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I Love Apple in My Life
In the Beginning - The MacIntosh
What i know for sure is that ilove Apple. My love affair with Apple products began with that first little square box - the MacIntosh computer - the first product produced by Apple. i had no idea who either Steve was. At the time that i was pulling that little beige miracle out of the box, my tastes in magazines ran to Glamour and the like, not Times Magazine, so i missed Steve Jobs in his classic cross legged pose. i didn't buy out of ignorance, mind you. i had looked into what the Mac had to offer that the new PC's did not. It had me from the words "user friendly". To be honest, i had no patience with learning to use a PC, it just didn't interest me and Apple said from the beginning that i didn't have to.
When i pulled that computer in a beige cube out of it's box, i could almost hear the blare of "ta-da" in the background as i set it up on my office desk. No one else elected to ask for Apple as their computer of choice and at the time, no one knew anything about sharing. They just wanted me to get the job done and i said the Mac would help me do that.
So, i plugged it into the wall and plugged in the printer, sat down at the keyboard, pulled out the instruction book (yes, there was such a thing at that time) and i was on after a few pages.
Apple - and the two Steves - made it so easy for me. i could only stare in amusement when others complained about their computer difficulties, the classes they needed to take to learn to operate it, the crashes (these were always accompanied by shrieks and moans of agony), and later, the viruses or any number other "ailments." i was immune. My computer downtime was spent learning how to add those cute little graphics that never ceased to amaze me.
The iPod That Changed It All
i must admit, I was myopic. i needed a computer, Apple fulfilled the need. If they made other products at that time, I have no idea what they were. i was only vaguely aware that Steve Jobs left Apple, but it did seem as if there was very little momentum at the company. It was also difficult to get the programs everyone else had access to. Still, i stayed with Apple.
Conversely, i was very aware when Steve Jobs returned to Apple, as was the rest of the world. Shortly, after his return, the new innovations were ready to start rolling out. First there was the ipod. Revolutionary! Everyone now had a way to personalize their music and carry it with them. How futuristic this was to me. Suddenly, Apple wasn't just for the few graphic artists or the diehards like me who continued to buy Apple despite everybody admonishing me and telling me those computers were not compatible with mainstream and that they had very little of market share, therefore they must be inherently inferior. i didn't care; i knew better. i wanted what was easy and i didn't want a degree in computer science just to write a report.
So, i stuck with Apple because i love Apple products. i bought the Macbook (a couple of times), the ipod Nano, and the iphone (a few times). What i have learned along the way is to wait just a bit before i purchase their "next best thing." i prefer not to spend that kind of money just because the newest gadget is on the market. So i wait for "the next best thing" to give me the bells and whistles that i can't do without and i've reached my limit of waiting, then i buy and i continue "my love affair" with all things Apple.
Apple continues to give me what i want in a product, a necessary component when if i love Apple products. With many of the products, i look back and think, "they gave me what i always thought it would be great to have" either in the product itself or in the applications that followed.
Can i live without Apple products? Of course i can, but i love Apple products, so why would i want to? Have they made my life easier (the Mac), have they made my life more enjoyable (the ipod), and have they given me a way to save what's important to me in the event of a disaster (the iCloud)? I have to answer "yes." When i get to it, i think the ipad will be the coolest purchase, yet.
And did i mention, the Apple stock "ain't none to shabby, either." When Steve Jobs introduced the ipod to the world, the stock was somewhere around $28.00 per share. $28.00! Apple stock closed just over $600.00 per share March 19, 2012.
i love Apple products, so here's to Steve Jobs and to Steve Wozniak you revolutionized our gadget world. I am grateful and I thank you for giving me the future.
PS. March 4, 2013. I still love Apple, but I'm waiting for that next big thing. Isn't that so like the fickle public? I am inclined to want to believe they will always be in the forefront of innovation. The forefront of marketing, even. The company can and has taught so much about marketing and bringing a company back from the brink.
At this point I hope there will be a new iPhone in the fall. We just had an update in July, now let's see a new iphone, sleeker and more durable than ever.
So here's to the next big thing from Apple. I'm quietly waiting.
PS. PS. September 7, 2013
Well, there hasn't been the next huge thing from Apple yet, but the newest version of the iPhone is due out in the next few days. Apple has been know to change a few things around, so it's hard to know if we are waiting for the iphone 6 or are we waiting for a new iPhone - just plain ol' iPhone, thank you.
As usual, there are rumors of what this new phone will be all about. Changes to the screen size is one of the things talked about. Also, the composition of the screen and the body itself are high on the list of changes. Since I am a junkie for the fanfare and for the mystic that goes along with the unveiling of Apple's new gadgets, I'm hoping the fanfare will be there along with a sleek new iPhone, regardless of the name, that does not have a bigger screen. I am due for an upgrade, because my phone is now hiding texts from me and who knows what else.
So, the love affair with Apple continues and I can't see an end and I don't want it to settle down into some comfortable rhythm, like wearing an old shoe. I want Apple to continue to dazzle me so that I will always be hungry for more and my love affair will go on.
P.S July 25, 2014
Another September is fast approaching. Another Apple product is due out, maybe. This time its the iPhone 6. Already there are rumors that it will b out late. this new incarnation of the iPhone is purported to be made of indestructible glass front. Welcome news to the clumsy whose iPhones are so attracted to everything hard. So, along with all the other Apple lovers, we wait.
How does Apple stack up with you?
Do you own any Apple products?
© 2012 Cynthia B Turner