Zhu Zhu Pets - Interactive Faux Hamsters
What are Zhu Zhu Pets?
Zhu Zhu Pets are furry little faux hamsters that interact with the ones that love them. They are fine alone but they are much more fun together. Individual colors, unique symbols on their back and personalities that bring on giggles are the best way to describe Zhu Zhu Pets.
Pets, whether real or not elicit a feeling of love from us humans. We want to provide them with a safe and happy home. We want them to have fun. We enjoy watching them enjoy things that we provide for them.
Hamsters – the real variety love to play. There are balls that they can roll around in, tubes that they can run through and mazes that they can figure out. Zhu Zhu hamsters are the same in many ways. Two buttons on their back and a button on their nose is the secret to their scampering and chattering. Petting them can put them to sleep.
What do Mr. Squiggles, Num Nums, Chunk, Pipsqueak, Jilly, Scoodles, Winkie, Nugget and Patches have in common? All eight are members of the very cool Zhu Zhu hamster family. Each one runs around the room squeaking and playing with their toys. Their personality comes alive when they are petted and are provided with their own habitat.
Which Zhu Zhu to Choose?
Choosing just one Zhu Zhu Hamster is difficult. Do you choose according to color? Which is your favorite color – brown, grey, white, yellow, brown, black, tan or pink?
Mr. Squiggles is light brown. He may be fussy but he is a hamster on a mission
Num Nums is grey. She is hungry so do not get between her and the carrot.
Chunk is white. He may seem calm but if he gets near a big wave have a surf board nearby.
Pipsqueak is yellow. She is afraid of little and she loves to explore.
Jilly is white and pink. She has a great personality, she is a cheer leader and she keeps the others in a great mood.
Scoodles is dark brown. He is a busy hamster and he likes it that way.
Winkie is black and white. He wonders why the others are always on the go – he would rather just hang out.
Nugget is tan. She is fun loving and would like to run through the wildflowers whenever the weather permits.
Patches is tan and white. She is sweet as a flower and always finds time to be lovable to her human friends.
Choosing a Zhu Zhu Pet according to their personality probably requires a bit of imagination. Is it more fun to have a Zhu Zhu that reminds you of yourself or is it more fun to have one that is full of surprises?
Zhu Zhu Accessories
Zhu Zhu accessories include a Hamster Funhouse, a Hamster Wheel and Tunnel, and a Go Go Adventure Ball. A few other accessories are more original. There is Spiral Slide and Ramp, a Hamster Car and Garage, Surfboard and Sleep Dome, a Skateboard and U-Turn Ramp, a Hamster Bed and Blanket and a Hamster Carrier and Blanket.