Are You an Internet Addict?
What is Internet Addiction Disorder?
Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. It becomes a compulsive behavior that completely dominates the addict's life. Internet addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family, relationships, health and work. Just like gambling, excessive gaming, a growing sexual addiction or compulsive shopping. It is suggested that most people online who think they are addicted are probably suffering from a desire to not want to deal with other problems in their lives. These problems can be depression, anxiety, stress, unemployment, health a disability problem, or a relationship problem. Though there is no suggestion about someone trying to make a living online.
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Internet Addiction is Like a Drug - Could It Be Making Us Dumber?
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Do you Hav IAD?
The internet becomes a particular kind of stimulation to the point where obtaining a steady supply becomes the sole and central focus of their lives. Mental health professionals are split as to whether or not internet addiction is real. There are sites online to help with addiction. What is disputed is whether people can become addicted to the Internet in itself, or rather to the stimulation and information that the web provides. Who is to say that Internet addiction is no different than being a Couch Potato. In my mind, there is more stimulation in cyberspace. Therefore more brain activity is used than sinking in a chair and staring at the tube.
Some studies suggest that 5 to 10 percent of the population have IAD. The current Internet population is nearly 50/50 in terms of proportion of men to women. Research on which of the sexes has more of an addiction is unclear. Gender has influences on the type of internet interaction that men and women seek. Men tend to seek out dominance and sexual fantasy online, while women seek out close friendships. Men are more likely to become addicted to online games, cyberporn, and online gambling, while women are more likely to become addicted to chatting, instant messaging, eBay, and online shopping. Though in the social networks that I belong to, there seems to be an equal split of men and women.
What Makes the Internet So Addictive?
The Need to Interact with People
Google Me and Love HubPages Shirts
Lost on the Internet
Funny Internet Quotes on Many Custom Products
Internet Addiction Gifts - View Here by Sandyspider on Zazzle.
Are you constantly on Google?
What about HubPages?
After a long day we often find that we are lost on the internet.
Socialization and the Internet
Social interactions are top on the list. Socialization is what makes the Internet so addicting. Social networks are growing by the handful. We all have this need to interact with others. Whether it is e-mail, a forum, chat, or an online game, people are spending time exchanging information and support with other people like themselves. Even if you have an online business, you spend time advertising in a form of socializing to send traffic to your site.
If you feel that you need help consider consulting with a local licensed psychologist, social worker or counselor, specifically one with experience treating addictions.
Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment
Caught in the Net
Don't Stop Now - Stay Glued to the Computer
All my Internet Friends
Do you have thousands of friends online?
What happens when you get too friendly online or needy?
These shirts can be found with the link above on this page under Internet Addiction by Sandyspider on Zazzle.
Take the test and add to the Duel. See further below where you can add your blog, CafePress and Zazzle shop, Websites and take another internet addiction test.
Confessions of An Internet Addict - I Can Stay Away From the Computer Any Time (that I am sleeping)
I have been accused of having an internet addiction. The first thing I do after I wake up is turn on the computer. Of course I need to check my email and websites. (Ebook Tree Saver, Gifts You Treasure, just to name a few.)
What about PayPal? Did anyone buy from my one of my Astores as this one Popular Books From A to Z or Half account? What about my many Cafepress shops or one of my Zazzle shops? Let's not forget about the social networks that I belong to. Many that have fallen to the wayside. To name a few that I am still active on Wizzley, Twitter, Facebook, and Redgage. Then some that I haven't been so active, but get a small payment every month like this one from Big Crumbs
What about the comments? Did anyone leave one for me?
There is no way that I can let a day go by without checking the essentials on the internet. Does that make me addicted? Of course not!
A while back, I made a conscious effort to stay away from the computer. After all there was the house to be cleaned, laundry to do and errands to run. (Only a woman can relate to this or a very extraordinary man. Know where can I find one?)
During one day that I decided to put aside the computer and concentration on my surroundings. The day went on as I caught up with some of the things that I had let slide. Did all the errands, chores and even baked a Pineapple Upside Down cake. Something that I hadn't made in years, but done so from the constant badgering...I mean a request from a special person in my life that would really appreciate something I hadn't made for him in years. Not like I don't set a time for cooking. (Although at times the dinner gets served late.) I even set time aside time to walk the dog. And to top it all off, I escaped that look. You know the look...the one given from your family members and drives hard into your very gives you some sort of guilt complex. Maybe, just maybe you are wasting your life away searching for something inside the box.
All right! I hadn't been 24 hours. But from the hours of 1:30 am to 10:30 pm I was free. Free of sitting in front of the white screen, typing away, searching for life inside the box. Free of going through the thousands of messages in my email. Free of the disappointment I often feel when I haven't made the money I had hoped for online, or not receiving the right comments and messages.
Oh yeah! I am not an internet junkie! There is no problem here!
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
Is the Internet More Interesting? - People always seem interesting online
No Need to Study Before Taking the Test
Where to take the test
Do you have an internet addiction? I found this online test developed by Dr. Kimberly Young, called The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) is a 20-item questionnaire that measures mild, moderate, and severe levels of Internet Addiction.
I had planned on putting the entire test on here, but it is easier to find out your level of addiction to go right to the site. Just right click the link to open it in another tab. This way you won't leave this site. Internet Addiction Test.
Here is the first question. You can answer it here. Once you take the entire testthe test add it to the comments in the guest area and (or) Twitter it below. It would be interesting to find out what percentage has an addiction problem.
Note: My score was 70.
Internet Addiction Test - Do You Have a Problem?
How often do you find that you stay on-line longer than you intended?
Internet Addiction or Not - Were You Shocked or Relieved?
Once you take the Internet Addiction Test find your score and see what it says about you.
20 - 49 points: You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.
50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life.
80 - 100 points: Your Internet usage is causing significant problems in your life. You should evaluate the impact of the Internet on your life and address the problems directly caused by your Internet usage.
Do you have an internet addiction?
The Perfect Balance
Since I have online businesses I have to check the internet everyday. But I need to find that perfect balance. The object is to work less hours than an outside job. Not more. Taking a break is good for your health.
Do you have a business or online store?
I have been writing articles since 2008. If you enjoyed this lens my services are available to write an article for you. Please contact me for more information.
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© 2009 Sandy Mertens