35mm-to-Digital Photo Converter Restores Family History
35mm slides can be easily converted to digital photos
When families get together new memories are born. Interestingly enough it is also the time that we relish the memories of previous years. Seems like each year another loved one is missing so pictures become more important than ever.
It is discouraging to look back at photo albums and see how the photos are deteriorating. The colors are not vibrant anymore and some of the photos are sticking to the pages. You know that within a few more years these photos will not be something that you enjoy.
Scanning photos are an option. Turning them into digital files makes it possible to rejuvenate them. Colors can be corrected and slideshows make viewing them fun again. If you have photo negatives the job may have just gotten easier.
Slides are another source of memories that were popular a few decades ago. Some of these slides will never see the light of day again because we no longer have the slide viewer.
I have a huge storage box full of slides taken by a distant aunt and uncle. They were world travelers and these slides documented much of their travel. My plan is to find the way to bring them to life.
A 35mm-to-digital converter will do the trick. All that is needed is a computer, the converter and a stack of slides. The converter has an accessory that lines up the negative for you. Once the converter is attached to the computer via a USB connection it is easy to turn the slides into a multi-megapixel digital photo. The converter will handle the focus, the exposure and the colors so it is hard to mess up. Software is included that will make it easy to correct photo flaws.
Can you imagine everyone’s surprise at the next holiday gathering when you show the new slideshow of past family memories? Just be prepared – everyone will want copies.