Queen Marie of Romania and Her Coronation in Transylvania.

Alba Iluia and A Queen? A link?
A Queen Of Romania and A City in Tranyslvania
One member of the extended British Royal and Russian Imperial Family, earned fame as a Queen of another country: Queen Maria of Romania. She was crowned Queen in the city of Alba Iulia in 1922 after the end of the First World War. In 1919 Romania gained Transylvania from the Kingdom of Hungary.
Maria, was born in England and her mother was Grand Duchess Marie of Russia and her father was Prince Alfred of Great Britain, the second son of Queen Victoria. Marie was sixteen when she and crown prince Ferdinand of Romania were engaged. In all they would have six children together.
It was not until the First World War that Marie gained her claim to fame, where she was instrumental in getting Romania to fight alongside Russia, England and France. The King and Queen of Romania were German born as was her husband and after the death of King Carol I Romania declared War on Germany and Austria. She was also instrumental at gaining Transylvania for Romania during the Paris peace talks, Alba Iulia being part of Transylvania.
The City is called by many names: Alba Iulia (Romanian), Erdel Belgradi (Turkish), Gyulafehérvár (Hungarian) and Karlsburg/Weißenburg (German). For some reason when I think of Transylvania I associate this city with Queen Maria.
For a time this city was the seat of the Principality of Transylvania. It is historically significant for the Romanian and Hungarian population of Romania. It is one of the most beautiful cities that can trace it history back to the Romans. Ptolemy even mentions this area, possibly this city in his writings, but under a different name. Some of the ruins in the area date back to the Romans as well, and one of the ancient fortresses I can imagine being home to the Roman and Dacian legions
Michael the Brave united Transylvania in 1600 to Wallachia and to Moldova, thus for a time, the three areas of the future Romania were under one ruler. Hungary would use this city as its seat of power, in Transylvania.

Queen Marie and World War I: the power of Her Beauty Gained Romania Transylvania
My most fondest historical fact I can only imagine. It is the year 1918, and the First World War had ended, The people from Transylvania have gone to Alba Iluia to meet there to discuss the fate of Transylvania. The Saxons, the Romanians, and other minorities of Transylvania met there to discuss and eventually agree to unification with Romania. The notable dissenters are the Hungarian minority.
I say this because it must have been one amazing site, the horses, the people, the speeches, the declaration. There this group would vote to unite with the Kingdom of Romania, and not be a part of Hungary. The only people who voted against this were the Hungarians of Transylvania.
This uniting with Romania would happen in 1919. A new church was built called the church of the Reunification. There King Ferdinand and Queen Maria of Romania were crowned as rulers of Greater Romania. This was in recognition of Michael the Brave, who had entered the city in 1599. For many of the peoples of Transylvania the crowning in the area, promised a new beginning for the city.
It would be another historical event that the city had in its history. I am certain that Queen Maria did this for a purpose, to prove to the people of Transylvania that the Romanian royalty was a part of their lives.
She also had several castles in Transylvania, but by having the crowning in Alba Iluia was a wise decision. I believe though she was a wise person who knew how significant to the people of Greater Romania this would be. The first time in hundreds of years that Transylvania was a part of Wallachia and Moldova, part of Greater Romania. Micheal the brave was the last prince to unite the three provinces together and that was for only a year in 1600.
Another person who influenced and gave his name to the city was Charles, Holy Roman Emperor. In the German it is called Karlsburg in honor of him. He was not the most influential of the people but he did give his name to the city. In fact it is likely that he didn't even see the city named in his honor. Charles, would have been Austrian Emperor but at the time, Austria had nominal control of Transylvania, not what would become Romania.
Transylvania was a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, but culturally it had many Romanians living in the area. When Romania joined forces with the allies, it was partly because of Queen Marie's influence that this happened. It was also because of her that Transylvania became a part of Romania.
I want to see the city for its history and also for its links to Royalty. The upper city fascinates me the most. It will be on my list of places I'll see in Transylvania. I intend to see this wonderful city soon, as well as hundreds of others in Transylvania.