Researching a company scam online, DailyPayTripler, How to do it yourself DIY, step by step guide
When it comes to a potential income opportunity, "due diligence" is always needed, especially when some sort of investment is needed. Previously, I have written a hub on how to research the Internet for information on a supposedly income opportunity, but some have said there are no examples for them to follow. Here, we will test all the techniques and suggestions, and use it to research an opportunity that is supposedly being launched in 2012.
The alleged opportunity we will investigate is called "".
Please keep in mind that information can and do change. All results will be presented as they are during early February 2012.
So what is claims to be an advertising network, where you join up, and get "advertising credits" to promote any business you want. However, the income is not from that, but by selling the membership to other people. In their own words:
At joining, you'll need to upgrade your membership for A ONE TIME ONLY $10.00 and you will receive 20,000 advertising credits to promote any business or program you own or participate in. Thereafter your first sale will be passed up to your qualified sponsor. This will in turn make YOU qualify for direct payments in the future. NOW YOU ARE A QUALIFIED MEMBER! Once you're qualified, That's when you begin to see the REAL MAGIC in this system!When you make your second sale, you'll start A NEW PROFITLINE , and you'll receive the total upgrade fee of $10.00 immediately to your account. Also every other sale you make, you will continue to earn 100% of their membership fees for ever and ever...
Further diagrams below illustrate how it work, which has NOTHING to do with advertising, but everything to "sell more memberships just like the one you bought".
Checking the entire website revealed absolutely no information about who's running this thing, just participants' names. There's a contact form, but that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Furthermore, if you check their HTML source in the top section that says meta keywords and description, you'll find:
<meta name="keywords" content="Online Business,passport to Wealth,Wealth,MLM,make money, money online, money, get paid, online business, join a, opprtunity,phases of wealth, One up Plan">
<meta name="description" content="Make $5000 over and over again! Get paid while you sleep!">
Not a thing about advertising or selling, just recruit people, get them to put in money, get them to recruit people just like you recruited them, and you'll get a share.
Studying the source code of the website revealed that it was built with some sort of a 'sitebuilder' tool, as all the images are named index_## where ## is a number. People who handcode their websites, or even people who use tools like Frontpage and similar editors would not name their images like that.
Furthermore, all the ads currently running on this website are simply links to similar schemes with names like "4DailyPay", "WealthSynergy", "PassiveProfitsBuilder", and so on. In fact, some of those websites look virtually identical except for minor visual changes.
We will investigate each of these schemes in turn to look for common factors.
What are the facts so far?
- Perusing the entire website yielded only ONE NAME: "Eric Lant"
- We have no idea who's in charge of
- claims to sell advertising credits, but all emphasis is on recruiting
- Even its meta description and keywords are about making money, not advertising
- All the ads are to similar schemes, nothing about regular businesses
So what are the conclusions?
- Any so-called opportunity that doesn't mention who's running it is automatically suspect
- If you pay to join, and then you recruit people, and get paid for that, it's a pyramid scheme
- There's little doubt that is an an Internet pyramid/ponzi scheme known as HYIP
What can you get from domain name
According to services, has the following DNS information:
Tim Carlson (
621 salmon Road
Tel. +1.13192643795
Creation Date: 21-Dec-2011
Expiration Date: 21-Dec-2012
That maybe what they entered, but is any of the information valid?
First of all, the number is already fishy. Phone numbers in the US are usually 10 digits long (3 digit area code, 3 digit exchange code, and 4 digit local code). That number above has 11.
Let's assume the 1 at the beginning is a mistake (no area code in the US starts with 1 as it's the "long distance call prefix), where is area code 319? According to a quick search, that phone number is out of "Van Horne, Iowa", which is nowhere near the claimed address of "Scranton, Pennsylvania".
Furthermore, searching on Google Maps revealed that the address of 601 Salmon Rd, Scranton, PA is invalid. There is no Salmon road in Scranton (or in Van Horn).
Both the phone number and address in domain registry are fake. Thus, the name "Tim Carlson" is probably fake as well.
However, the e-mail address, dailypaytripler(at) is probably real.
Facts thus far:
- was freshly registered in 21-DEC-2011 for just one year
- phone number doesn't match the city and state claimed
- Address given is invalid for city and state claimed either
So the conclusion:
- Fake address, fake phone number, no real contact method, confirms this is an HYIP Internet Ponzi scheme
- e-mail address suggest a link to yet another HYIP called DailyPayTripler
What Can We Find on "Eric Lant" or "MagicCash"?
Eric Lant, while a fairly unique name, yielded just an empty profile on SWOM that had not been active for over a year.(
MagicCash is too generic a term to yield useful results. There are "Check Cashing" (i.e. payday loan) places called Magic Cash, and there was a domain called Magic-Cash.WS which goes to a place hawking domain names reselling. No useful result.
What Can We find on DailyPayTripler?
The name DailyPayTripler goes to, of course,, which appears to be based on the same template as The PHP actions are the same, both call spry.utils library. In fact, tracking the DNS shows they share the same hosting company: JIXHost
Domain registry revealed the following information about
Marion Hebert (
621 Prairie Road
Tel. +1.13192643795
Creation Date: 30-Nov-2011
Expiration Date: 30-Nov-2012
Exact same phone number, exact same Scranton PA city and state, even down to the capitalization. The address is SLIGHTLY different, but how different is 601 from 621, really?
And what is this "MassiveProfitCycler"?
We already know the phone number doesn't match. So it was no surprise that this address came back as invalid. There is no "Prairie Rd" in Scranton, PA either. Thus, there really is no point in looking up this "Marion Hebert". It's obviously a fake name.
Yet the link between and is undeniable.
Facts thus far?
-'s admin according to DNS is DailyPayTripler(at)
- DailyPayTripler is a HYIP that looks just like GetPaidMagic
- DailyPayTripler is registered to the same city and same phone as GetPaidMagic
- DailyPayTripler's address is fake, just like GetPaidMagic
- Same person is running both scams
What is this MassiveProfitCycler? appears to be a clone of and, with nearly identical language, just slightly different graphics and negligible changes in the payout rules. (This one uses a 3x1 matrix) services kicked out this DNS registry info:
Marion Hebert (
621 Prairie Road
Tel. +1.13192643795
Creation Date: 23-Nov-2011
Expiration Date: 23-Nov-2012
This is exactly the same as Daily Pay Tripler: fake address, fake phone, and very likely fake name as well.
It is also hosted on JIXHOST as the other two.
Facts thus far:
- MassiveProfitCycler is another HYIP very similar to GetPaidMagic and DailyPayTripler
- MassiveProfitCycler has identical domain reg info as DailyPayTripler
- MassiveProfitCycler is hosted on JIXHost just like the other two
- MassiveProfitCycler have invalid phone and invalid address in domain reg info
- Same person runs THREE nearly identical HYIP scams (and possibly more)
Final Conclusion
There was little doubt when I first saw "" that it is an illegal Internet HYIP scam, and everything I was able to find out about it only confirmed that conclusion.
In the end, we tracked down not just one, but THREE HYIP scams (DailyPayTripler and MassiveProfitCycler), and the commonalities among them makes it virtually certain they are designed, and probably run by the same person.
Too bad this guy didn't leave us enough clues to track down his REAL name and address.
So to recap what I did:
- Inspect the website for any sort of name, address, e-mail, and so on
- Inspect the HTML source code will tell you whether they actually mean what they say. GetPaidMagic claims they are advertiser, but all their keywords is just about recruit and earn.
- Inspect DNS reg info and DNS archive info, and know how to look for more
- Double check everything. Scammers are fond of putting fake info online
- Double check if the phone number matches the city given, and vice versa (assume nothing)
- Even fake info can be useful, as they provide common points of reference
- Chase down every last bit of clue, as each may provide a new avenue of investigation.
Don't get scammed out there. Do your own due diligence and check everything.
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