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How Do I Change My Default Search Engine to Google

Updated on May 13, 2024
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L.M. Reid is an Irish writer who has published many articles in magazines and online.

How do I Make Google my Default Search Engine?
How do I Make Google my Default Search Engine? | Source

How to Make Google Chrome Your Default Browser

I use Google Chrome as my default browser. This means every time I connect to the internet my Google Homepage appears with my own settings. It is easy to use and navigate. When I decided to use this I had the option of customizing it and it is very handy.

Adding Gadgets to Your Google Chrome Homepage

Below I have explained my favorite gadgets and show you the easy way to add them and others to your own laptop or desktop computer. Have your Gmail, Twitter and Facebook accounts right there in front of you when you connect to the internet. With a click of the icon I can use the Translator, YouTube, Images, Google Play, Gmail, Reader, Facebook, and Twitter.

I added the Gadgets for my local weather, local news and international news. I also have a Twitter RSS feed of my favorite celebrities. A calendar is there too and a few games.

Step by Step Instructions

Using whatever search engine you normally use, type in 'Make Google my homepage.' Click on the URL. Then follow the easy instructions.

Default Search Engine

Now the fun starts. Google with appear every time you connect to the internet. You can customise this Google Homepage by adding your own gadgets. Go to the right hand corner of the page about middle way down. You will see a button that says 'Add Stuff'. When you click here you will be brought to a list of categories so you can choose your favorite gadgets!

How to Make Google Chrome Your Homepage
How to Make Google Chrome Your Homepage | Source


How to add your favourite games etc to your Google Homepage in seconds. There are over 270,000 Google gadgets to choose from. They are very easy to add believe me! And when you want a change to maybe a different game or background they are just as easy to remove.

Here is how you do it!

If you like a gadget just click the ‘add it now’ button and that it is automatically added. If you decide you want to change it at some time you only have to press the delete button and it is gone, in an instant nowhere to be seen. With such an amazing choice of so many gadgets they have put them under categories for easy search. These are the ones I use.


Yes they have a gadget for your Facebook account too. So every time you open up your Google homepage you can see all your recent messages, status updates and news feed from your Facebook account.

You can also post messages and status updates directly from this page. If you decide you want to spend more time on Facebook you only have to click on the Maximize button and you can see your account in full size. This button is easy to find on the top right hand corner.

Hangman Game

The old game called Hangman is now in cartoon form. When I was a kid we played this word game with a pen or pencil. We drew the scaffold and then the man to be hanged if we did not guess the word correctly in time.

This modernised version of the game has categories for the words to choose from. If you want you can also get hints too. But it is not a man but a pixie that is the poor creature that gets hanged if you get it wrong! There are different pixies with a few other surprises as well. When I have some spare time I can play this game directly from my iGoogle Homepage.

Add Games to your Websites and Blogs

There is also a HTML code which you can copy and paste provided by Google. This allows you to add this game or any of the other games available from the list to your own website or blog. Your readers will be able to play the games then too.

The HTML Code for the Hangman Game

<script src="//;up_skin=&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=196&amp;title=__MSG_title__&amp;lang=all&amp;country=ALL&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"></script>

Google Chrome Homepage
Google Chrome Homepage | Source

Google Map Search

If you travel a lot or like to go to new places then this Google Gadget is a must on your homepage. Because anytime you want directions you just have to type into the handy search box the name of what you are looking for and the location.

Within seconds the Google Map will change to show the nearest results. Click on the one you want and it zooms in. You have a visual map, but also you can read the directions and get contact details too. Google also provides the HTML Code for Google Map Search so you can add this handy tool to your own websites or blogs.

The HTML Code for Google Map Search

<script src="//;synd=open&amp;w=350&amp;h=600&amp;title=GOOGLE+MAP+SEARCH&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&amp;output=js"></script>


  • Weather forecast: Local. country and worldwide
  • News: Local. country and worldwide
  • Calendars
  • A To Do List
  • Lots of different games
  • Daily cute photos of puppies or kittens
  • Google Maps
  • Music
  • Random facts
  • Books of Twilight quotes
  • John F Kennedy quotes

Results are Impressive

Adding your own background theme. You can change the background theme of your Google page with an impressive selection of hundreds of photographs. I have added only a very small selection here. You look at them, ten to a page and in categories and when you see a photo you like all you have to do is click on the add button. Depending on what mood you are in you can change this as often as you like.

Customize Google Homepage

Using the internet is fun but also time consuming. You do not have to go looking for your favorite applications like your Gmail, Facebook or Twitter accounts to check on your updates. Open the internet and you have them in front of you instantly with Google. Make life easier for yourself!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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