Plastic Surgery Games and Virtual Plastic Surgery.
Cosmetic crazy.
It seems the whole world is obsessed with plastic surgery, from breast enlargement to toe amputation and everything in between. The original idea behind plastic surgery was as a medical aid, to enable reconstruction and correction, helping patients to appear as they once did before an accident or as corrective surgery due to an abnormality. However cosmetic surgery is now synonymous with aesthetics, the pursuit of artificial beauty and in some cases unobtainable physical perfection. With society placing such a heavy emphasis on image and looks it's not really all that surprising cosmetic surgery, has become as popular and sought after as it is today.
A rising interest.
Plastic surgery games are a weird phenomenon with a rising interest and popularity among young game players. This oddly fascinating, yet slightly disturbing new trend is finding it's way into the consciousness of youth and is rapidly growing into a regular past time for some. These types of games, are springing up not only online but in P.C. and games console format also. So why are they capturing such attention and what do they involve?
- Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery compensation.
This article is an independently written article, unbias and free to read. It explains what cosmetic surgery negligence is, what you can claim for and what kind of money you can expect to receive from a claim. Busting common myths and letting you kno
Virtual surgery.
The majority of these games involve rather graphic cutting, slicing and sewing up. With copious amount's of blood, fat and pus thrown in for good measure. This particular take on the plastic surgery game allows you to play virtual plastic surgeon, with a touch of Frankensteins monster about it, it is not for the faint hearted or weak stomached. On the flip side of virtual surgery is putting your character forward for improvement work, in one particular game your character is knowingly assigned an illegal surgeon because it allows you cheaper surgery. However the results could go horrifically wrong and often do, demonstrating the element of chance that is always present when undergoing surgery. As we know cases of plastic surgery gone wrong are as relevant In reality as they are in the virtual world.
The gameshow.
Cosmetic surgery the game show, a creation of the plastic surgery channel. This is a recent U.S. pilot called fake or real, pretty self explanitory. A panel of three celebrity Judges, Deborah Shelton, Katie Cleary and Dr Robert Rey attempt to guess who's assets are the result of surgery and which are natural. Although this concept has been done to a lesser degree in one way or another before, it is worth taking a look if only for it's comedy value.
Surgery simulation.
Ever wondered what you would look like with a new nose? Bigger breasts? Smaller waist? Well there's a game for that too! You can download your picture onto the game and give yourself the features you always dreamed of. This is a fairly useful tool if your seriously considering surgery, although as mentioned before plastic surgery can and does go wrong and due to the complexities of any medical procedure, the results will not always be entirely accurate. This game can all so be a bit of fun and rather surprisingly more often then not, you prefer the way you looked before anyway.
Celebrity and surgery.
Celebrities associated with surgery and even those that are not, both feature on these games. You can mould, change, inflate and deflate their varies parts as you please. Because these games cover celebrity and cosmetic enhancement, they feed are fascination two fold. With more young people then ever harbouring the desire to become famous, this type of game in particular reinforces what the media portrays and accounts for why these are the most popular of all plastic surgery games, especially among females. Micheal Jackson and Jordan have several games assigned just to them, with the real photos of their before and after surgery and comparisons with your take on their plastic surgery. Due to Micheal Jackson's death and Jordan's recent divorce, player numbers have also increased quite significantly over the last few months.