Top 10 Future Technologies That Exist: Ten Things You Didn't Know Existed!
Sci-fi Technologies that Exist
Everybody knows that Sci-fi movies are the preview of future technologies, and that what once was Sci-fi isn't so Sci-fi now.
Indeed, science is catching up on fiction while fiction expands our horizons even further by coming up with even more exotic technologies, but did you know that some of these technologies exist already?
In areas so diverse as Health, Military, Convenience and Entertainment, there are some sciences that keep on unadvertised just because they aren't still perfected.
Throughout this article you will be presented with some amazing technologies that blew my mind!

10 - Human Tissue Printer
It's true, there is already a printer capable of printing human tissue. It doesn't work with paper, mind you, it is actually a very sophisticated and experimental 3D Bio-printer that is already capable of "printing" arteries.
That's right, the 3D Bio-printer can create arteries.
More than simply that, scientists say that teeth, bones and hearts may be achievable by 2022 - so, will your next heart be printed? One can never tell.
One thing is for sure, bio-medicine is getting more developed by the day and we will have some pretty huge feats accomplished soon.
This is going to be huge for us... and for black-market dealers alike, but let's focus on the positives. This is going to be reducing the waiting list for organ transplants and make sure nobody gets back to those days of dying because there wasn't a compatible donor on the list.
Developments in the branch of healthcare and medicine are always a good thing.

9 - Advanced Robots
Robots always amaze us by the fact that they are machines and yet seem to possess sentient minds - at least on Sci-fi movies.
Well, we may not be as advanced in creating robots as our science fiction counterparts, but we sure make some amazing robots.
Take Ecci for instance, one of the most advanced robots in the world. Ecci is built like us, with a structure that mimics our bones and even our joints. Not only is its body amazing - having strong resemblances with C3PO - but his mind is even better.
You see, Ecci has a trait that was previously only seen on Humans - the ability to learn from its mistakes.
If Ecci, for instances, is walking around and stumbles on something... he will learn and not trip on things like that again.
Tesla and Stephen Hawking already warned people about the dangers of rogue AI, and movies like Terminator and Matrix showed that future first hand. For now, everything is under control.

8 - Thought Controlled Prosthetics
Tests are being made by the DARMA, Penthagon, to control robotic limbs with your mind.
These prosthetic are controlled by your brainwaves making you move them with your thought. This is already possible by implanting a micro chip in the brain.
So, you have to implant a chip in the brain, but remember it is still being tested. Chances are we can also build something to detect brainwave patterns without having it to place it inside your head.
Even so, the ability to control your prosthetic with your mind is extremely useful for those in need.
Prosthetic limbs that move by the way you think just like flesh and blood ones pave the way to android-like limbs, perhaps a combination of this technology and the tissue printing technology we mentioned above.

7 - Wireless Electricity
This seems like something really far-fetched I know, but it is actually one of the oldest technologies on this list.
You see, the initial prototypes were showcased in 2008... that's a lot of time in the technology niche.
Granted that Nicholas Tesla already had the plans to make it possible with some huge towers - but hey, that wasn't even plausible enough to test.
Now, we have the means and technology to propagate wireless power.
Here's the catch: We don't have the resources.

6 - Retinal Implants
Tuebingen University, in Germany, successfully researched and tested retinal implants that allow blind people to see colors and shape!
It's not a perfect vision, no, but for a blind person... it can mean a lot.
I have a high degree of Myopia, and I know it's hard to have eye-sight problems because I can't see without my lenses - so I know progresses in this sector mean a lot.
Sight is one of the most vital senses, so keep on pushing it.
Retinal Implants that make blind people see... sci-fi? No more!

5 - Hologram TVs
This is a technology that is so complex it requires a large amount of time to make progresses on, but we finally nailed something.
Let's start with the first prototypes being released in 2006... they were weak, but they were the start we needed.
Nowadays, Japanese Broadcaster NHK says that the progresses are so groundbreaking that there is the possibility of people having household hologram televisions as early as 2017.
Do you know how the hologram research started? What was it that started it all?
Well, does the phrase "Help me Obi-wan Kenobi..." tell you something?
Yes, that Princess Leia Hologram was the first use of the technology in sci-fi ever, and started all of the research.

4 - Cloaking Devices
We all know about the star-ships that use cloaking devices to lurk our neighborhood skies in plan day light right?
Well, we are starting getting some results on that.
Turns out that in a complicated and intricate process using several different types of crystals and some very rare meta-material, scientists in the United Kingdom were successfully able to make a paperclip invisible.
Paper clips aren't weapons of mass destruction,but give technology a few more years and you won't see tanks firing.

3 - Hover Cars
The Israeli company Urban Aeronautics is currently testing its Hover Cars.
The hover car is made for.... war. And it's a way to quickly pick up, evacuate, resupply and do courier missions faster and by the safest way possible.
You see, this Hover Car is unmanned, it doesn't require a pilot, so it doesn't put lives at stake.
There are lots of times in war that troops are left behind because extraction is too dangerous... well there's no excuse now, because Hover Cars are just around the corner.

2 - Exoskeletons
The first Exoskeletons are on their final testing phase, and that means that they are fully operational by now. The exoskeletons are built to enhance human capacities.
There are exoskeletons to make you faster, jump higher, carry heavier loads, run faster and therefore end human body's limitations.
They are currently being tested for building and.... you guessed it... war!
Funny how every new technology is tested for war before making it to other areas. Tells a lot about our human condition.

1 - Force Fields (Shields)
The United Kingdom Military have successfully tested Shields, or Force Fields.
These Force Fields are essentially electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that effectively protect military vehicles. As you can probably know, the effect of the EMPs is to shut down every electronic device and even destroy it.
By know they only can restrict a small area around the vehicle, but imagine when these Force Fields get perfected... maybe we can surround the whole planet on a force field to protect from asteroids and alien invasion.
Interesting indeed.
However, we all know what comes next, and that will be a weapon capable of rendering this shield obsolete, and thus humans keep on evolving the same way they've done throughout the years... through war.