Can Wind, Hydro-electric, & Geo-thermal Power Plants replace the energy of Nucle

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  1. Ken Barton profile image60
    Ken Bartonposted 13 years ago

    Can Wind, Hydro-electric, & Geo-thermal Power Plants replace the energy of Nuclear Plants?

    If they can replace Nuclear plants, should the US get busy by doing just this? Especially, given the disaster that has hit Japan.  It is clear that no Nuclear Plant in the world is safe from Natural Disasters like Earthquakes, Tsunami's, and the like.

  2. Rock_nj profile image82
    Rock_njposted 13 years ago

    Yes.  If we could tap the hydro-electric energy under yellowstone park, we could really harvest a lot of energy.  But since it's a National Park, that's not going to happen.  Development of other hydro-electric energy projects could help meet our electricity needs, as could wind, solar, and wave/tidal power development.  The problem with these renewable energy sources is that since they aren't always available, we need massive storage schemes, so we can use the electricity when needed.  Luckily, utility sized batteries are being developed that might solve this problem.  Certainly, nuclear is going to price itself out of the market.  See my hub on "The Hidden Costs of Nuclear Energy".

  3. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 13 years ago


    Wind, Solar, Hydro, all are the most efficient and environmentally sound alternative energy sources which are already replacing the old out dated and extremely toxic dinosaurs like Nuke & Pollution Emitting Fossil Fuels..., Oil, Coal etc.

    Two earth shattering "Wake Up" calls occurred within the last year. The "Japanese Nuke Incident" which believe it or not has yet to be resolved??....And, the BP Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico which will have ongoing detrimental effects to the eco system, food supply, and economy of adjacent states such as Louisiana, Florida, Georgia etc for decades to come.  The residual effects will undoubtedly be long lasting.

    Building a Clean Future & Creating Thousands of Jobs:

    "Western Wind Energy" is the first of several Earth Healing & Job Creating entities that has recently broken ground on a new cutting edge "Wind & Solar Hybrid" Harvesting & Production facility located a short distance southwest of Kingman Arizona. Essentially on the border of Kingman & Golden Valley Arizona, 2 blossoming communities situated in Mohave County. The long over due conversion to environmentally friendy electricity for the nation has already begun.

    And always remember, silence or a vote against clean "Solar & Wind" production is a "Default" vote "In Favor" of more toxic Nuclear & Coal" Plants to be built...But look on the bright side of building more won't have to dunk your hard boils in "Easter Egg Juice" to get that "Radiant Glowing Lime Green" color....

  4. Billrrrr profile image61
    Billrrrrposted 13 years ago

    The resources you refer to have infinite and constant energy.

    They are like the massive aggregations of buffalo that once covered a range that stretched from Canada to Mexico.

    Can they be branded and put in our figurative energy herd? 

    We need lasoos to rope them.  Sadly the cowboy in charge of lariats does not want to issue any. 

    The foreman needs to speak to him about this.  .

    That wrangler  goes by many names - I call him Shell Y Exxon.
    He's also known as B.P. Chevron. 

    By any name, he does not want us to expand our wind/solar/hydro holdings.


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