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History of Computers

Updated on May 26, 2013
Old computer
Old computer

Computer is an electronic device which can give us the exact data output result and meaningful information. The word "computer" it comes from "compute" which means to "calculate." Today the computer is part of our life, and 80% work did by computer. A computer is basically working as a Data processing. A computer is just the machines, and you must be a reference to the computer which has done a lot of work fractions from the second. A computer is also known as a “Data Processor” because it can store lots of data, process, and retrieve data whenever desired.

Full from of the Computer:

Everybody known about the computer but many people doesn’t know what is the full form of the computer.

C → Commonly

O → Operating

M → Machine

P → Particularly

U → Used for

T → Technical and

E → Educational

R → Research.

Source of computer

In 5000 years ago or nearly the tool that we are known as ABACUS was designed and developed by China, called as Asia Minor. The tool that is known such as ABACUS was the age-old tool made by a man to count and calculate, it called first calculator.


Basic Pascal

In 1642, Basic Pascal designed a working mechanical calculator. A French tax collector son who has been 18 years old, invented a numerical wheel calculator. These devices are able to subtract and add directly, while division and multiplication were completed via periodical addition and subtraction in some respects. The Pascal has a brass rectangular box and used eight movable dials to add sums up to eight figures long. In 1694, Gottfried Von Leibnitz a German, modified Pascal's calculating machine, which could multiply the number directly.

Pascal Calculator
Pascal Calculator

Analytical Engine And Difference Engine of Charles Babbage:

In 1833, Charles Babbage an English scientist besides he was a mathematician inventor and mechanical engineer. He was designed for an Analytical Engine and difference engine it could perform all mathematical operations in a scheduled order using a set of operating instructions. So he called as "Father of Computation." Babbage's steam-powered engine, outlined general purpose computer and his basic component of the modern computer was a breakthrough concept. 50,000 components were used in Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Babbage design included an input device which is perforated cards containing operating instructions and "store" for the memory of 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal digits long.

Analytical Engine
Analytical Engine
Difference Engine
Difference Engine

1st Computer Programmer (Lady Ada Lovelace):

Ada Lovelace is a first lady computer programmer, and she developed systematic operational instructions for the concept of analytical Engine. Charles Babbage does not complete his research because he had no research team. Ada Lovelace corresponded with Charles Babbage during his development of the Analytical Engine.

Binary Number System and Boolean Algebra:

In 1850, George Boole an English mathematician discovered logical theory of using the binary number system. This number system is represented by two numbers, which are 0, 1. For example, 9 is represented as 00001001 George Boole worked in a long time of differential equations and algebraic logic. This logic is highly admired by George Boole. Gorge Boole proposed a logic known as Boolean Algebra. Computer processors are designed for this system of logic, which becomes the basis of the innovative Digital Computer.

Punch Card:

In 1889, an American inventor or statistician Dr. Herman Hollerith developed a punch card that used to store data on information, which was fed through a machine and compiled the result mechanically. Punched Card represented one number and combinations of two punches represented one letter. 80 variables could store on a single card. Dr. Herman Hollerith brought his punch-card reader into the business world, founding the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, later to become International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924 after a series of mergers. In the year 1960, the government used punch cards for data processing.

IBM Punch Card
IBM Punch Card
Punch card
Punch card

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