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Verydice & Lucky Day: Fun Apps To Download Now

Updated on March 2, 2019
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Jamie is a bargain hunter who uses apps as one way to get some free rewards.


Playing the verydice App

I've download all kinds of different apps that have claimed to give you gift cards and that you could win real money, but I found out very quickly that most of them are not legitimate.

I can tell you from experience that the verdice app is 100% real. It's such a simple concept too; you don't need any kind of skill set. It just requires some digital dice rolling at the push of a button.

Every 24 hours, you open up the app and a wheel comes on the screen and randomly chooses a number for you. There is a countdown within the app that will show you how much time there is left in the 24 hours until you can spin the wheel again. The number that the wheel lands on is the amount of rolls that you will be allowed for the day.

For example, if the wheel lands on the number 6, you can have six turns to roll 2 dice. The goal is to try and get the highest amount each time, which would be 12. Here is a little breakdown:

Round 1 I rolled a 2 and 6 so I would get 8 tickets

Round 2 I rolled a 3 and 4 so I would get 7 tickets

Round 3 I rolled a 2 and 2. Each time you roll a double, you get to choose to play a mini basketball game where you shoot for as many points as possible or you can choose to just double the amount in your original roll. If I chose to double, I would wind up with 8 tickets for this round. I have tried the basketball game before, and I wasn't good at it, so my personal choice is to just always double it, especially the high numbers!

Round 4 I roll a 4 and 6 so I get 10 tickets.

Round 5 I roll a 5 and 2 so I get 7 tickets.

Round 6 I roll a 1 and 1 and choose to double it so I get 4 tickets.

Total tickets won for the day= 44 tickets

What are tickets? The tickets you win in the game can be used to get yourself prizes starting at 2,000 tickets. The prizes are different items that you would get on item. You can also use tickets to enter raffles or get gift cards.

I will tell you that it does take a while to save up tickets, but if you do it every day, just think of it as doing something that takes less than two minutes a day, and you can get a little reward from it.

I have exchanged my tickets to get table numbers that I used for my wedding, a newborn outfit, and also a blow dryer holder for the bathroom. I have received them all; I had no problem whatsoever getting them.

Verydice can be found in both iPhone and Android app stores.

When you sign up, you can enter a friend's code and receive free rolls. I entered someone's code when I signed up that I found under the app's reviews and getting those rolls helped me to a way bigger ticket amount than what I would have started with.

I hope you enjoy this app as much as I do. Remember, it may take some time to be able to get yourself a good reward, but it's free to download and free to play, so can you really complain?

Playing The Lucky Day App

Let's be real here. How many of you love doing lottery scratch offs? I love them so very much, but I am so unlucky that I usually don't buy them. I also don't carry cash on me, so I can't actually buy them even if I really wanted to do.

I discovered the Lucky Day App when I was searching to see if there were any type of Scratch Off apps where you could possibly win something through it. Through my research, I discovered this app, which is filled with fake lottery tickets each day that you can scratch off on your phone as if you were doing it in person.

Each card gives you the opportunity to earn tokens. Like verydice, you use these accumulated tokens to get rewards beginning at 3 Million. I always use my tokens to trade in for small gift cards. I tend to get $5 ones to Target, Walmart, Dunkin Donuts, and even Amazon. I have been able to get a few of them since I started playing. They do have small prizes though, just like the other app that you can use the tokens for.

In addition to doing the scratch offs, the game also lets you choose daily numbers as if you were playing the lottery in your state. I do this EVERY chance that I can get because this is what usually lets me earn tokens way faster. If you match just one number, you get 50,000 tokens.

The only downfall that I have found with this app is that you can sometimes get .25 on a scratch off or .50. The app is supposed to let you cash out your money once you get to $10, but I myself am stuck at $8 for probably a year now, and my mom is in the $9 range without being able to get any further as well. I have also read reviews stating the same thing.

To me, even if this part of it is meant to never let anyone get their monetary earnings, I can't complain because I earn gift cards from them pretty often using my tokens.

In the end, it's fun and it's free, so no complaints here.

The Lucky Day app is currently in the app store for both iPhone and Android users.

I've tried other lottery scratch off apps, but this one is by far my favorite. I hope you enjoy it too!

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