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Mexican Phone Help, US Dialing Prefixes for US Numbers, 800, 888, 877, and 866 From Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Cell Phones.

Updated on May 30, 2019
David Warren profile image

David Warren has lived in Puerto Vallarta for almost two years and wrote this article after being asked repeatedly for this information.

Calling Toll Free Numbers From Your New Puerto Vallarta,TelCel or Movistar Cell Phone.

  • For numbers beginning with 1-800 dial 001 first, then 880 in place of the 800, and then the rest of the digits normally. For example, if the toll-free number is 1-800-555-5555 from your Mexican phone you need to dial 001-880-555-5555.
  • For numbers beginning with 1-888 dial 001 first, then 881 in place of the 888, and then the rest of the digits normally. So for example, if the toll-free number is 1-888-555-5555 you need to dial 001-881-555-5555 from your Mexican phone.
  • For numbers beginning with 1-877 dial 001 first, then 882 in place of the 877, and then the rest of the digits normally. So for example, if the toll-free number is 1-877-555-5555 you need to dial 001-882-555-5555 from your Mexican phone.
  • For numbers beginning with 1-866 dial 001 first, then 883 in place of the 866, and then the rest of the digits normally. So for example, if the toll-free number is 1-866-555-5555 you need to dial 001-883-555-5555.

Calling US Numbers from your New Puerto Vallarta TelCel or Movistar Cell Phone.

Dialing a regular or standard US phone number is very straightforward and easily remembered. Just remember to begin with dialing 001 from your TelCel or Movistar phone and then the US area code and phone number you are attempting to reach. For example, if the US number is 555-555-5555 simply dial 001-555-555-5555. If you will be placing a lot of calls to the US it is beneficial to go into your contacts and add a 011 to the beginning of each their numbers in your contacts, just remember that when you return or visit the US you will need to remove that extra 011 in order to call anyone. It is quite common for people to forget this step and then believe that their Mexican phone does not function in the US.

Helping Your Friends and Family to Successfully Call Your Mexican Phone Number From the US.

Occasionally there are exceptions with different US carriers but these issues can normally be resolved by simply having the person call their specific carrier and ask for further help. Typically for anyone to call your Mexican number from the US they will need to dial 011, then 52 which is the country code for Mexico and then a 1 prior to dialing your Mexican area code and number. For example, if your Mexican number is 555-555-5555 just explain to your friends or relatives that in order to call you they need to dial 011-52-1-555-555-5555.

Using Your Mexican Cell Phone While in the US.

Your Mexican phone will work in the US the same way any other US phone is dialed. Just remember that again, if you added the 001 into the numbers in your contact list you will need to remove them for the duration of time you are using your Mexican phone within the US.

Messaging, Social Media and Sending Pictures from Your Mexican Phone.

Facebook and Messenger will function between countries without having to make any changes. WhatsAp is by far the most popular and common method of video, texts, and even voice calls. If you are visiting or relocating to Mexico it is advisable that you download the WhatsAp application to your device. It is owned by Facebook. Most tourists,expats, and Mexican Nationals use WhatsApp extensively. Even if your prepaid call limits and or data are used up your device can still make calls via WhatsAp while you are connected to a wi-fi network just as you can with Facebook and Messenger.

Puerto Vallarta sunset
Puerto Vallarta sunset | Source

The Cost of Pay as You Go Phone Service in Mexico.

I make a lot of calls, constantly refer to Google Maps, check and reply to emails several times daily, write reviews, and post pictures often. My Telcel pay as you go averages about 300 pesos per month. That is currently equivalent to about 15 US dollars per month. I have never spent more than the equivalent of 20 US dollars in a single month, those were typically months when I would add extra as a buffer to make sure my phone did not need more funds in Mexico while I was in the US or Canada. Telcel and Movistar can be paid at any Oxxo or Kiosko convenient store. You will never have trouble locating an Oxxo in Mexico.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 David Steitz


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