleness and fuller skin. In the same manner, if harsh soaps are a big no-no to facial skin, one must apply the same rule for the neck
Moreover, refrain from spraying perfume on the neck as these fragrances may have ingredients that will further irritate the skin and may cause pigmentation. Start applying sunblock or sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
The next time you clean, exfoliate, moisturize and tone your face, think of including your neck area. Such extra care will be worth it.
2. The upper chest
To make skin supple and fresh-looking in your decollete or chest area, avoid exposing it to the direct rays of the sun. It is also advisable not to use harch bar soaps to prevent skin irritation to this sensitive spot.
Note that some metals in necklaces and other accessories may cause a reaction when kept close to the skin. As with the neck, moisturizers will keep this spot supple and smooth.
Make it a habit to exfoliate the chest area at least once a week to encourage skin regeneration. You may use your favorite body buff or wash with gentle extoliation granules to remove dead skin cells in this area. If you are more inclined to the use of natural and home-prepared exfoliant, oatmeal or brown sugar mixed with extra virgin olive oil can be an alternative and a great way to buff this area of the body once a week.
3. Your hands
Skin in the hands is prone to dryness due to it’s frequent use and exposure to soaps and chemicals on a daily basis. Slathering on body lotion or cream to the larger part of the body is a ritual most women do but they often forget to do the same on their hands.
Just like the neck, the skin in the hands is quite thin since it has little fat underneath making it very susceptible to dryness and wrinkling.
If you notice, the hands of the elderly can mostly be seen with veins and wrinkles. To prevent dryness, make it a point to carry a small bottle of moisturizing lotion in your handbag to moisturize the hands during the day or every after washing.
When hand washing, it would also be advisable to use mild soap to prevent natural moisture loss leading to hand irritation and dryness.
When doing household chores that entail the use of soap, make sure to use a rubber glove to protect your hand's delicate skin from further irritation and long term damage.
One may likewise avail of hand spas or salons for some basic hand scrubs. Before sleeping at night, do moisturize your hands once more.
4. Your feet
Caring for the feet is often overlooked by many since this part of the body is often concealed and tucked away from people’s discerning eyes. With the exception of those who have foot fetishes, most women neglect this part of their bodies. The feet deserves much needed attention since it is the most hardworking and used part in the body that helps one in mobility and doing the daily activities.
Note that the skin in this part is prone to dryness and therefore requires a lot of moisturizing. Moisturize the feet by applying lotion a few times per day and then before sleep. You may also apply foot moisturizer and lock in the moisture by wearing socks all night.
If you have time, spend some well-deseves ’me’ time and give your feet some love by getting a footspa. This will greatly help remove dry skin via foot scrub formulas. Also, try to apply petroleum jelly to calloused skin to make them softer. One may also opt for special ointments to treat hardened skin in your feet.
Treat tired feet with a warm soak with lukewarm water and rock salt mixture. Towel dry afterwards and apply a generous slather of foot lotion.
You may also avail of special foot lotions. They come in different varieties and concictions. There are some with mints, lavenders and other variants to give one a fresh feeling and promote your foot skin to become more supple and hydrated.
Finally, do not discount the major contribution of nutrition for the skin. Nutrition and water intake is also another secret to ensure that your body and skin remains hydrated. Consume a lot of vegetables and fruits and avoid too much processed food.
5. Your arms (and elbow)
The skin in the elbow allows the arm freedom of movement and it also needs some tender loving care from you to remain healthy. Care should be take to keep them soft and smooth.
One can do this by applying moisturizers and lotion to prevent them from drying out or turning black. You can also do a weekly mini-exfoliation routine to enhance the growth of new skin in the elbows.
The arms can do well to frame a woman's body and therefore care should be taken to make them look and feel soft and smooth. Exfoliate regularly and if you have the time learn a few exercises to tone those biceps.
Give these extra attention to these oft-neglected skin areas while you can and it will work magic in helping preserve these skin parts to be supple and youthful in a long time. Be kind to your skin, and it will do the same to you.
© 2010 Shan Moore