What Would You Do If Offered 5000 Dollars For Your Social Networking Account?
In today's online business social networking is a big part of the business. Whether it be Facebook, Google +, Twitter or several hundred other social networks we all spend our time friending, subscribing and following our way to the top hoping for karma and to get what we give. The person with the most followers wins and gains the attention of the general online population and with that attention can push their wares, advertise and generally make money off the people.
The majority of us have these accounts and some of us like myself have numerous accounts on many social networks. Some of the contacts in these accounts are family and friends, others are online friends or complete strangers but connections none the less. Whenever I create an article put videos to my youtube channels, etc. I also post to my networks so that all of my followers can view what I have done. This gives them entertainment, myself views and ad revenue.
Not too long ago I was presented with a business proposition. Someone online seeing that I had a very high amount of followers on my account offered to pay me $5000 if I would turn over complete access to it. As he said he wanted to use the account to promote his videos, articles, etc. My first thought of course was that he was scamming me and that he was another online criminal putting his net out for some serious phishing. Looking for a gullible target to give control over and then he would pick the account clean of my personal info and try to do the same with all of my contacts. That possibly he would pose as me and try to commit some type of online crime. But even with those thoughts I had to admit I was very curious.
With absolutely no intention of allowing him to have access to my account I asked him for more information. He sent me the name of his website and I checked it out. After viewing it I realized it was a real company and was indeed a professional setup. To check on it I called the contact number and asked to speak with the gentlemen. He did exist. I checked the listing for his company on Google maps and found it listed and viewed the building on street view. I conversed further with him and still not convinced. He advised me that he could pay me through Paypal upfront and I said I would sell just to see what would happen.
Two days later I saw a payment in my Paypal account for $5000 and my jaw dropped. Realizing that it wasn't a joke I immediately refunded the payment and contacted the gentlemen advising him that I was sorry but couldn't sell my account. He attempted to further persuade me but I refused and eventually had to hang up the phone. He tried sending a few emails but I responded only once advising I couldn't sell. Even now it seems unreal to me that someone would want to buy a social networking account. But I kid you not.
Let me know what you think. Can someone put a price on your social network? Provided you could remove your personal info would you sell your account to some faceless business man bent on using it for financial gain?
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