Best food around
The food is great, the views are awesome and of course the beer is always cold! Have you ever eaten steamed crabs loaded with Old Bay, have you fried fresh fish out of the bay?? No you say, well come to the Eastern Shore of Maryland and enjoy all these fine foods! We also have the best breakfast food around its called scrapple! I won't tell you what its made of but trust me its delicious! Of course we also have the ever famous Smith Island cake, yummy! We also have oysters in the winter time, I haven't found any pearls yet but the juicy oysters are to die for! Also I cant forget those yummy fried soft crabs!
Parades,prison and Ocean City
Around here we have a parade for every holiday, Easter, Christmas and Labor Day! We also are home to a prison, scary you say, not our prison, we have prisoners who build the best parade float every year, its always a crowd pleaser! We are also the home to Ocean City, where we can go sun bathe on the beach, eat Thrashers fries and caramel popcorn, ride wild rides and just people watch! Its an awesome place to live!
Unique Boats
Have you ever seen a Skipjack sailing or watched boat docking? Both are an awesome sight to see! Every Labor day we have a Skipjack festival and a Crab Derby! Both of these festivals have Queens, one is Miss Skipjack and the other is Miss Crustacean! I know not your average queen names but yes we do have them! We also have a Skipjack race every year, these boats are powered by sails and if the wind isn't blowing it makes for a very long race! We also are the home to the oldest ,still sailing,still working his boat ,Skipjack Captain!! How many of you can say you know a 94 year old Captain!!
Crazy weather
Here on the Eastern Shore our weather changes daily, the old timers have a saying that if you don't like the weather just stay around a day it will change! We have small town stores where everyone knows who you are and you can't ride down the road with out someone waving to you! At the end of the harbor where you have to turn around or swim home there is a country store who's saying is "it may seem like the end of the world, but you can see it from here!"
Home Sweet Home
If your ever bored with the big city life and you want to come to a place where the pace is slow, the people are friendly and the food is awesome, take a trip to the Eastern Shore of Maryland! The best time to visit is in the summer when you can sit back and eat some fresh fried fish, hot steamed crabs and sweet Smith Island cake!! You may get the chance to meet some royalty or just sit back and say hello to the oldest Skipjack Captain! The locals will be sure to make you feel at home and to tell you a story you will never forget! So the next time you want to take a vacation away from a fast paced life come see us!