Hairdressing: Is Your Hair Dry or Greasy.
Your Hair and You.
We offer here some information on why some people have dry hair and others have greasy hair. At the base of every hair in your head there are usually one or two glands. These glands are called sebacious glands and they secrete an oil called sebum. Just how well these work determines whether you have dry or greasy hair.
Clearly there are extremes. A person with naturally thin hair growth might have one gland operating therefore we would find dry hair. At the other extreme we find a person with a naturally thick growth of hair might have two glands working, consequently we might then see greasy hair.
What you can do.
Regular brushing of the head by a person with dry hair, can often enliven the glands and might just show an improvement in appearance. Whether dry or greasy a regular application of conditioner will help. A regular scalp massage might also help. When done properly a massage should also help you to relax. Everyone is different and using a professional hairdresser will help with advice in your particual circumstances.
There are approximately 20,000 hairs on the human head and average growth rate is half an inch a month. People everywhere ask if this can be speeded up, the answer is NO I'm afraid. Look after your hair on a regular basis, you will look better and feel better.
See Photograph below.
Your Hair Care.
Beautiful Hair For You
© 2012 Graham Lee