Operating principles of district heating; who gets deductions and royalties by geothermal energy
Cities close to geothermal sites can shift easily to local heat sources for heating houses and buildings; they can stop importing fossile sources like gas or oil, but also from renewable sources -like wood- that takes jobs and money out of their municipal and provincial economies.
Being part of this network means:
- Differently from a classic fossil fueled boilers, costs of ordinary maintainance, checks and interventions are paid by the providers and charged on the bills.
- Using high renewable energy
- No flames
- This technology allows a system involving 25.000 houses to save thousands of tons (CO2), and tons of (NOx) and (SO2)
- In the end a client has to pay the provider only the initial connection cost and the normal use cost
Energy network connecting households
In the network, the initial cost (the cost of the drilling) is paid directly by the provider that will charge it delayed on the bills. If the site is not provider's belonging, the provider has to pay royalties to the owners of the site. Clients can more easily get to a green level in the energy classes, in fact they are using renewable energy. Being part of this system is very convenient, but waiting until the provider comes to you, could mean wait all your life.
Clearly, having your own pump is very costs saving too. Paid the initial cost to the company that will drill the hearth and set up the system, it is among the less expensive heating system one can have. If floyd temperature during the winter is not enough, a simple compressor is needed. Moreover air conditioning is included, as during the summer the water flow is reversed and the water is heated (instead of heating), and reemitted under the hearth.
Average bill by an american company
The pump installation is repayable for more than 30% in some jurisdictions, through deductions, that can be even higher in some US countries. In Europe average deductions are higher: Italy has a 55% on the system installation. 190 euros per year is the national fiscal deduction for using renewable energy and that's independent from the installation.