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Scotland - The Old Manse of Bourtie

Updated on February 8, 2013
The Old Manse of Bourtie showing off it's magical energy field.
The Old Manse of Bourtie showing off it's magical energy field. | Source

The OId Manse of Bourtie is remarkable and should be a Scottish national treasure...The place is such an accurate step back in time. It was built in 1744 and on the remaining 5 acres there is still a complete walled garden, a wild bluebell field, wild pheasants roaming the yard like chickens, ancient trees, beautiful sculptures hidden throughout... and so much old earth magic.

I love this picture... they are the most wonderful people...
I love this picture... they are the most wonderful people... | Source

Marian Youngblood and Keiji own and live in the Georgian home which they have preserved. They heat with the multiple fireplaces, cook on a wood stove which also heats water in pipes which lead to both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms. This piping system is amazingly ingenious as it gives additional warmth to the house while providing warm water where it is needed. The staircases, the stone walls, the windows, the floors, the doors are all authentic and very beautiful.

The little sign to their home.
The little sign to their home. | Source
The entrance to their driveway.
The entrance to their driveway. | Source
Ok, we are almost there, one more corner.
Ok, we are almost there, one more corner. | Source
What a beautiful home.
What a beautiful home. | Source
The doorway to an amazing adventure.
The doorway to an amazing adventure. | Source

Our hosts were extremely gracious and it was a wonderful experience.

Keiji is like Gary and they found much in common and lots to talk about. The two of them went off to look at the mechanics of the house which are so completely amazing.

Marian and I on the other hand could hardly contain ourselves while we explored all of the natural features on the property. We talked of energy and trees and spirits and crystal portals and stone circles and the Picit people.

Come to find out she is an expert in all of these arenas as well as an activist in returning Scotland back to the “wild”. She showed me a treed hillside in the far distance. “I bought that property so very long ago and planted wild...with trees and other wild plants. The adjacent farmers at the time couldn’t understand why I would do such a plumb dumb thing. In fact they often were very angry with me and confused. The land is now alive - it has grown and the wild life have returned - and it has positively influenced the parcels around it. Now that the land has returned to a state of wildness those same farmers are seeing an advantage and are doing the same - planting trees. In fact there is a movement in Scotland to replant it, to bring back the wildness. Did you know we no longer have wolves? The last was shot by the prince of England.” I’ve posted a link below to her blog site.

Imagine seeing wild pheasants hanging around your home?
Imagine seeing wild pheasants hanging around your home? | Source
Can you find this silly bird?
Can you find this silly bird? | Source
There he goes!
There he goes! | Source
Every where we looked we saw beauty... near the window
Every where we looked we saw beauty... near the window | Source
... hanging on the wall
... hanging on the wall | Source the garden.  This is Marian's Crystal Table. the garden. This is Marian's Crystal Table. | Source
One of Keiji's many sculptures.
One of Keiji's many sculptures. | Source
A passageway to an amazing place.
A passageway to an amazing place. | Source
The door to the walled garden... can you hardly wait to open it?
The door to the walled garden... can you hardly wait to open it? | Source
Beautiful blue bells,
Beautiful blue bells, | Source
hidden art work,
hidden art work, | Source
sculptures, | Source
and birds singing - trust me there were so many songs a singing!
and birds singing - trust me there were so many songs a singing! | Source
The trees were amazing.  It seemed that they could move if you weren't watching them closely.
The trees were amazing. It seemed that they could move if you weren't watching them closely. | Source
The church was across the street from the home.  A funny thing was that they had their own pew.  It seems that the church seating was granted by property ownership... The Old Manse of Bourtie had the best seats in the house.
The church was across the street from the home. A funny thing was that they had their own pew. It seems that the church seating was granted by property ownership... The Old Manse of Bourtie had the best seats in the house. | Source
As with most churches one must cross through the cemetery to get to it.  Also you can't see it in this photo but some of the stones to build the church were taken from the Kirktie of Bourtie Stone Circle.
As with most churches one must cross through the cemetery to get to it. Also you can't see it in this photo but some of the stones to build the church were taken from the Kirktie of Bourtie Stone Circle. | Source

After diner the guys continued their mechanical journey and Marion and I went upstairs to a cozy fire light living room and held the ceremony. We had initially wanted to hold it on her crystal table out in the garden... but for me the room was perfect. Candles and fireplace flickering, thick stone walls and amazing energy.

The house energy allowed me to sleep so well ... I dreamt about everything - it was great.

The next morning after breakfast Marion and I went out and sat near her crystal table - we did some ceremonial prayers and then I played the Cedar Tree Song - music which Beaverchief, Mark Nichols and I created so long ago. It rang out throughout the hill side and was amazing. Marian was kind enough to say that she thought the music had awakened the old soul of Scotland again.

Beaverchief, Mark Nichols and Barbara Leischner so long ago.
Beaverchief, Mark Nichols and Barbara Leischner so long ago. | Source

A post script... Marian sent me a note, thought everyone would like to read "why" her Neighbours were really mad that she replanted wild.

Marian Youngblood....
"The reason why the Neighbours were so anti my planting that wilderness
on the 'hill' [I didn't pay to have it planted; I just personally
planted one quarter and got a grant to pay for a helper to plant the
rest .... was that in allowing it to go back to nature, it encouraged (my)
resident foxes/wildcat to prey on their neighboring sheep - not often,
but that was their fear. they expected me to shoot it/them. I would
pretend to look into it & then refused to let a gun in. !!! In 22
years I now see that not only do they no longer raise sheep, but in
planting their own neighbor/additional trees - we are consolidating
that little enclave of the earth together AND the foxes/wildcat have
kindly decimated the rabbit population which caused an imbalance
anyway (eating my wee trees and their spring growing barley crops).
Redressed the balance. That in itself is reward enough. Plus it is now
technically an outpost of Scotland's regenerating Caledonian pine
Forest - see


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