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Internet Temper Tantrums

Updated on September 7, 2016

Some time back there was a fascinating discussion on a forum about deleting or not deleting comments. I realize many people strongly feel that keeping all comments on Hubs and websites is respecting freedom of speech, but to me there is not taking away from freedom of speech if you delete negative overly provocative, or pointless comments. I do not delete the majority of comments, but if someone feels negative and wants to throw a temper tantrum on my hub I will delete their little fit. The little sour grape can go write a hub about how I did not approve their childish comment, but I do not have to keep it on my hub. My stance on this issue is I enjoy edifying, informative, respectfully humorous, and positive comments, and some comments just wreak of someone who wants to take their bad attitude out on the world. The Internet is a space where small number of people feel comfortable doing this from the anonymity from behind their computer when making some really nasty or just ridiculous remarks.

Only kids look cute when throwing a temper tantrum.  Adults cannot get away with this look!
Only kids look cute when throwing a temper tantrum. Adults cannot get away with this look!

I have received a few of these comments in the past and sometimes they are written by anonymous posters, and other times people actually use their real profile to post these tirades. One man that was Jehovah's Witness was so offended by my hub stating that this is a religion people should reconsider raising their children in, but he said I must be a sour grape because I did not have a good experience with this group. Interestingly he left a link to the Watch Tower website encouraging people to obtain "real" information about Jehovah's Witnesses, which is very humorous because this group will never tell the truth to your face. Actually this group has a fun time prodicting the end of the world, and their founder insisted his wife remain celibate while he made conquests towards a young teenager girl he was supposedly mentoring. Does this sound like good family values? Not really.

The Jehovah's Witnesses want you to believe that good Christians will never display an ounce of patriotism or salute any flag, but they have no problem using the US legal system to secure their freedom of religion. For years the Jehovah's Witnesses preached about how the UN was an evil organization that represented Satan, but interestingly the Watch Tower is an NGO (Non-Government Organization) within the United Nations. So the JW propaganda will continue to preach about the Biblical references of how the UN represents the end times, but they will rely on this organization to protect their human rights interests countries that do not always support freedom of religion.

Mr. Pro JW poster to start a bitter argument with me with his emotional rant, but my point of view is that it is my personal hub with my point of view on it. The few years I spent attending Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in elementary school were were a bit socially ostracizing because I was not allowed to participate or take part in even the simplest of holidays. Mr. Pro JW poster can go write a hub about how great his religion is, but I do not have put up with his silly comment, especially since all he wanted was to he j prove his comment was bigger than mine. I am not lover of debate, and if a comment is negative or a happy attitude drain, well there is a possibility it may just be deleted. Companies have the freedom of speech to send out junk mail, and I have the initiative to throw that away too! If Mr. New Affiliate of the week wants to post a spammy link or overly promotional comment to my hub, then I have no problem sending these to spam land. Go write a hub telling us why your contradictory religion and/or spam link is really important as I am sure everyone is pining away to read about that! Not!

My favorite deleted and spammed comment was from an anonymous poster in Boston ( I looked up his IP). This man wanted to let me know my pop-up card was the ugliest thing he had ever seen, and that I had the motor skills of a child. Oh well, I guess he was in a rotten little mood, and if he hates my pop-up card that much, then he does not have to look at it. There was no way I was going to indulge his little snarky comment and defend myself as his tirade was only meant to try to zap my energy. People have freedom of speech, but I also have the liberty to delete and spam their odd ball comments. Suppose I have to give Mr. Boston brownie points for making me laugh before I deleted his garbage.


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