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10 Best Mistranslated English-Portuguese Movie Titles

Updated on March 16, 2015

Absurd Portuguese Translation of Hollywood Movie Titles

The 87th Oscars ceremony took place last February, and inspired by the event I decided to put together a list with some of the most nonsensical Portuguese movie titles translations of all times.
Take a quick quiz after the post, and show your cinematographic (and Portuguese) skills!

Taken 3 - Busca Implacável
Taken 3 - Busca Implacável

Some titles are hard to translate to Portuguese, and the translators have to find a title that will match with the story, instead of translating it literally. In this case the literal translation would be Sequestrado, or Raptado.

The Godfather - O Poderoso Chefão
The Godfather - O Poderoso Chefão

This classic 1972 film was titled as O Poderoso Chefão in Brazil, and despite being widely known in the country I bet many Brazilians have no idea what is its original tile.

The Hangover – Se Beber, Não Case!
The Hangover – Se Beber, Não Case!

The title that this movie got in Brazil is nothing but a joke. Ok, it’s a comedy, but “Se Beber, Não Case! “If you drink don’t get married” is a bit of a stretch.

The Sound of Music – A Noviça Rebelde
The Sound of Music – A Noviça Rebelde

One of the most popular musical films of all times, received a poor title choice in Brazil: A Noviça Rebelde" , in English: "The Rebel Novice". Really?

Nowhere Boy – O Garoto de Liverpool
Nowhere Boy – O Garoto de Liverpool

The original title reflects a boy that is not from any place; he doesn't belong to a specific place. But in Brazil they decided he belongs to Liverpool exclusively.

Lost in Translation – Encontros e Desencontros
Lost in Translation – Encontros e Desencontros

This is a title that is literally lost in translation. "Encontros e Desencontros" is the tile tin Portuguese and in this case the literal translation "Perdidos na Tradução" might have been a better choice.

Annie Hall – Noivo Neurótico, Noiva Nervosa Nervosa
Annie Hall – Noivo Neurótico, Noiva Nervosa Nervosa

One of Wooddy Allen’s most famous movie, "Annie Hall", got its title translated in Brazil to: "Noivo Neurótico, Noiva Nervosa Nervosa". "Neurotic Groom, Nervous Bride". I agree that Woody characther is a neurotic but this title is bad, isn't it?

We’re the Millers – Familia do Bagulho
We’re the Millers – Familia do Bagulho

This one is hilarious! Translating the title of a comedy in which one of the characters is a pot dealer is not easy, so the translators had an amazing(?) idea to use wordplay and the title became: "Família do Bagulho" (bagulho = pot)

Shane – Os Brutos Também Amam
Shane – Os Brutos Também Amam

This classic Western film from 1953 received a resonant and corny title: “The rude also love” in Portuguese "Os Brutos Também Amam"

The Graduate - A Primeira Noite de um Homem
The Graduate - A Primeira Noite de um Homem

Dustin Hoffman debut movie received the suggestive title in Portuguese: "A Primeira Noite de um Homem, or “The First Night of a Man”. Even if that would be true, (it's only implied in the movie), the title spoils the movie a bit.


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