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10 Best Travel Places In 2018

Updated on November 20, 2022
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The creator of MyAmazingContent, a blog where I share my knowledge of blogging, social media, and content creation

Preparing To Travel Internationally

Things You Must Do Before Traveling Internationally

The key to traveling is being prepared. The first thing you want to do is create a bucket list to be sure you have your bases covered. You want to be organized with the information you will need. Use small zipper compartments for organizing information. Keep them separate from your main luggage.

  • Make sure your passport and visa are up to date
    Most countries require that your passport be valid up to six months after the date of returning. According to the State Department, you must renew your visa nine months before it is set to expire. Check the expiration date now to be sure that you are within the boundaries of your expiration date.
  • When applying for a "NEW VISA" be sure to allow 6 weeks for processing.
  • Be sure to photocopy your passport and visa papers and pack them separately.

Be Aware of Warnings and Advisories

  • Check for travel warnings and advisories
    Make sure the weather is permitting travel. Travel Insurance is not valid under certain weather circumstances.

Get Vaccinations, Documentations, and Prescriptions

  • Get vaccinations and prescriptions filled

    Get your medications filled beforehand. Check with your local physician and explain that you will be traveling so he can prescribe 3-month prescriptions for you.

    Go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website to verify that you are up to date on all vaccinations for the location you wish to travel. Requirements for vaccinations are different in all countries.

Register Your Trip

  • Register your trip
    One option is to register online. In case of an emergency, the US will know how to contact you.

Get Your Wallet Ready

  • Get Your Wallet Ready

    Choose a couple of credit cards to take with you. In case of theft or lost, copy down the credit card numbers and the contact numbers and keep the list in a separate place so when you call to report it you have your information handy.

Purchase Travelers Insurance

  • Purchase travelers insurance

    Your medical insurance may not cover you while traveling. Small, inexpensive policies are available when traveling, get a few quotes before taking off on your trip.

Pack Appropriately

  • Pack appropriately

    Do not bring valuables with you. If possible bring "Travelers Checks". It is easier to trace in case of theft.

    Remember to take your cell phone charger, camera, video camera and clothes appropriate for the country you are traveling to.

The 10 Best Places to Travel in 2018!

At least the 10 best epic places to put on your bucket list for 2018!

1. New Zealand

The eighth wonder of the world? New Zealand is filled with adventure sports, epic scenery from the Lord of the Rings films, but New Zealand has plenty of unique but lesser-known experiences for travelers. New Zealand, located in the South Pacific has a long history of invention and innovation.

2. China

China, one of the world's most popular countries, beautiful and full of mystery! Since 2016, China has opened extensive new high-speed rail tracks, creating the largest HSR network on Earth. Běijīng’s imperial palace – the Forbidden City – has been upgraded in the past few years, and four previously restricted halls are now open to the public. China is definitely a place to put on your bucket list.

3. South Africa

This year the country’s many attractions will be bolstered by ‘Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018: Be the Legacy’, an official programme of events – some sporting, some educational, others devoted to the arts – aimed at honoring the legendary leader.

The theme is to inspire values-based societies, with exhibitions related to transparency, service, respect, passion and integrity. So with more to see than ever, and favorable exchange rates offering great value, 2018 is a phenomenal year to visit South Africa.

4. Mauritius

This brochure-perfect island idyll is justly famous for its dazzling sapphire seas and luxurious beach resorts, where the watery fun includes coral reef dives, kitesurfing, sea kayaking and lagoon cruises. A gorgeous place for water sports and diving.

5. Georgia

This is a country of ancient recipes cooked up in tucked-away taverns where toastmasters raise glasses of spirits to honor heroes old and new.

It’s so proud of its wine region that airport immigration officials often welcome travelers with a bottle of red along with their stamped passports. Georgia is great for wine tasting and a wonderful place to see.

6. Malta

The long history of this Mediterranean archipelago is vividly evident. This tiny nation’s buzz has been building to a crescendo in preparation for Valletta’s stint as European Capital of Culture for 2018. Expect baroque, pop and international film festivals, plus a contemporary art biennial. You will be busy as ever trying to see the attractions and movies.

7. Djibouti

An intoxicating culture, beaches and incredible whale shark diving, and you have even more reasons to visit, or ride the brand new train, to witness Mother Nature at her best
in 2018.

8. Portugal

Portugal positioned neighboring Spain, capturing the spotlight as a epic hub for art, culture, and cuisine. A cluster of artfully designed museums have opened in the past two years,

9. South Korea

South Korea is a compact playground of Asian modernity. High-rises soar in the futuristic capital city, Seoul, which in 2017 received a huge facelift with the opening of its new Seoul-lo 7017, a high-line park with cafes, bars, and libraries along with a disused elevated highway. Not to mention, the Olympics happening as we speak. Record-breaking awards being giving and more so ever a place to visit right now!

10. Chile

Landscapes stretch over a 4300km stretch: parched dunes, fertile valleys, volcanoes, ancient forests, massive glaciers including fjords. There's wonder in every detail and nature on a symphonic scale.

Favorite Country to Visit

Which Country is Next On Your Bucket-List?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Elizabeth J Neal


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