Broken Homes: Abandoned, Forgotten
Sights I passed in the night
A Sad State of Affairs
Driving through the dark of night
Passing abandoned and weathered buildings
Long ago forsaken
For loftier goals or
Shameful departure
Windows broken, shattered
As, perhaps, the lives who once called these sad structures
Forlorn, empty, alone
Exposed for all who pass to stare
At failure, a loss of hope
Standing against the wind
Baked by midday sun
Buffeted by dusty devils
And passing automobiles.
We glance, and look again
As ‘there but for fortune’ thoughts
Spring to the forefront of our consciousness
Windows gaze back in mute acceptance
Doors ajar, once welcoming friend and family
Wild growth spreads along walkways and stair steps
Where once, children skipped.
Puppies yipped, kittens slept.
Desert house
Awaiting the return of familiar faces
Friendly voices
Excited chirping of happiness
As visitors approach and dwellers await.
Another day is about to begin
Another chance at a new beginning
Where Hope springs eternal
Perhaps today…..