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Recording The Earths Core, Miracles of Plasma Orbs in the Sky

Updated on June 22, 2015
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Steve Miller a dynamic online writer and video editor who has many years of online experience. Building suspense and informing the public...

Chemtrails & Fiery Red Orbs 2015

It's now 2015 I wrote this hub years ago and what are we seeing today? Mass chemtrails all over the sky. Flashing fiery red orbs with a fast paced white or red blink. There seems to be a correlation between these chemtrails and these red orbs here in the Tristate. Why do I say this? Human observation by someone who has the tools and knowledge of physics. CERN also plays into this picture. It would seem to me that certain human and demonic powers are uniting to create a perfect environment for interdimensional travel. My theory based on biblical and other key text is that orbs are interdimensional conscious vibrations.

Conscious vibrations? You might be thinking. The soul is what I am speaking about here. The soul is known to have the ability to transcend the body as talked about with remote viewers. This is science fact and billions of dollars has been put into such research over the years. Back to the point, I always say that "God is the glue that binds the universe together" it's just a little thing I have always stated. Note this, CERN is now attempting to "find the glue that binds the universe together". I should sue right. This is serious and they know what they are doing take it from a man who has been shouting off the rooftops since I was about 8 years old. I have no control over what someone might believe. So do not take it from me go outside around dusk, sit out and look at the sky for an hour or so. 100 percent chance you will see these rapidly blinking "planes". Do this as well, get yourself an app called "plane finder" on android or apple they all have the app. This will quickly prove to you what is really going on. As

I have no control over what someone might believe. So do not take it from me go outside around dusk, sit out and look at the sky for an hour or so. 100 percent chance you will see these rapidly blinking "planes". Do this as well, get yourself an app called "plane finder" on android or apple they all have the app. This will quickly prove to you what is really going on. As well, I have observed these rapidly blinking UFO's instantly reverse direction. This blinking light was moving forward in the sky, and without a hesitation it reversed direction completely. No airplane style bank just a complete opposite direction turn. I noticed these crafts are more prevalent after I see all the chemtrails in the morning and afternoon. There seems to be a direct correlation between these particular crafts and chemtrails.

So what are these things? I know this prayer with the power of Jesus Christ can do miracles. If these things were some sort of alien craft the odds of invoking Jesus Christ in prayer and it working would be slim. However, the big book warned us of such things I have seen similar orbs in my home only obviously much smaller. As well, I am consistently attacked with some sort of hum sound in one ear and the sound actually affects my computer firewall. Again prayer negates the effect. Whenever I seem to speak a great truth my firewall lights up and half the time the server I am attempting to access fails. Note this as well, when I record my screen it stops, as if aware I am recording not wanting to leave obvious evidence the actions stop. Screen record just so happens to be a great way to release "important" information by or so it seems to me. I am running around now, but everything relates. I will post a video below on CERN and other interesting things that have now been released to the internet. It seems the future has finally caught up to the age old fight.

Ground Is Cracking Here In Kentucky!

Red orbs seem to be more and more frequent in the southern Ohio region. I have a theory that the chemtrails are creating a very statically charged sky. Aluminum I have heard is used and this would create optical illusions in the sky like mini rainbows and such. Superconductors in high concentration in the sky would play a key role in man-made UFO's. So what are we seeing?

Here is what we are seeing. Man-made UFO's, Demons, Fallen Angels, Souls / Spirits, and even perhaps some earthly phenomenon. Earthly meaning often auroras and orbs are witnessed before a major earthquake. These are perhaps spirits being seen perhaps a sort of warning to those who are awake. I think a major earthquake is coming, I actually had a premonition St. Louis would be hit by an earthquake. I pray this is not the case, not sure what that was all about just keep that in mind I am not trying to scare anyone just keep up with USGS and other quake watch information online the mainstream media won't tell you in time.

I think a major earthquake is coming, I actually had a premonition St. Louis would be hit by an earthquake. I pray this is not the case, not sure what that was all about just keep that in mind I am not trying to scare anyone just keep up with USGS and other quake watch information online the mainstream media won't tell you in time.

If you see these fire red orbs feel free to leave a comment. A lot is happening lately it would appear the end is near. Not to gloom and doom you but if you have a look you will see some strange things. I walked outside here in KY and our ground has huge cracks in it. I have seen the ground crack, but this was cracked and split like I never have seen before. We have even had moderate rain not too much not too little yet the ground has massive cracks in it and they are growing.

So right in my tiny area here in KY (I moved from the city of Dayton, Ohio) I see chemtrails directly above my home, UFO's everywhere at night one even flashed a light down beside me I have a report online of the sighting, (I don't typically report all I see because if I did it would be constant I will go over my encounters below.) the ground is cracking, weird sounds are felt and heard in my right or left ear never both and my firewall detects the "attack" I feel it is an attack. WiFi could be used to harass the mind and also affect the internet connection, but I will not even go there right now because there are other ways to attack someone an example would be a high dimensional vibration attack of myself and my computer.

CERN is starting to remove the veil between dark and light. We only perceive light vibration and a small spectrum to boot. We know if we smash light it creates dark / antimatter. What if you smash antimatter with antimatter? You get light. So you smash light and get dark, you smash dark and get light. Remember that as you won't hear it anywhere on this web, well not until it is too late.

The dangers of smashing antimatter are astronomical. If the antimatter where to touch matter they would annihilate one another, considering you would have to have a vast amount of the machine made of antimatter this is insane. I can see how it can be done, but the money and danger involved is biblical. CERN is referring to the horned demon Cernunnos. As well, the symbol for CERN is 666. If you want to know how CERN is that beast talked about in the book of revelation just Google it. You might get an article I wrote years ago on the topic.

Who am I? No one just check all the other authors and researchers of the topic we all having never met or even read each others work have come to the same conclusion that of the Bible. The rabbit hole is deep and everything is connected so next time you see a chemtrail or a red orb, just think how far it goes. They have the key to the gate to the abyss, and they are not afraid to use it, just look around the veil is getting thinner.

HAARP 2015, CERN, NWO Conspiracy Singularity! The Video that Exposes it All!

Answering the Question! How did we get Here? God has answered!

Just think of it like this before this world is created darkness. Darkness... God starts to give meaning to sections of all dimensions in the multiverse and now our souls are aware. Darkness... Now there is light but we can't see still. Now God speaks and we exist, light and sound. We can see everything we exist in a place where everything is and was and will be. Poof! now we are in a body we can no longer see what is right in front of us all the souls without bodies all creations by God are separated in spacetime.

We now only see a sliver of reality and our brain is the thing that inhibits our reality only showing us a mere sliver of what really is. Our blood flow from the heart is the source of the power of the body to contain the soul. We still are there in that same spot from before was, but now we do not see. Thank you God for this great gift, thank you, Jesus! For allowing us to transcend time through your salvation, I have asked and you have shown. We have not left the Father he is just in those dark places we cannot see, just as the Bible has told us

UFO Sighting! Plasma Emitting UFO Encounter!

If you are wondering what are UFOs you may be surprised at the answer. As to what are UFOs there are many sightings that suggest that there are many types of UFO. For now I am primarily focusing on UFO orbs. There are many different types of orbs with reports of all kinds ranging from the supernatural, paranormal, and to out of this world UFO sighting. On the 3rd of July 2010 my family and I witnessed an orange colored orb hovering above ground not all too high either. I would range the height of the orb UFO we witnessed as only a bit higher than a telephone pole.  Its size was only about that of a big balloon, not a hot air balloon mind you, but about the size of a children's blow up balloon. My girlfriend said she could see that it was an object that was emitting light, a plasma type of light. The plasma emitting UFO hovered silently for about three minutes and we even had our cell phone camera on us. Did we get a picture of the UFO? Why of course not, I am not that lucky.

The problem was we were on the entrance ramp to I 75 and it was dark in our SUV, and my girlfriend had moved the phone into her annoyingly huge purse. We frantically searched for the phone, and fortunately the plasma orb did not move. The UFO orb was a fiery reddish orange orb of light, it produced no sound, and we could compare it to the street lights around it, as it was just above a street lamp that was lit up. We first thought it was a firework, however unless they invented a hovering plasma UFO type of fire work, this was obviously not the case. When we finally found the cell phone a truck had pulled up behind us and the driver frantically started honking his horn, so we had to pull away empty handed. While all of us in the car had quite an experience, the driver behind us was very impatient. I joked that he was a skeptic, and did not want to see anything that challenged his beliefs.

That night I got home and began to think, what could be so small and illuminate so brightly. I thought of all kinds of things. It was not until the next day when I happened to be watching a show about these mysterious orbs showing up all around the world. The ones in the western United States really got to me. While I believe the one I happened to see, was either the Military with some type of interesting hidden technology. Or some type of Higher beings reconnaissance craft. Higher Beings seeming more likely as they would not care where or when they appeared. Where the military has hidden bases for such testing. However the ones in the west, and the ones that are possibly related to the crop circles around England really got to me. These are much to small to have any beings, and what would they want to surveillance in the middle of nowhere. Then it came to me, as I saw a video of one of these orbs replicating itself. It actually budded off and created a second orb right next to the original.

Self replication, if they can self replicate then they have the ability to record and transfer data / information. What I also know about these orbs is that they have the ability to pass through organic matter / solid objects while remaining intact. Then it really hit me, if they have the ability to record data, and pass though organic matter intact, then they could really come in handy. The implications are vast, and profound. You could pass one right through the earth, on the way you could record in detail the temperature, pressures, fault tension, volcanic activity, convection currents, you could even prove weather or not the core is solid. This seems to be the only realistic way you could record the activity within the earth. The implications are even greater, you could potentially record the same information inside stars, moons, and even gas giants like Jupiter. So why are there so many orbs all over the world right now? This is what I have been pondering for a while now, and the revelations I have concluded are simply staggering.

So why so many orbs lately, there could be a few reasons. One reason I have been pondering lately with all this talk about 2012, and an upcoming Earth change of some sort. Is that higher beings could be recording the inner earth. As a change is ready to occur. Higher beings are here, this is a fact. In all actuality they would be interested in the Earths inner processes, recording events that are to come in the future. It is common knowledge that before and after the Quebec earthquake in 1988, and 1989 strange things started to appear from out of the ground. These strange things orbs as well as other plasma type of lights. It would not be to far of a jump to assume that these objects were recording data from within the earth, then upon the earthquake they were expelled to be downloaded and analyzed. The question would be would the orbs have the ability to receive and transmit data? Obviously if they have the ability to replicate they are similar to us. When a human is conceived there is a partial unwinding of the double helix at the replication fork. In layman's terms before a living organism dies it produces a cell this cell contains its DNA or the information that makes that organism unique. It passes that cell on to the other organism this is sex. The code from the two organisms are passed to the offspring, this is replication. It has kept life going on, on this planet for millions upon millions of years. Without this process of replication we would not be here right now.

The fact that these orbs where also recorded during the Icelandic Volcano is very interesting coincidence as well. Therefore one could go on the assumption that when orbs become more prevalent something within the Earth is about to awry. The question would be do we have the ability to create such orbs, and if so what sort of knowledge do we already have? If we have this knowledge one would wonder why it would be covered up in the first place. However I think I have already answered that question. If the powers to be had the ability to predict such events as major earthquakes, and super volcanoes it would be in the best interest to keep this hidden, as not to create mass panic. Well according to the powers to be, not necessarily me. These orbs have been seen during all kinds of earthly events, such as earthquakes, and volcanoes. They have been reported since the beginning of written history. They even have pictures of these orbs in cave paintings. If you research hard enough you will find that these orbs show up everywhere. It is no surprise, that they have the ability to forewarn living beings of looming earth changes. The problem is, when you hide such knowledge you are ultimately hindering man kinds ability to grow. The great thing is that you only have to look a bit for the answers to come pouring out. Now for the question of these orbs, what makes them different from the other orbs we see in our sky's? Basically what is the difference between the supernatural and the higher beings. Or do the higher beings just have a great understanding of the supernatural. Now this should get interesting.

The commonality between orbs and UFO's is quite staggering. Even reports of the biggest UFO's have orbs emanating from them. As well orbs are associated with ghostly activity. It would seem that both intelligent beings, as well as spirits have the ability to influence these orbs. The question is how? Is it possible that spirits residing in a higher dimension have the ability to influence these orbs, and the link is that higher beings are able to communicate with these spirits. It is common knowledge in many religions that we have the ability to communicate with our dead ancestors / loved ones. This is common from Christianity to Native American religions. Perhaps we are not so gifted yet to influence these orbs in such a way. If higher beings have the ability to call on spirits to entrap the spirit within the orb then anything is possible. Before you think this is just to far fetched think about this fact. We are souls that are contained within bodies. It is the flowing of blood, which creates the field that the elements such as iron in our blood creates. So our soul is one with our body, when the blood stops the soul is released. This is taught in every basic religion, we live in two states. Most do not interpret this because they just chalk it up as, it is impossible to really understand. Well that is just a cop out, as we have the ability to understand even the most complex of processes. I have had the privilege of dying, and I felt my soul being ejected from my body, as well I felt it return when my heart started back up. Many other people have reported this sensation as well. We live in two states, however most of us only have the ability to see this organic physical state. If you have questions about this perhaps you should read The Great Simulation I wrote a while back.

Back to my point, we exist in two states, this is until we die and return back to the normal state of being. Some say that certain Buddhist Monks have the ability to slow the heart beat to such an extent that they can leave their bodies and travel around experiencing this reality in the state of the soul. Very interesting concept indeed. Okay I am off the point again, I just thought I would mention that as well. So if these aliens as some call them, or as I call them higher beings, have the ability to communicate with this higher dimension of souls. Souls that are in limbo which are not currently residing in this organic state within bodies. These beings could have the souls enter an orb. As orbs contain very dynamic and complex magnetic fields which potentially have the ability to hold the soul. While in this orb they now are currently visible to us in this lower dimension. If you have the ability to decode data from plasma light (HED plasma) then you have the ability to use this orb to do anything one could ever even imagine. This as well fits into the paranormal, as many well renown parapsychologist believe orbs are a very real phenomenon. This means that our loved ones after death have the ability to use these orbs to manifest their love in this visible universe. We may not yet have the ability to psychically call on these spirits to enter a visible form of energy in this universe, however it is apparent that there are life forms who can. There are so many different types of orb it is really unimaginable. I am sure some are forms of antigravity field engines powering complex UFO's, however those that are hovering around the corner, they are truly mysterious. From the research I have done, I think I have hit the nail on the head indeed, driving man one step closer to the truth. For I have yet to see anyone attempt to put these orbs into any sort of perspective, let alone unite UFO's with the supernatural. However I think it is mans time, to once and for all, crack the code of the mysterious orb.

Premonition 2015 of Major Earthquake St. Louis Arch Split in Two!

Red orbs seem to be more and more frequent in the southern Ohio region. I have a theory that the chemtrails are creating a very statically charged sky. Aluminum I have heard is used and this would create optical illusions in the sky like mini rainbows and such. Superconductors in high concentration in the sky would play a key role in man-made UFO's. So what are we seeing?

Here is what we are seeing. Man-made UFO's, Demons, Fallen Angels, Souls / Spirits, and even perhaps some earthly phenomenon. Earthly meaning often auroras and orbs are witnessed before a major earthquake. These are perhaps spirits being seen perhaps a sort of warning to those who are awake. I think a major earthquake is coming, I actually had a premonition St. Louis would be hit by an earthquake. I pray this is not the case, not sure what that was all about just keep that in mind I am not trying to scare anyone just keep up with USGS and other quake watch information online the mainstream media won't tell you in time.

I think a major earthquake is coming, I actually had a premonition St. Louis would be hit by an earthquake. I pray this is not the case, not sure what that was all about just keep that in mind I am not trying to scare anyone just keep up with USGS and other quake watch information online the mainstream media won't tell you in time

What Do You Think Orbs Are?

Am I Correct On Orbs? Are They...

See results

CERN September 2015 Final Blood Moon! Ancient Weapons & Rituals!

© 2010 Steven Miller


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