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55 Reasons to Love Florida

Updated on January 23, 2015

Mickey and Minnie Mouse - Disney World

Faith with Mickey and MInnie Mouse at Disney World
Faith with Mickey and MInnie Mouse at Disney World | Source

The Sunshine State...

There are obviously many more than 55 reasons to love Florida. What's not to love about a state that's surrounded by the pristine waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico? Florida is a haven for beach lovers of all ages.

Florida is the hottest state in the Union! And I'm not just talking about the weather. The residents are some fine looking people. Why wouldn't we be? We could practically tan year-round, using sunscreen, of course. There are plenty of nature trails, beaches and parks to take long walks and keep in shape.

You can feel the love whether you live in the state, visited once or many times, you previously lived and moved away, or you've never been to Florida.

One way or another you surely heard of the Orange State. Florida is a mecca for palm trees, sandy white beaches, family vacations, honeymoons or retirees. A major bonus is that you don't have to move when you retire since you'll already be a resident.

Did you know that Florida is the only state with Southern and Northern Rednecks? I reckon, y'all know that now.

Chances are at least once in a lifetime the majority of you have been to Florida. If you ever leave Florida, don't be surprised when you come back. Florida is like a magnet, it attracts people from all over the world.

Have you ever been to Florida? If not, what are you waiting for? Add it to your bucket list and come enjoy some Florida sunshine...

Florida Sandhill Cranes

Florida Sandhill Cranes
Florida Sandhill Cranes | Source

Florida has so much to offer...

I've lived in Florida since 1986 and I consider it home. When I transplanted to Orlando from Long Island and there was never a chance of me turning back.

Where else could you find a bear in your back yard? Where else could you drive a couple of miles from your home and have a chance to see cows, deer, alligators or sandhill cranes?

OK, maybe you could in other states, but Florida has the best weather. Granted you might not like the warm temperatures and the humidity, but I do.

Below I list 55 reasons to love Florida. If you have a few reasons I didn't mention please post yours in the comment section at this end of this article...

Splash Pads are available most of the year due to warm temperatures
Splash Pads are available most of the year due to warm temperatures | Source

55 Reasons to love the Sunshine State

  1. Disney World - Seaworld - Epcot - Universal Orlando Wizarding World Of Harry Potter
  2. The Everglades which are about six inches under sea level
  3. Key West where Ernest Hemingway's novels were born
  4. No snow tires are ever required
  5. Cape Canaveral - Kennedy Space Center - Shuttle or rocket launches, if you are lucky enough you could view the take-offs from your front yard. I've been lucky
  6. Nascar - Daytona 500
  7. FSU Seminoles - UF Gators - UCF Knights - Miami Hurricanes College Football
  8. Miami Dolphins - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Jacksonville Jaguars NFL Football
  9. Ocala National Forest for hunting, camping, hiking
  10. John Travolta and Burt Reynolds call Florida home
  11. Horse Farms to pet, ride, race or visit
  12. Orange groves - lots of vitamin C
  13. Homestead tomatoes - rich in potassium
  14. Orlando Magic - Miami Heat NBA basketball
  15. Miami Beach - Palm Beach - Gulf Coast - plenty of pristine beaches
  16. Florida is surrounded by water, you'll never go thirsty
  17. Daytona Beach Bike Week
  18. University of Central Florida - 2nd largest college via enrollment
  19. Florida SUNSHINE
  20. Year round Yard Sales and Flea Markets
  21. Gator bites - The alligator is the state reptile, but they still taste like chicken
  22. Juan Ponce De Leon was once here, in 1513. Thank you Juan for discovering Florida
  23. Orange Blossom flowers
  24. Sabal Palmetto trees
  25. Strawberry - Corn Festivals
  26. Florida Sandhill Crane birds who stroll around my neighborhood daily and they like to shop yard sales (see photo)
  27. Tiger Woods and Arnold Palmer live, work and play golf in Florida
  28. Palm trees are decorated for the Christmas holiday
  29. The Panhandle - Northwest FL area of lush greens and beautiful beaches
  30. Florida Manatees - large marine animals also known as sea cows
  31. Mount Dora is the highest point in the state with exquisite boutiques
  32. Waterparks are open year round
  33. Boy bands originated in Orlando
  34. Florida's residents are a hodgepodge of the other 49 states
  35. Has cities named Titusville and Kissimmee. Enough said.
  36. The Seminole Indians tribe resides here. In homes, not tepee's.
  37. Seminole Hard Rock Casino
  38. Tallahassee was the only confederate capital not captured by the Union Forces
  39. MLB Spring Training camps...Batter up!
  40. Country Superstar Tim McGraw was conceived in Jacksonville...Thanks Tug & Betty!
  41. Legoland Theme Park
  42. St Augustine is the nation's oldest city with the historic fort Castillo de San Marcos
  43. Silver Springs Ocala - Nature's Theme Park with glass bottomed boats
  44. Weeki Wachee Springs - Home of the World Famous Mermaids
  45. Surfing at Cocoa Beach
  46. Dolphins which are the state's saltwater mammal
  47. XL 106.7 (pop/rock music) and K92 FM (country music) are the best radio stations in Orlando
  48. The employees of Florida Hospital East Orlando
  49. Seasons: Long, warm summers, no fall, mild winters and splendid short springs
  50. Blue Springs - Wechiva Springs - Salt Springs - DeLeon Springs - Rock Springs
  51. Florida Panther which was chosen in 1982 by a vote of students throughout the state.
  52. You could drive east/west across the state from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf Coast in under 3 hours
  53. The only natural disasters we have are hurricanes and Casey Anthony!
  54. Country singers, Jake Owen - Tracy Lawrence and 1/2 of Florida Georgia Line hail from Florida
  55. Hot summer nights...flip-flops, shorts and tank tops

Now don't y'all want to visit Florida?

Country singer Jake Owen was born in Florida and grew up in Vero Beach.

Have you ever been to Florida?

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© 2012 Linda Bilyeu


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