Pros of Cell Phones and Generation text
I know that many parents are worried by their teenagers constant use of cell phones these days.
It may seem as teens are addicted and missing out on real interaction with others because of all the time they spend using their cell phone. I was deeply troubled when my daughter started to use her cell phone as an extension to her body at an age of fourteen. Suddenly the cell phone was sort of glued to her hand and she was constantly sending and reading text messages.
However, I did never forbid her to use the cell phone, I only set limits to prevent economic problem. And I started to study how she used her phone and for what purpose. I also searched the Internet and read many articles to help me make up my mind and decide what I should do and if I should do anything. Here you can read more about my thoughts then!
I was a bit hesitant before, but not now! Today, I think that teenagers can have good use of a cell phone/smart phone and I also think that the pros are bigger than the cons! In this hub I will therefor focus only on the pros.
A parents view
Let´s face it, as parents we are way behind our teens and the teens today are the first generation who grew up with cell phones. To me, cell phones was something new and also technology that I had no real relation towards. Because there was no cell phones when I grew up! I did never seen my parents nor my friends use a cell phone as a child. And therefor I automatically felt the same as parents always have felt through time when the new generation start something new and unknown. With a cautious and negative approach! Since I managed well without a cell phone as a child that is what I can refer to and the first thing that comes to my mind is that this new way of using phones can´t be right, the use of cell phones must be dangerous and will most certainly damage the children in some way. But am I right?
As a parent I want what is best for all children today, but if I am honest, I see it from my point of view and that isn't going to work at all. The children of today can never live the way I did when I was a child and when I think about it, i don't want them to either. So, I have to broaden my mind and look upon cell phones from their point of view, not from mine! Because my point of view, is no more. It is a new era, and our way of living is constantly changing. Just like it should, otherwise we would still be living in a cave and staring into the open fire. Now is the era of Generation text!
Want to learn more about generation text!
Generation text
The term ”Generation text” is according to Wikipedia a term to describe the new generation who have grown up with cell phones and it also mean teenagers who are unable to function without a cell phone!
The teenagers of today see the cell phones as a useful tool and also as something necessary. Using a cell phone is as natural to them as a car is for us! We all know that the car is dangerous both to humans as well as to our planet, but we use cars anyway. I want to make clear that I know that a car and a cell phone isn't really comparable, I only compare the use and the need we create from new technology.
I can so relate to the term generation text and I immediately get a picture in my head of my daughter who is absolutely amazing at multitasking. She can send text messages while she do many other things at the same time so it seems that it is a skill that can be learned. She can walk, or even run, and send text messages at the same time, seemingly as it is the most natural thing in the world. She can do her homework, be connected to her friends on Face book as well as texting, all at the same time. And her grades are good so it is working! It seems that she can text in every possible situation. For example, when me and my daughter go for a shopping tour, I notice that she is texting her friends while we are talking and walking! I could never accomplish that! It would give me a headache and I would loose all interest in shopping. When I do need to send a text message, I automatically stop walking so apparently I don't have the skill. Or maybe I just need to practice a little more! But she can, and for her it is natural.
Getting through to generation text
Do you need an app?
The pros of cell phones
An app for every need
A cell phone can be a tool for many of our needs. And it can be adjusted to the needs we have for the moment just by adding the apps we need. I constantly find new apps and once I have them, I would never go back to the time before the app. Every app makes my life easier and it does the same for the teens. So why shouldn't they just love this new gadget, just like we do! A teenagers life is just as complicated us ours, or maybe even more complicated. Only in a different way. They don't have the same responsibility as an adult but they have responsibilities although the responsibilities may look different than ours. And the apps can make their life easier too.
The cell phone as a learning tool
A cell phone can be used as a learning tool just the way a computer can be used as a learning tool! You have the access to Internet true the cell phone and we all know how useful Internet is when it comes to learning new things and find facts. The only difference is that the cell phone is small and therefor so much more convenient to bring with you than a laptop. You can use the cellphone as a source for information, a camera, a videocamera, for editing photos and for texting messages. And why not use cell phones for texting answers to the teacher in school! Maybe the teacher could get the attention from generation text more easily in that way!
Cell phones as a learning tool
Set up rules for the use of cell phone/smart phone!
If your teen seem to be addicted in a damaging way or if you are worried about the way he/she uses the cell phone:
- Decide when the cell phones can be used and when they are not allowed.
- Decide to have a day every week without friends and cell phones and just spend time together as a family.
- Decide how much the cell phone/ smart phone can cost each month and make sure the teenager knows that the limit is absolute.
- Decide that you must have access to check what your teen is doing on the Internet, which sites is she/he visiting, which apps are she/he using.
- Make sure you know how it works online. Learn how to behave on the sites they visit so you can help them if they need it.
- Talk to your teens about how to behave on Internet. Make sure they realise that it is no different from how they should behave in real life.
- And talk to them about what is going on in their life online just as you do about things that happen in real life. By having a constant communication about the things that happens in their life you can guide them and help them if they are having some trouble.
Cell phones as a social tool
A cell phone makes it so much easier to be social! Personally, I have never been so social in all my life as I am now when I have a smart phone! I interact with my family and friends all the time and I also get to see them in real more often since we never loose contact nowadays! If that is right for more people than me it means that Generation text will be a very social generation.
They may be social in a different way than former generations, but without a cell phone I think they would have more difficulties in being social considering the way we live today. Because of the big amount of socialising they will be more social than former generations. They will learn how to behave, what works online and what doesn't work. A community online is just like any other community, there is drama, there is bullying and there will be communication problem as well as betrayal. But there will also be joy, love, friendship, support and fantastic help from other people. Just as it is in real life.
Prevent teenagers from using this new world isn't going to help them but we can help them use the new technology wisely.
What are your views about teens and cell phones?
I know that there are many people who doesn't agree with me and that is quite alright! We all have our different preferences and I can only speak for me and the people in my surrounding. I would love to hear what you think about this subject so please tell me in the comment section below!