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How to Save Battery Life of Phones

Updated on January 7, 2016
How to make the battery of phones to last for the users. The picture is designed with illustration.
How to make the battery of phones to last for the users. The picture is designed with illustration. | Source

The joy of using any phone is that its battery lasts long. When mobile phone owners make use of phones whose batteries easily run down, they will not enjoy the phones at all. Frankly speaking it is better for me to use old Nokia phone that is built with long lasting battery than to make use of big phone it quote that its battery run down easily.

In this piece of write-up, I will be teaching you on how to save the battery life of your mobile phones at ease. These points are easy to comprehend for you to enjoy the phone you spent good amount of money to buy. The most annoying of all is that these phones go off when you are more seriously in need of them; what a heart breaking situation?

Hence, the tips on how to maintain the battery life of phones to last longer when in use are:

  • Do not continue to charge when filled;
  • Avoiding charging with small capacity generators;
  • Change the mode of your phone to Power saving;
  • Increasing the speed of browsing by disabling image load;
  • Reduce the backlight of phones; and
  • Avoid opening of many apps at a time.

Do not overcharge the battery of your phone to save energy and the battery as well.
Do not overcharge the battery of your phone to save energy and the battery as well. | Source

Do not continue to charge when filled

It is not encouraging to continue charging the battery of your phone when the phone gives the alert “battery full”. As a user of any phone, be it iphone, blackberry, smart phone, and other kinds of phones; ensure that you monitor your phone when you plug it in power source for charging. When you bought the phone newly, you may not know the exact duration for the phone battery to become filled, but with time you will know. When you know that, ensure that you unplug from the source when filled. Charging phones when the battery is already filled weakens the battery of the phone in question.

Being conscious to know when the battery of your phone gets filled will help you save energy as well. Instead of wasting the energy, it is better to have it conserved. Conservation of energy energy makes it useful and applicable to other places.

Avoiding charging with small capacity Generators

Some rush to markets to buy generators which they use in helping their lives without knowing that these small capacity generators in one way or the other will affect their lives negatively. Small generators which many use in charging the batteries of their phone have quickened the “death” of the batteries. Do not charge the battery of your phones with your small generators so that the batteries will last for you. You may say that the small generator will not affect until after some months and the result begins to show. If you must charge the batteries of your phones with generator, go for big one and not use the small ones.

Change the mode of Your Phone to Power saving

Another way to save the battery life of phone is by changing the mode of your phone to power saving. Power saving mode offs inbuilt lights of the phone and keep it in safe mode to ensure that the battery lasts for the user. Techno and other kinds of phone have this feature to help the users to maintain long lasting status of their batteries. In Techno phones for instance, the mode can be selected from the profiles section where we have “General, Silent, Meeting, Indoor, Outdoor and Power saving mode.

Increasing the speed of browsing by disabling Image Load

The duration of minutes it takes a phone connected to the internet to land at a particular page on the web affects how long the battery life of the phone will be. When some phones which are connected to the internet struggle to visit a particular website maybe because of high traffic to the website or high image upload on the website, the battery of the phone will begin to heat. At that point, energy is being dissipated which affects the battery life. So, to prevent this from affecting the battery life negatively, when you use the phone, disable image from the browser settings, and stop loading when visit to the intended website takes much time.

How to save battery of phone by reducing the backlight of the phone. Reducing backlight of phone and its brightness will prevent battery from running down.
How to save battery of phone by reducing the backlight of the phone. Reducing backlight of phone and its brightness will prevent battery from running down. | Source

Reduce the Backlight of Phones

When you high the backlight of your phone, you are indirectly telling the phone that you want its battery to go down quickly. Are you surprised? Don’t… be because that is the truth. When you increase the backlight of your phone, the battery of the phone gives out higher energy than before. So, ensure that both the screen brightness and the backlight of your phone are reduced to the minimal state for the battery life of the phone to last for longer time. When you do this, you will see that that there is improvement on the number of hours the battery stays before going down.

Avoid opening of many Apps at a Time

Sometimes we open many applications on our mobile phones. We have the Facebook, Twitter, Opera mini, UC Web, 2go, Messenger, and other applications opened at the same time without understanding that these open apps are drawing more strength from the batteries of our phones. When we have many apps active, the battery at that point does a lot of work. Because of the much work it does in that state, it evolves much more energy. If you want the battery life of your phone to be saved for long time, please do not open and use many applications at the same time. I strongly believe that all these tips that are illustrated are helpful to you.

How will you feel if you get to work one day and brought out your phone to make call and to your greatest surprise found out that the energy stored in the phone battery have all dissipated? You will feel disappointed right? To avoid such disappointment, ensure that you follow the guide stated here.


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