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Tweeting on Twitter
To Tweet or not to Tweet
Twitterverse isn't for everyone. You either love the social network site or hate it. I love it!
Twitter allows me to challenge my brain with 140 characters and trust me when I say that's a challenge. Personally I like to talk. A lot.
I have to transform words, use acronyms, abbreviate and omit punctuation but I get my point across. Most of the time.
Before you say, "Twitter is not my cup of tea" how about giving it a try? The social network is much easier to use than you might think.
Who knows, you might decide to have a Twitter Party to celebrate your new tweeting moves. What's a Twitter Party? Tweet using the same #hashtag...Let's say you are tweeting about American Idol, just write your tweet and add #idol at the end. You can then search for other twitterers using the #idol hashtag. Enjoy the party!
Is Twitter for you?
I began using twitter 4 years ago on a whim. I'm still a fan. I'm not a twitter quitter. It's not only entertaining, but there's always something new going on. Being a news buff I get all the latest and top news within seconds from various media outlets.
I've met many good friends over the years. Babies have been born. Children have grown. We have cried, cheered and supported each through memorable moments in our lives. We were there during times of sorrow also.
Some people just aren't fans and that's fine. Whatever the reason they chose to not participate is to be respected. I admit it was a bit tricky getting the hang of the site. Hashtags, FF's, RT's etc. take some time to learn and develop the techniques. It takes patience.
If you twitter with constant tweets you have a chance of being placed in Twitter Jail and will have to take a time out before you are released. Twitter thinks constant tweets are spam so be careful. There is no bail or get out of jail free card.
Following twitter feed can be very interesting especially when something is going on in the world. If there is something hot in the media it will be on twitter and everyone can voice their opinions! It's always fun to be retweeted and a cordial thank you is always appreciated.
I've had random questions answered within seconds. Learned about other cultures and countries. Mourned over Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze among others. It's like a sports bar when a game is on. It's a reality show hang out where you can hook up with your friends and meet new friends! I guarantee once you get the hang of Twitter you will be hooked.
When you follow someone on Twitter it simply means that you can view their twitter updates. Some of my famous followers include: President Obama, Ellen Degeneres, Tim McGraw, Joe Nichols, Smokey Robinson and Mark NeJame. A good way to be unfollowed is to pester your celebrity followers with DM's so I suggest to stay away from that behavior.
To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question .... the answer is up to you.
Some Twitter tips.....
@ is always placed in front of a tweeter name to tweet someone @sunshine625 and there are no other characters in front or after it
FF - Follow Friday (used on Fridays to give a shout-out to your fellow twitter friends)
RT - Retweet
DM - Direct Message (can only be used if you are both following each other)
SMH - Shaking my head
FYI - For your information or heads up
IMO - In my opinion
Hashtag # - Place in front of a word that is trending or for the fun of it
Trending - Most popular word or phrase tweeting around
Twitter Feed - Stream of tweets