NDT Schools Florida
Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
What do NDT techs do?
NDT techs perform tests on different materials to detect flaws and defects that might cause material failure to properly function or to properly provide a safe use of.
Where is NDT applied?
NDT technology is used to perform tests on: aircraft, railways, storage tanks, concrete, walls and floors, wire-rope, pipeline and other important materials.
How do NDT techs test the materials?
NDT testing is performed in such a way that it does not interfere or affect the future usefulness of the material. They test it in such manner that the material or object is not damaged in any way and it is ready to be used for its purpose immediately after the tests.
What types of NDT testing are there?
The most important types of NDT testing are :
Radiography - RT
It is a type of testing that uses gamma radiation or X-rays to examine internal defects of material. In order to become a fully qualified RT Level III tech one is required to take the following classes:
- Radiation Safety Class
- RT Level I Class
- RT Level II Class
- Film Interpretation Class
- Optional - Radiation Safety Officer Class
Ultrasonic Testing - UT
Ultrasonic testing uses high frequency sound waves to locate flaws or changes in material properties.
To become a UT Level III Tech one needs to take the following classes:
- UT Level I
- UT Level II
- Optional: Weld Inspection
Electromagnetic Testing - ET
Most common ET method is Eddy Current Testing. It uses electrical currents are generated in a conductive material by a a magnetic field. This type of testing is also used for inspection of aircraft.
In order to become a fully qualified Level III ET tech one is required to take the following classes:
- ET Level I
- ET Level II
- ET Level II - Aircraft
Magnetic Particle Testing - MT
MT is performed by inducing a magnetic field in a ferrous material and then dusting the surface of inspected material with iron particles. This produced a visual indication of the flaws.
To become a MT Level III Tech one needs to take the following classes:
- MT Level I
- MT Level II
Learn NDT - A very exciting and rewarding industry to be in!
There are a great number of NDT schools that provide training in various fields. NDT Schools Florida located in Panama City provides training for everyone that is interested in learning NDT. Classes are held by an industry expert with more than 30 years of experience.
*Note: We reimburse course fees for students that we decide to hire!
To learn more or Register for classes visit www.ndtschools.com
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