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Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit Encourages Photography
The iPad is a great gadget that can provide hours of entertainment and can keep us in touch with friends and family with very little effort. The iPad can also frustrate us when it fails to provide some of the same features found on our laptops. Sure we were told in advance that the iPad was designed to be more of an Internet tablet than a laptop and we accepted that. Well, sort of anyway.
Lucky for us there are some accessories showing up that will expand the use of our iPads. If you enjoy taking photos the Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit is an accessory that allows the iPad to work much like any other laptop. The instant-on feature and the long battery life of the Apple iPad actually makes it perfect to use as a digital photo tablet.
Thanks to this camera connection kit there are going to be some creative work coming from professional photographers. In fact, there may be more of us going professional in the future.
The iPad Camera Connection Kit has two parts. Each piece is small, white and has the distinctive design of Apple products. The first device transfers digital photos to the iPad via an SD card slot. The second device provides a USB port for you camera to connect directly with the iPad. Once the connection to the iPad has been made – tap on the photo tab and the stored photos will appear on the iPad screen. Compatible digital photo formats are JPEG and Raw. There are numerous ipad Apps (some free-some paid) to edit the photos once they are on the iPad.
Combine the iPad, iPad connectors, an iPhone and an SLR camera and you have a complete photo taking suite of equipment. The iPad is easy to travel with. It is lightweight and although 3G capabilities are not totally necessary, finding your way to remote areas and home again is easier. If you are lucky enough to take some special photos you can send them to friends and family or post them to an online photo site. If the photos are not pleasing enough out of the camera, edit them right there on your iPad and then send them.
Unless many things change the iPad will never completely replace a laptop computer. However, gadgets like the Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit is making my iPad a lot more fun to use.