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Travel: Get out of Your House and Get Recharged

Updated on October 11, 2018
Vvitta profile image

I tutor students in the English Language and English Literature at A Levels. I also help students with their college applications.

Just So Tired


We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

The minute we suggest the need to travel to anyone, the automatic response seems to be excuses. The most common excuses seem to be, “It will take too much time. It will cost too much. It will disrupt my daily schedule. Who will take care of my house” and the list goes on. The truth about most of us is that we are afraid of change. This is the reality. We like the way things are and we refuse to do any activity that will make a mess of our well-oiled and well-programmed daily schedule. Many of us to live with the ignorant belief that we are indispensable; that the world will come to a standstill if we are not in it. When I put it that way, it sounds pretty ridiculous doesn’t it? Nobody is indispensible and we all should make room for a little ‘ME’ time once in a while. I truly believe that when we return to take our place in in the space we left behind, we will be better in every way; mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually.

Let’s Talk About Why We Should Rather Than Why We Shouldn’t

It is so easy to think of a million reasons why we should not make any plans to leave our homes and travel. After all, home is the place we crawl into at the end of the day, a place where toss our work related items aside, get into our worn out comfort clothes and get some rest. It is a place where we recharge and get ready to function the next day. Unfortunately, what may seem fantastic on paper might turn out to be the beginning of a rut. The routine of doing the same thing daily can be a source of dissatisfaction, resentment and unhappiness. We need to break these established routines one in a while to achieve happiness.

When we spend so much time focused on making money and providing for our loved ones, we run the risk of being overworked and as a result suffer from stress related diseases. Hence, it is crucial to have a balance in life between work and play. Of course, most of us have some sort of hobbies, gym membership or other forms of recreational activities that could constitute as paly but as many of us know, sometimes, play in itself can become a chore. We keep an eye on the clock and note if it is time to leave for the gym, we feel ‘lazy’ and give excuses why we should not go for a jog today and somewhere along the line play too has become work. His is when you should consider travel.

Although travel needs a little planning, it can be done. Once you make up your mind that you want to travel, your main obstacle is over. From this point on it merely, deciding on a budget and looking for a place to go. Keep in mind that travel need not only be to far off lands, it can be to the National Park within your own region. Use your imagination and the Internet and you are bound to find something that suits your budget and your interests. You will also have to decide if you want to do this alone or with your family/ friends. There are no real rules in this. If you need some time alone without your family and friends, let it be known. There might be some initial protests but eventually when they realize that this is for your well being, they will accept it.

Let's Take A Break


What Are The Benefits Of Travelling?

Travelling has numerous benefits and will definitely provided the much needed balance between work and play.

Travelling Allows Us To Unwind And Rest

When we travel we are separated from work tensions and stress. How many of us are really separated from work when we try to rest at home? We bring briefcases full of work home and try to do more. We even wake up in the middle of the night to complete work. Some of us even put in an hour or two of work before rushing to the office. Our mobile phones are constantly ringing with our bosses on the other end making more demands on us. The list never stops. Now imagine if you are away and cannot be reached. Bliss.

When we don’t bring our work home, do we really rest? I, for one, need to cook and clean and potter around the house straightening this and that. I get angry with the kids for making a mess of the house, not doing their chores and end up feeling resentful that I have to do it all. I feel like a martyr and I hate it.

When we travel, and if we stay in nice hotels, the everyday responsibilities of cooking and cleaning are taken care of and this allows us to truly rest and relax. We are no longer governed by the clock and do things at our own pace. When we travel with the family, there is hardly any need to shout and scream; instead there is a chance to rebuild relationships away from the home front.

Sheer Bliss


Travelling Puts Life Into Perspective

When we travel with our family we come to realize what is truly important in our lives. Away from the responsibility of work, school and mundane tasks, travelling allows family members to bond and communicate in a non-stressful atmosphere. It is a very competitive world out there and as parents push our children to excel. We do not want them pushed to the sidelines because of mediocrity. Hence, we rush them from tuition centers to tuition centers hoping that they do well academically. Many of us end up not really knowing our children and spouses. We hardly have any real conversations with them and heart to heart chats seem to take too much time. Such is the sad state of affairs in many homes. Spending time together outside the home helps put into perspective the importance of the people in our lives. Without the distraction of work, school and home, we can give the people we love the time and attention they deserve. They are the most important aspect of our lives and this, we should never forget. Work and school are to help us have a better life but it should never be our lives.

Family Fun


Travelling As A Reward For Hard Work

When travelling is seen as a reward for hard work, if validates the time and effort that we put into our jobs and other responsibilities. All too often resentment builds when we feel that we are not appreciated for the things we do. We look on to others to give us a pat on the back, the increment, the promotion or the bonus, simply to tell us that we are appreciated. Unfortunately, we often feel that we deserve more than we get. To this scenario, I say, “Reward yourself.” If you feel that you have worked hard and deserve a reward, do if yourself. Of course, if someone else was paying for it, that would be great but if that does not seem to be coming, give yourself the gift of travel. It can be see as a prize that we give ourselves. Instead of waiting for others to appreciate your hard work, pay yourself first. Pack your bags and get out!

You Deserve This


Travelling Gets You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

When you travel, the range of your experiences is unimaginable. If you are out camping or travelling to a wellness retreat, you will earn new experiences. This will enrich you. It will allow you to see yourself in a different light and you may even want to make some changes in your life. If you are fortunate enough to be able to travel overseas, you will be exposed to different cultures and languages. Renew your driving license, rent a car and drive down the countryside. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and give your senses free reign. Mix with the locals and you will truly have an unforgettable experience. It is these experiences that will enrich you and make you a better person. There is so much beauty out there that is akin to food for the soul. We all need this once in a while, to recharge, rethink and renew.


Travelling Opens Doors To Future Business Undertakings

This is sometimes a byproduct of travelling. During our travels we meet so many different people for all over the world. These can open doors and provide business opportunities. Travelling also allows us to see ourselves in a different light. What we do and how we live is but a small speck in the universe. There are so many opportunities out there just waiting for us; new friendships to be made and new beginnings, to think about. When we are out of our comfort zone we are usually more willing to listen, learn and be inspired by others.

Friendship Opens Doors


The Right Balance

There must be a right balance between work and play. To many of us work too hard and put off taking a break and spending time with our families. Sometimes will say that we are resting at home but end up doing things that somehow seems like work. Travelling provides the much need balance as if forces us to leave our comfort zone and experience something new. It will rejuvenate our senses and do wonders to our wellbeing. 

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