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Product Visualisation
Show your wares
Customer Relations
One of the most exciting aspects of computer aided design is being able to show a potential customer what the finished item will look like, And allow them to adjust any feature they are not completely happy with.
This is not strictly a tool for customers as your work force can be shown what the end product will look like as well, This is particularly useful in engineering and fabrication as there is always a number of ways making each item.
Cost savings can be identified before work even starts, And input from the shop floor always makes the troops feel more a part of a team.
In a cad program you can also animate parts and print out the various movements of the attachment To check for fouling and travel etc.
Fully open
Digital Media
Digital media has truly changed the world we live in. It is every where we look, But many do not understand what use it could be to them. Now most of you that read this would not be very interested in buying a recycling attachment like the one below.
Given the choice I would buy it as it looks great the image is photo realistic and it is rendered in a gold render from the materials package of my cad program.
It may not be obvious but the technology behind it means I can make it cheaper than most of my competitors. In fact once it has been designed I can just send the file down to the machine shop and make it forever without ever having to do another thing.
3D printing
One of the most innovative machines to hit the market in recent years has been the 3d printer, These machines will faithfully reproduce your parts in a scale model. I will leave you a link to Z corp at the bottom of the page. They work much like a printer but build your model up in layers a vast array of coloured prototype parts can be created, I hope to purchase one this year although for day to day stuff it is not that necessary.
Z Corp
A bit of payback
- Wisdom-soft Downloads
Free screen capture software. Use responsibly.
No school like the old school
- A Writer\'s Edge ... Georganna Hancock ... @GLHancock
San Diego freelance writer and editor Georganna Hancock provides writing help, editing fiction and nonfiction, and website content. She offers editing services for books and other manuscripts, copywriting, website content and writing help. Free sampl
Using layers in turbocad
- AutoScreenRecorder_06 Mar. 11 14.07.avi - YouTube
Turbocad layers. At last some decent audio.