Checking Content Uniqueness of a Website
Content is the King of the web and has a major influence in determining the search visibility of a particular website. The website content determines the success of the website and hence the content of your website needs be perfect, unique, relevant and should reflect the nature of your business. Webmasters pays importance to the website content and makes sure that the content does not lack anything.
Webmasters usually hire a content writer for their website at reasonable prices and as a large number of content writers are available, there is also a great chance of the quality of the content falling at times. You need to check the content quality, written by these content writers. You should not put the verdict on the content by just measuring its quantity. One of the major problem one faces with content is the lack of originality or uniqueness.
Most of the average content writers does not spend too much time on content research and instead they search for some content and copies the same content without making any alteration. This results in content duplication which is not considered good by major search engines, and would also ruin your SEO efforts resulting in your site going down in the traffic growth. Hence content duplication is not a healthy practice and you may not see enough output in your SEO activities.
So before accepting content from any content writer, make sure to check the originality of your content. There should not be any copy of your content on the internet and it is your responsibility to make sure that the content is unique and original. There are generally two ways to check the originality of your content and these ways make sure that you do not end up putting duplicate content on your website.
1) CopyScape Method
This is one of the easiest and most popular ways and here you just need to go to and enter the URL of your website in the text box provided. If your content is duplicate, then CopyScape will show you a search result showing the sites that are using content similar to yours. In this ways you can check the originality of your web site content for better SEO results.
2) Google Search Method
This is a simple method and most commonly used ways to find out the duplicate content. Here you need to copy a portion of your content and do an exact search in Google. If there are duplicate content on the internet then Google will show the results containing the websites which using the exact content that you used for search. In this ways you can detect duplicate content and eliminate them for better SEO outputs.
So before accepting any content from your content writers at make sure that you conduct these two simple tests and pay them only after the content passes these two tests.