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I Had an AI Write a Short Political Analysis

Updated on October 17, 2019

The Procedure

I used an AI to generate a political article. I started out by using a simple prompt, “Trumps impeachment “ and had the AI write the rest. What follows is what the AI wrote.

The AI Written Article

By SINN FEHERTY, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has decided to stay in office for the full four-year term but will no longer make public an Oval Office memorandum laying out his rationale for firing FBI Director James Comey, a person with knowledge of the decision said Tuesday.

The action could lead to accusations that Trump is attempting to block or alter a special counsel investigation into Russia-related meddling in the 2016 election. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation but still is expected to testify before the Senate this week.

Trumps impeachment hearing, the president has been trying to prove that he doesn't have ties to Russia — something he has claimed was proven with the FBI and House and Senate investigations. But the president's own actions as president have made it less clear where his loyalty lies — and where he is not. During the campaign, Trump repeatedly said that he was not involved with Russia, only that they had "nothing to do with" him, but his actions during his presidency have made that statement look less than spotless. And his campaign, which was riddled with illegal activity, is now being investigated by the Department of Justice for collusion with Russia. The president has also claimed, incorrectly, that his campaign did not collude with Russia and that he is the victim of a Democratic witch hunt. While a great deal of the American public believes that the president is telling the truth , in this case we now know that he is not.

"It is important to remember that the Russia investigation is not limited to the 2016 election and is focused on the Russians' attempts to interfere in the 2016 election, including efforts by individuals with ties to the Russian government to influence our election," said Rod Rosenstein, the former deputy attorney general. "We are also investigating the broader issues of Russian interference in the 2016 election."

In other words, the investigation is not over, but the Russia investigation will remain a priority, and it is critical that the investigation is thorough and transparent. The Democrats have had their opportunity to use the president to further their agenda, and so far they have chosen not to do so. The question now becomes whether Trump 's actions will continue to negatively affect the Republican Party. And it is important to note that the investigation is not just an issue for the Democrats. On a bipartisan basis, members of both parties are also concerned about the effect that Trump's policies will have on the economy, immigration, national security, and many other critical issues.

Trump is now back to playing defense. He needs a new strategy: to do a better job of presenting facts to the American people. But if Trump can't present a coherent and logical case, that doesn't bode well for his presidency.

Trump has tweeted this morning that he wants to "make America great again." However, he's also said repeatedly that the country is "living in the wrong demographic" and promised that the country's "economic future is great."

I am the only person on Earth that knows the demographics of America. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 27, 2016

The demographics that Obama and his advisers see as the biggest challenges are not white Americans but the black one.

Black Americans are a majority of the total population of the United States — and Trump is trying to convince most Americans that he's the right person to help change that. A new survey from the The Washington Post and the pollster N.C. State found that the most important metric for persuading African American voters is the issue of race.

There were nearly as many black voters who thought race played a role in their choice of Hillary Clinton as thought about Trump, 38 percent versus 32 percent.

Black voters overwhelmingly said they would be more likely to cast a ballot for a black candidate in an election or for future elections.

Overall, Trump's speech has left some Americans feeling that his words were not "presidential" and "inoffensive."

Article Analysis

What can be inferred through this is that AI is really good at generating believable text. Sure, this is common knowledge at this point, since lots of articles rave about AI being able to write full length novels that are capable of winning awards. But I moreover focused on the political side of the AI and how it could be used to make fake news and political analysis articles. From the example I provided, you can tell that anyone can use AI to create fake news on anyone.

When I had the AI write the analysis, I had only started the prompt with "Trump impeachment" and the AI generated an entire 680 word analysis detailing events that, for the most part, never occurred, but someone would assume so, as the AI included an author name, and provided real life evidence (the fake tweet, for example). The author name is fake, however, Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein are real people.

At some parts of the text, the AI did write some odd sentences that did not necessarily fir the article, such as "The demographics that Obama and his advisers see as the biggest challenges-".

The tweet the Ai also wrote in is also fake and searching up the tweet URL leads to an error page. Nonetheless, the article is written very well and it would be hard to distinguish whether or not a human or AI wrote the article.

This was just a quick example I wanted to share that showed the amazing, yet terrifying capabilities of AI and its ability to generate coherent text with ease.

The AI used for this example:

© 2019 Danny Grove


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