Internet Usage Statistics -Global Internet Access Users Total Numbers Growth & World Traffic Trend
Internet is a place of tremendous growth, every day world wide web is being populated with millions of new users, which in numbers are more than human population growth rate of many countries of the world. Internet usage statics or the statistics of the total internet users is being well-documented by many useful statistical sites/companies to record this explosive technical evolution period we are passing through now-certainly its time of major change of the way we used to view our world even 15 years back. To give you a clear picture of the current Internet growth in many technical areas including geographically, I will love share with you some of the important stats of Internet users pattern.
Number of Internet Users:
Upto the end of September 2009, the total number of global Internet users were 1.73 billion-this was a 18% increase than 2008. Asia holds the record of the highest number of Internet users:738 million, the second highest Internet users are European-418 million. The third highest number Internet users live in North America-179 million.
How many emails are sent everyday in our world?
On an average, everyday around 247 billions emails are being transferred over the Net. In 2009 only, over 90 trillion emails have been either received or sent by Internet users. Some other interesting facts are:
- In 2008 total number of emails users were only 1400 millions!
- In 2009, 100-million new email users joined the Internet.
- 81% of the total emails sent were spam!
- In 2009, spam email increased almost 24% in comparison to 2008
- Every day the over 200 billions spam mails are sent
Lesson learned-We love to spam more rather than doing useful work
How many websites are in Internet?
Until December 2009, there were over 230 million websites including my personal three web sites. In 2009, www got flooded with newly added 47 million web sites!
Popular web servers of the web?
Apache server, in 2009, got 13% more visitors than 2008. On the same year, Microsoft’s IIS server popularity decreased significantly, almost 24 % decrease than 2008. On the other hand Google’s GFI got 35 % more site than its previous year’s site hosing record.
How many domain names are there at present?
At the end of 2009, total number of registered .com domain was slightly over than 81.8 million, whereas .net domain was only 12.3 million. The total number of top domain, including country code top domain, was 187 million.
Social Media Statistics 2009:
- Total number of blogs-126 million
- Total number of daily tweets-273million
- 57% Twitter users live in USA
- The most followed Twitter user is Ashton Kutcher (Actor)-4.2 million
- Total facebook users were-350 million
- 50% of the face book users log on to Facebook at least once a day.
Total pictures in Internet in 2009:
- Flicker has almost 4 billion shared pictures
- Every month 2.5 billion photos are uploaded in Facebook
Internet Video Statistics:
- Each day at least one Billion Youtube Videos are watched
- In USA, each month around 12 billion Youtube video are watched
- Every month each Internet user watch 182 Youtube video on each month
- 82% US Internet users watch Youtube
In US, Online Video Market total Youtube market share was 39.4%.
References Sites Used: